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The UrbaNish

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  1. Canada did not deliberately exterminate anyone. That is not fair. Smallpox took the laboring oar. My God this is the reason educating the mainstream is critical, You want to talk about fairness! come on. Canada inforced manditory sterilization for First Nations women, not only canada but all of the Americas, and imposed starvation tactics on First Nations by the Empire to control the Native populations, and the mass slaughter of First Nations peoples so that their scholars can determin the physical characteristics of an indian, they were trying to determin and decide if the First Nations were an equal race, what is fair? the canadian legistaltion of First Nations Identity, take a look at the Indian Act, all the many vairations it comes in Pierre Trudeau and Jean Creatien were there to support the white paper, back in the late 60's and early 70's, and what about the residential schools, you take the children away from thier roots and culture so that they can become civilized...how civilized were those priest when they were taking children as thier own muse. Dirty I say. take a look at the Hudson's Bay Company aboloshing the traditional trade routes so that they can become the founding enterprise! small pox on those lovely blankets - ever wonder why Native people needed those blankets, why their food was rationed, and why soo many First Nations people were dying, It wasn't because we didn't know how to survive in our own territories. Canada may not have been as obvious as the slave trade, because they don't want to recognize their dirty deeds, they want you to believe in the illusion of Multiculturalism, and equal prosperity, but how was this nation built, who determined and decided the manifest destiny of this Nation. Chi Meegwetch Anishnawbe Kwe- The UrbaNish
  2. What is unfortunate is the lack of awareness that mainstream Canada has on issues pertaining to First Nations, why are we not learnig this in school? how are the educational institutions enabling an informed Canada by not providing the REAL history! its a colonizers skewed perspective, which fuels the divide. don't point the finger at the original landowners this Nation is ready and willing to stand up against the racist facist regime of the Canadian government, it is our duty to do so. Did we learn anything from the Hollocaust, Hilter got his idea for concentration camps from CANADA with the implementation of the reservation system and the mistreatment of the First Nation! or even what Nelson Mandella stood for and what South Africa is trying to reclaim, and let us not forget Alcatraz 1968-1973, no blood shed; yet many Native peoples stood their ground, we got a heightend sence of our own Native pride and power, and was born The American Indian Movement and the National Brotherhood, now called the Assembly of First Nations. We have seen standoffs over the years....nobody wants another OKA or IPPERWASH, nobody! but until everyone is educated and informed, the current standoff in Caledonia will always be the situation it will result too. As First Nations people's we already know and understand our history, it is not written in HIS-tory, we live our legacy. Perhaps it is the responsibility of Nay sayers to seek the truth and uncover what our Canadian National Pride is really all about or Find your roots, look into your history and discover your motherland! We are firmly planted on what the ancestors left for us and we will defend our legacies "by any means necessary" I invite you to do your research http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/trts/hti/site/index_e.html or read this book from Harold Cardinal "The Unjust Society" or Bonita Lawrence "Real" Indians and Others" you may find some interesting issues that still pertain...you may even begin to educate yourself on what First Nations peoples have known for years....let us trully understand the history of this nation that we are building! chi meegwetch, Anishnawbe Kwe--The UrbaNish weyha hey!
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