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Posts posted by punked

  1. Context. Viet Nam was pretty bloody, actually. Over 50,000 US dead over the entire war. Millions dead on the Communist side.


    It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

    ---Lesley Gore

    That is my point Context. One life or 50 000 if the war is right in the first place then it will continue. The deaths put it in context for us. This is not right so one death is enough in a fight that is pointless.

    If it was 50 000 deaths then you would want out? So those 100 men aren't your stopping point? Well the first guy was mine.

  2. 100 dead...

    One volley from one French regiment at Waterloo.

    One landing craft sunk at Juno Beach.

    One large artillery shell impact at Ypres.

    One torpedo hit on a troop ship crossing the Atlantic.

    One 500 kilo bomb strike in central London during the Blitz.

    One minute tommygun fight during the Battle of Stalingrad.

    Eight plus years of service in Afghanistan.


    The goggles...they do nothing!

    ---Rainier Wolfcastle: The Simpsons

    Your point? Vietnam was less deaths then

    One Nuke on Japan

    ONE DEAD IS ENOUGH FOR THIS GUY. That is the one that counts. Stop trying to justifying deaths by making it seem insignificant. I love our troops bring them home, and when we enter a battle that is our battle to fight I will sign up and go with them.

  3. Pandering to Quebec is not what Quebec Federalists want. That's what the separatists want.. Quebec Federalists want to be treated like every other province. Harper should forget he BQ and listen to the QC Fed vote.

    Quebec Federalists are NOT the ones who vote for Harper in Quebec. It is the soft nationalists that will vote for Harper or stay home.

    PS Quebec just like anyone wants the PM to pander to them. Just like Alberta said Pander to us today, and every other province will want a piece of the pie in the next budget. Don't lie to yourself.

  4. you must not be reading any

    Thanks for pointing out that one. You just remember the rise of labour Unions was during the great depression and tell me how hard times favour the right again. You guys got Ronald Reagan, and Thatcher in the 80's I give you that. In fact hard times usually just favour whoever is not in charge.

  5. Historically speaking, economic hardships favour a conservative government. In any country, they just do. People, ill informed or otherwise look at conservatives as better money managers, it's a stigma. For those that don't agree it's up to the parties to convince voters otherwise.

    It's all in the names., Look, conservative. Looking at the word someone would think they're going to restrict certain spending.

    Look at Liberal. Someone would think they're going to 'liberally' spread money around. This is how common people think.

    FDR? OBAMA? BOB REA? CHRETIEN? Seriously what history books are you reading?

  6. The expected surge in Quebec Liberal support results, in large part, to Harper's recent strategy of demonizing the Bloc as supporters of the Lib/NDP coalition. By claiming Bloc MPs were "illegitimate" and dangerous he managed to offend all Quebecers, not just sovereignists.

    Chantal Hebert of the Star and member of the CBC At Issue panel, seems to know Quebec as well as anyone, hints at serious damage to Tory fortunes there in the immediate future.

    Confirmed, check out the internals of the newest poll. Harper pulling 10% in Quebec and his party not doing much better.


  7. There is nothing he can with the Senate that will make you happy right?

    I'll post it again since you were too afraid the first time to answer.

    Ok so he's a hypocrite if he makes the appointments, trying to tear the country apart if he opens the Constitution and scared if he doesn't cry to the Supreme Court.

    So what should he so?

    Leave them open is what he should do until it gets to a point that something real has to be done about it.

  8. We should abolish the senate. It's useless. Imagine an elected senate. We would end up in a legislative deadlock. An elected senate would gain the legitimacy to "do something." They could veto anything the lower house proposes. How would the government function in such a situation. Either we keep things the way they are or abolish it altogether.I don't want to live in an American system.

    At least someone knows what is up.

  9. Harper will get his massive majority very soon then we can relax while Harper runs Canada into record surpluses and fiscally and socially conservative policies. It's going to be like heaven.

    With or without Quebec, Harper will get a massive majority. Places like Toronto will start going blue as well. I'm sure you and your ilk will make more excuses than a con man and blame Harper for being mean to Prince Iggy.


    Really because the poll I just cited had him dropping in BC too. In fact his only gains were Alberta and in the East Coast well you can only win All of Alberta once no matter if you win 100% of the vote or 60%. He isn't winning a majority with losses in Quebec and BC. He needs gains in both areas. These polls don't really mean anything but I expect Harper has hit his glass ceiling, you need a new leader.

  10. I think we'll know before Christmas. These two polls were conducted in the midst of changes in Liberal leadership. Ignatieff is now the leader and so the polls conducted around now or early next week will give a good idea of what Liberal support will be. I am particularly anxious to see the regional breakdown since I suspect that Ignatieff will do well in Quebec.

    The internals of this poll have a regional break down. Quebec is Huge and so is BC for the Libs.


  11. punked, DOn NEwman is biased. YEs, it is. Harpers stock in QUebec has gone up. He's at 32% support in Quebec.

    Where do you see that? OHHHH yah you made that up. Look at the internals of the newest poll.


    They are at 15% support. A FARRRRRRR CRY from your made up number.

    Remember when I said he killed himself in Quebec well he did. the CPC polling at 15% and Harper himself polling at 10%.

  12. Stop listening to the talking heads on MSM. Harpers numbers are going up in Quebec, not down.

    Harper won't call an election, one of the others will force him into it. We'll go to an election with the Coalition as an issue and they will get crushed under a massive Tory majority, 200+ seats.

    That is just not true.

  13. 1) Harper is a conservative you had t o expect conservative ideas. A conservative tabling an NDP/socialist budget would be bad.

    2) with 38% of Canadian supporting that one. Lucky they abandoned that or their numbers would continue to drop.

    3) Harper wants an election and prorogue of parl. was just to widen the gap between elections.

    4) Everyone seen this coming, Ignatieff is their only choice. They are so shallow in the potential leaders that people were talking of CHretien or Martin coming back....laughable at best and pathetic at worst.

    Harper is a very smart man. He planned these entire events, don't kid yourself, this was all by design. To think otherwise is simply naive imo.

    I just want to point out Harper got 38% in the election so 38% support now is not widening anything. That is just bad math.

  14. Alright jdobbin, I'm going to answer it directly if I can. I don't in any way speak for Harper, obviously but I can guess which is what we're all doing.

    If he goes to court and they rule that it is then that's t it's over. No one will ever be able to change it without opening the const. He wants to do it w/o opening with Const which would be very difficult.

    I personally don't understand why everyone is afraid of changing the COnst. What's the big deal.

    The big deal is you need half of Canada do it. When was the last time anything got half of Canada's approval? Not only that you need something like 7 provinces that means you are going have to buy off 7 provinces with other things. Not to mention there are many things that people would want to put into or take out of the Const when you start and then you have the same problem. It is a can of worms.

  15. LOL, I don't look at the odds from intrade, I look at the fact that Norm Coleman received more votes on election day, and after a full recount still received more votes. Website odds aren't quite as important as actual votes and electoral results. Sorry.

    My apologies, there is one website that is somewhat significant.

    Minnesota Secretary Of State

    What full recount? Colman challenged 3000 ballots and Fraken only 1000 so there is 4000 ballots left at least. I know you hate when all votes are counted but THAT is a full recount.

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