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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. I don't know if anyone has made the point that a man is usually judged to how he responds under stress.

    George Bush responded very well during those weeks following Sept. 11. I couldn't imagine anything more stressfull and yet what followed ensured G.W. Bush will be remembered as a heroic leader.

    I really coudn't say the same about Clinton because after an attack on the World Trade Centre and an attack on the Cole and a genocide in Africa, there was no unpopular moves to make postitive changes in the world. Just oral sessions in the oval office.

    We all know Cretiens response to a stressfull situation in the1995 referendum was to steal money from tax payers.

    So we see what a person is truly made of in stressful situations. If Svend was hero to some because he attended rallies and protests and had a shoving match with a border guard in Isreal and heckled Reagan in Parlaiment, then this, "unthinkable act", won't change how you feel.

    I would hope that just showing up for work and saying popular or uttering politically correct things, as Clinton and Svend has done isn't what made or makes them electable.

    To blame a criminal act or immoral act on stress is an admission of weakness of character. I think alot of Svend detractors have always believed this, that his moral superiority on issues sounded hallow. So now we have confirmation.

  2. The Tories and Martin Liberals have nearly identicle platforms. Why reach out to fringe parties when you can achieve a right of center policy for the nation through co-operation of the above. I can see Paul and Stephen holding a press conference and stating that they will work together to do the RIGHT thing for Canada. " This is not a coalition but rather, co-operation. Co-operation to do what Canadians expect and have demanded by virtue of the results of the last election."

    This would be the least offensive to Canadians and offend the fewest number of members in respective parties. Martin didn't kill the left wing Liberals only to cozy up to the more left NDP. It matters not who gets more seats because each would need the other. Except to designate who is the PM.

  3. Svend pulls a Wynona because of the stress of being openly gay, wow, I love that. The poor victim of hate turns to cleptomania because those nasty redneck christians have refused to accept him.

    Sure glad he didn't snap while in Palestine trying to free those victims of hate because he would have been depawed on the spot.

    I do think this sinches the NDP LIB coalition to form the next government. Imagine a jewel thief and money launderers working together. Makes me miss the Trudeau era.

    Anyway, I would also like to thank Svend for taking one for oppressed neurotics everywhere. Atta boy.

  4. I find it hard to resolve this opinion of yours with your stated opinion that Ontario won't vote for Harper due to anti-Western sentiments

    Micheal ,

    Yes, anti-westite sentiment exists in Ontario,simply, if Harper and Martin changed drivers liscences the polls would have Harper on the road to 24 Sussex. However, I did not say he would win Ontario but instead opted for an improvement in numbers, despite all of his so called short comings. I believe at one time somebody conceded he could win 30 seats as if to say this would disprove my stated opinion.

    What I mean regarding a Coalition between LIb and NDP is simply, You have Paul Martin openly courting red tories and more recently, nationalists. If you think social conservatives don't get along with red tories, and I include Paul Martin or rather Purple Martin in that assessment. What do you think would happen if you put Paul Martin, Jack Layton, Scott Brison, and Svend Robinson in the same room? Aside from the queer makeover and possible civil union. Can you say dysfunction. Just off the top of my head, Layton-anti corporation, Paul-Mr. Corporation, Brison-pro US, Robinson-anti US.

    My point is that the supporters of Martin are really fiscal conservatives first or "red tories", they would not likely take kindly to spending all surpluses on health. If this were not true then the spending scandal would have lost it's legs long ago. Red Tories are less likely to vote NDP than Liberals of the center, Joe Clark, Cretien, and Trudeau.

    A conservative minority would most likely try to stand on it's own and govern with free votes. On confidence issues they would seek support from rump parties, most likely Bloq memebers of Conservative mind. The Liberlas might want to break ranks to support common sense legislation and prudent bugdets, rather, the red tories in liberal ranks.

    My thinking is that a conservative minority offers no payoffs to secure a coaltition, just sound policy and more power to the voters. If you telegraph your fake left, you can expect your right side to be stacked and you stopped. Eventually the right side says, "This is crap, I'm

    doing all the work and you get the benefits.

    " This very next election you might see alot of red tories stay in the Liberal fold and this is the Conservative challenge.

  5. First of all there is no indication that the NDP gains are not attributed to super majorities in say, Vancouver east or Winnipeg Center. It seems to be a pretty thin NDP surge.

    What I find interesting is the favourable impression polling. Stephen Harper is +16 and Paul Martin a -26. That achieved with an invisible Harper and a Paul Martin on TV every day, not to mention the tiresome antics of Layton.

    When the election is called and BC conservatives are front and center in this province you can bet that Tories will score better than 30%. Perhaps Svend sells in parts of Vancouver but Stock can own this province as he did in 2000. If not him, Chuck Strahl can score in Metro BC. My point is we like Harper more than Layton and we have a full spectrum to draw upon. I can't tell the difference between Libby and Svend, can you?

    What is incredible is the Conservatives at 32% in Ontario, even with the bad taste of Harris and an Alliance take over by the so-called extremists, the little regional regional party has penetrated the the Canadian shield, thank-you very mech. Oh-ya, expect this Ontario number to increase as Harper tours it.

    Now we are into the prospect of a fall election and a Judicial inquiry. I'd like to see Oulette talk to a Judge like he did to Peter Mckay. Who do you think is more vote worthy, Scott or Peter? The guy on TV trying to get to bottom of the scandal or the recycled news turncoat.

    Don't kid yourself, the Conservatives are the only other possilble power party. A possible LIB NDP coalition will only drive the Red Tories back to the conservatives and make the numbers resemble the 2000 results or 37%.

    So you might see, Tories 37, Libs 31%, NDP 15%, Bloq 12%, Grn 5%.

  6. No I don't think it will work, the sac is without pussy and the toothpaste is without tube, (sorry, I have a problem with cliches). You can't blackball your brethren then reach for the Ivory. Sorry Paul but you aint the saint and I don't buy the conversion.

    Also, Paul Martin had to admit stephen Harper is not an extemists in what was the true polical play of the week. This was brought about by the brilliant Question by, I think, Chantel Hebert, while the PM denounced the horrible act of hate In Montreal. He was forced to say, We just have philisophical differences in how to run the country. That's the truth, finally.

  7. The reality is that had Harper been PM last year, Canada would have gone to war in Iraq.


    We don't have Military capability to go to war so wake up and smell the lack of weapons of self defense. We can't even knock down the Danish flag sitting on Canadian soil.

    Do you understand what solidarity means or only when that solidarity pertains to unions vs. corporations.

    Maybe you could convince yourself that Hussein is a CEO and Bush, Blair, and Howard are union heads that spent 12 years in passive resistance mode. Does this help you!

  8. I think what the media and the opposition are failing to do, is to say, "Good, we had a program that was sound, given the political atmosphere of the day". At war we were, so they say.

    This nobel cause should receive funding and Canadians are ok with that. Provinces spend millions to promote themselves within Canada and this is no problem.

    Today I see media and Liberals saying we were at war and breaking the rules was needed. How is this even close to a solution, help me in the Liberal thinking? Our enemies are too popular so lets break rules and give money to our friends. How does this help?

    Are ad agencies in Quebec organized to change peoples minds only if they receive extra funds or commissions?

    Is this like if you wanted to stop privatization in health care you secretly give millions to the unions? In other words to save health care from privatization you steal $100 million from allocated money and give it to the unions.

    Why hasn't the media said this in plain Canadian?

  9. Good for you, the future leader of the opposition can't do anything without a focus group. I'm totally not surprised to hear that a simple ad would need a focus groups approval

    Does Paul Martin have a vision that he wishes to sell regardless of the political implications. We know that sometimes you have to make difficult and unpopular descisions as a Prime Minister. Perhaps this really does show that all that matters is power over public good.

  10. I liked the part of the poll that suggested Harper at 25% of "who do you think would make the best PM". Yes, Martin is at 39%, but I think in January of this year the numbers where, Martin 61%, to Harper 9%.

    This is an incredible closing of the gap that may be due to increased media exposure from the leadership event. This could become much closer during the all out media blitz of an election.

  11. Let me be perfectly clear because the fact of the matter is, I enjoy reading both of your posts and I hate seeing Mom and Dad fight.

    Just so I'm clear on the fact of the matter of pastry, we must. Bake. A bigger. Pie. And respect. Our fellow. Posters. Right?

    Yes, I would agree that there are several statements I wish to never hear again. I include Tony's talk of T.O. SARS panic but I couldn't fit it into the above.

  12. Over the past three months, the Martin government has exhibited the symptoms of the kind of intellectual fatigue that only a spell in opposition can usually cure.

    Those have included a less-than-stellar cabinet line-up and a chronic incapacity to think outside the policy box.

    This vacuum goes a long way to explain how it is that Martin cannot find his way to turning the page on the sponsorship scandal.

    Given all of the above, Harper's smooth weekend victory makes it inconceivable that the Liberals call an election until they have some assurance that they are on the way back in Quebec.

    Chantal Hebert said it best in Mondays Toronto Star

  13. Well my personal feeling of him is that PM.Martin is a goof.

    I know that is simplistic but you watch him walking on that ranch in Alberta and he is clearly pigeon toed. He also has a stammer when speaking off script. A combination of Goofy and Porky the Pig is not a good mix for a leader.

    I think people also have a sense of unease because he hasn't really done anything in 10 years and there is nothing on the horizon for Canada from him.

  14. I hate to chime in mostly because springer don't need help.

    However, I was completely astounded that anyone on this planet could believe 8 million anything was slaughtered in Iraq over the past year.

    No loss of life is worth oil, but that war was not about oil. At least not like the left thinks. You see the US could have signed all the contracts for oil they wanted with little effort, like France. So why spend Billions, suffer a loss of life, not to mention Bush's political life getting something they could have gotten with the cost of a couple of Bic pens? Really think about that, how will Bush benefit from the oil? Do you people think he'll keep it in Crawford and sell it to the highest bidder? Now lets suppose he took out Saddam to provide North America with cheap oil by increasing production in Iraq. Being from Texas wouldn't the drop in prices hurt the Texas economy and his rich buddies.

    Maybe Bush invaded Iraq to stifle oil production and make his rich buddies richer? Except the sanctions were already doing that.

    Now I don't know how Stephen Harper is connected to oil but maybe it is enough that he lives in Alberta to be labled oil friendly. While I don't accept the weak assumption that you stated you should be aware that the oil patches in Alberta help pay for health care in Quebec. The fact Mr. Harper would want to protect that resource from undue hardship makes him the true champion of free health care.

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