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Posts posted by punked

  1. That's not what he said, and even if it was, there are huge problems with the Iranian so-called elections. Every international rights group agrees. But there really isn't any reason to continue this conversation. You're so in the tank for Obama that you're willing to look past a brutal dictatorial regime that abuses it's people. All for the sake of your hero's nominee. Stay classy!

    Instead of what Shady? This coming from a guy who supported Hosni Mubarak. You want to preach about dictators. What you are saying isn't that you care about democracy (you have proven that) you just need a dictator that is Pro US and if it isn't then that country doesn't have a legitimate government? Again INSTEAD OF WHAT SHADY! They have elections in Iran and reformers have won elections in Iran. The government can only be as good as the people make it.

    I would love you to tell me how Mohammad Khatami ever won an election if it such a dictatorship. I will wait for you to cite some evidence of any of your claims. Shady get this the Iranian people right now don't like the US and are not going to vote someone in who does not matter how much name calling you do. That does not make their government less legitimate it just means you are going to claim that.

  2. Yes Cannabis does cause schizophrenia and mental illness, young people are naive to the dangers of this drug.

    We are way too tolerant of its use in society.

    No it does not CAUSE schizophrenia there is no evidence to support this. This is from my first year Psyc teacher

    "Now Remember class correlation does not mean causation don't ever let anyone try to pretend it does"

    You are wrong and because you are wrong while stating something so rightly your opinions mean nothing. YOU ARE WRONG IN WHAT YOU SAY.

  3. Yep, we're just like Iran. Whatever you say dude.

    I am pointing out you know nothing about Iran and that you speak about subjects you don't know about all the time. Someone could point to Canada and say the same thing, they would be wrong a stupid. Stop taking quotes out of context, Hagel said the President of Iran is elected by the people and thus legitimate that is true. I know you hate Iran but you still know nothing about them which you have proven by not making your argument at all.

  4. Unlike the situation in Benghazi they are at least waiting for a full investigation before they go shooting their mouths off and having to retract much of what they said ... so I guess this is an improvement.

    Yah I love being in the dark about things and no knowing what my government knows.....maybe they will be so kind to NEVER TELL US ANYTHING because some crazy people think transparency should be confused with cover up.

  5. But just can't stop laughing, huh? I mean, that shows some kind of an involuntary response. You gotta wonder what kind of person wants to do that to themselves.

    Your info is out of date. I recall there was some research came out last year, showed it made some people go schizo. One kid I know flipped his lid. He toked on one of those giant bongs, had a freak out. His parents brought him to the emergency ward, but there was nothing they could do. And now is checked-out permanently.

    You must have heard about that research study?

    I heard about this one guy once that was totally made up to.

  6. So the teachers have to pay to rent the auditorium, pay police officers and buy insurance?

    I understand insuring the parent but that's, by far, the least costly thing this parent is being asked to pay. ($30 a day)

    Yes 10,000 to put on a school play is the norm. It is what it cost the school I went to put on a play and guess what? We had teachers there, that is why you sell tickets. In fact 10,000 is rather cheap to put on a school play, teachers just always do it so you assume it is free. It isn't. Now you know what teachers do out of the goodness of their hearts. It is not part of their job.

  7. Did anyone see Hagel's confirmation hearing? If not, he was an utter disaster.

    I think what was an udder disaster was Republicans going after Hagel for crazy things like once he interviewed on Al Jazeera English a well respected and often quoted news source. Why shouldn't a public figure go on news networks? Oh thats right Republicans think Fox is the only network that should ever exist. What a bunch of ignorant fools.

  8. According to this story in today's Star, it's a lot harder for parents to volunteer than just get a police check if they want to do stuff that teachers aren't allowed to do because of their Union.



    Now you know what teachers do. 10000 dollars is then price of putting on a play teachers just fundraiser as well to do it.

  9. Kinda like all the rich regular people that send their children to private schools with armed security.

    You do know that Obama's childern's school do not have Armed guards right? and that was just a lie that was made up and spread through the right wing echo chamber where dummies who don't get out of the bubble picked it up and repeated that fact to one another even though it was a lie right?


    But we spoke to parents who said they had never seen a guard on campus with a weapon. And Ellis Turner, associate head of Sidwell Friends, told us emphatically: “Sidwell Friends security officers do not carry guns.” (Note: this includes those listed as special police officers.)

    Sidwell Friends, by the way, has two distinct campuses, a lower school in Bethesda and a middle and upper schools in Washington. So given shift rotations and three different schools, it appears that the 11 “armed guards” is really just one or two unarmed guards per school at a time.

  10. Why are you cherrypicking that specific year? Why don't you do a little research into when Democrats had control of congress? Democrats gutted the intelligence budget in the early to mid 1990s.

    So now because Democrats cut Budgets 11 years before 9/11 after the cold war ended and they weren't spending on hunting communists it is somehow their fault? When they cut budgets terrorism wasn't even on the Intel radar Shady. You are schizophrenic!


    Like seriously 9/11 happened AFTER REPUBLICANS AND CLINTON INCREASED Intel spending and directed more resources then ever at terrorism Shady. That is well documented and I cited that in this thread quoting the 9/11 report and the head of the CIA at the time. Sorry you know nothing but you don't get to rewrite history because of that.

  11. “Access to a waitlist is not Access to healthcare”

    -Chief Justice Beverly McLauchlin



    OTTAWA — A prominent hospital chief says
    it is time Canadians stop treating medicare as a religion
    and gained the right to buy private health insurance.

    Michel Bilodeau, who has worked at virtually every major hospital in Ottawa over nearly four decades, argues provincial governments should take lessons from the health systems of France, Germany and Sweden and shift to a consumer-driven culture that gives patients more choice. That includes allowing patients to purchase private health insurance to cover treatments the government ordinarily covers as a means of easing the strain on long waiting lists in the public system.

    We get it you hate lines. I hate poor people dying from preventable illness.............but you know lines to just not enough to watch people die so I don't have to wait a week to get some skin cream.

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