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Posts posted by pfezziwig

  1. The Conservatives are hardly good for the debt either, having run the biggest debts in Canadian history the last few years, those jet plane costs are out of control too.

    There's only one cure for fiscally irresponsible spending and unsustainable greed...that's bankruptcy.

    California, Greece, the UK, Ontario all saw the train wreck coming but couldn't do anything about it because the majority of people support unsustainable spending all over the world. It will happen in Canada eventually, it will just take longer because we are a resource rich country, the oil sands will prolong it a number of years, but it's unavoidable.

    Can anyone site an example of a country proactively avoiding debt crisis? Do you really think the majority of Canadian voters are smarter than the people of California and the UK? With the size of our public sector increased spending is the only option, no one can oppose it and the majority of voters.

  2. In the weeks leading up to the election I got the impression from mainstream media like the CBC that there wasn't a single person willing to publically support the Conservatives and everyone nationwide adored the NDP.

    After winning a majority how can we give the media any credibility on reporting political news? The ndp won in quebec, not the rest of canada, they're still a glorified union lobby group. Is there any unbiased and objective journalist left in Canada or is this really what sells nowadays?

    This seems to explain to apparent need for a 'fox news north', even those in the center find it disgusting. I suspect the CBC wil lose even more viewers to the so called 'fox news north', paralleling the election results.

  3. By the physical metal and I would suggest buying silver, I am expecting higher gains from silver then gold, silver outperformed gold last year and it is still trading well below all time highs where gold is trading above.

    Great call with the silver. Do you think its worth getting into after this big drop the past week?

    I went for energy stocks the past few months and have been doing quite well even after this recent dip. Thinking of expanding my exposure to the stock market further with silver. Seems to be an effort to create a bear market but the market won't allow it, profits look good and will be next quarter too?

  4. There's only one solution to global warming and ironically the environmentalist oppose it....nuclear. After 40 years of wind and solar failing to supply us enough power you'ld think nuclear would be more popular, guess they need another 40 years to figure this out, hopefully the planet will survicve long enough for them to swallow their pride and put the environment ahead of their own fanatical beliefs.

  5. Who cares about reasons for oils price rises. Invest in Western Canadian's oil sector, then you'll cheer when the media mention their latest reason for rising oil prices, I hope the middle east blows up, I'll make a fortune then with my stable and secure canadian oil producers.

  6. It's great to hear from a politician that is trying to propose we live within our means, its so easy to try and satisfy everyone by stealing from the future to do so. Cheap shots about teachers and hospital staff are fear mongering by unions and selfish bozos that care nothing about the impending bankruptcy of the nation and the collapse of the social safety net, just short term greed.

  7. Translation: I know almost nothing about science, but my religious convictions are such that I'll mock scientific theories anyways.

    If life began in primordial ooze spontaneously why can't 'believers' use modern science to duplicate this result in a lab? That would be the normal scientific method of proving a 'scientific theory', this theory has as much proof as the exisitence of God.

  8. THE BRICK countries are booming, no troubles there. Their idea of bad economic times is 4% growth, that would be a boomtime here in north america.

    You need to stop looking at Canada and the USA as an indicator of global economic health, they're going nowheres for the next 50 years with their deficit spending attitudes.

  9. ...I'd go by Warren Buffett's tip: "sell when others are buying, buy when others are selling". Right now, the market is probably going to keep on heading up as the world continues to recover from the little economic dip. But, that's what everyone is counting on, and so stocks are valued accordingly. The real time to buy was when everyone was panicking and selling during the depths of the recession

    I agree, but there is a consensus stocks are going up the next 6-12 months, who wants to wait 2 years before investing. I got in last month (Canadian oil and bank stock) and have no regrets...so far ! A lot better than leaving it in the bank or gic's.

    I am starting to hear talk of Canadian stocks are in the begining of a Super Cycle, our natural resources will be in great demand for the next 10 years, doesn't take a fortune tellar to predict that, the BRICK countries can afford to pay top dollar now too.

  10. Why complain about it, we all know its going to be much more in the future?

    Here's one solution to those who constantly whine about higher gas prises, buy some stock in the oil sector, I did recently and am making money each time the price of oil goes up, bring on $150/barrel oil, I'll make a fortune then.

  11. Nothing like being preached to by scientists who believe the universe began with a big bang, prior to which they magically believe the universe did not exist, and afterwards life magically formed in some primordial ooze, all of which they have no evidence to support, who's really the religious zealot?

  12. If fluoride is bad than what is chlorine doing to our bodies and yet they say they need there to kill bacteria and I wonder why they haven't they kept up with the tech world by using other methods. The PUC in our area used so much chlorine , that we have to run the water for 5 minutes to get the smell out and then one here drinkis the water, only bottled. http://www.best-water-filter-guide.com/chlorine-in-drinking-water.html

    Chlorine is another legacy of ancient health care standards and reflects Canada's glacial pace of developing new standards of healthcare. UV treated and regular salt water pools are catching on, maybe next century Health Canada will figure that one out too, let's give them another 50 years to figure out the Chlorie issue first, don't want to strain their resources....

  13. I must confess that the Chretian/Martin Liberals look a lot more fiscally conservative than Harper's Conservatives, I will vote liberal next election, Harper's convervatives had made it pretty clear they are not serious about the deficit and government expansion for the next 4 years. Sure is hard to admit this and vote Liberal, I suppose the Conservative's are counting on that.


  14. I must confess that the Chretian/Martin Liberals look a lot more fiscally conservative than Harper's Conservatives, I will vote liberal next election, Harper's convervatives had made it pretty clear they are not serious about the deficit and government expansion for the next 4 years. Sure is hard to admit this and vote Liberal, I suppose the Conservative's are counting on that.

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