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Posts posted by Topaz

  1. Russian didn't do any hacking, it was Seth Rich because he  knew that the CLINTONS were doing illegally things, so he hacked the DCN TO PROVE HIS CLAIM but he told too many people what he was doing and was taken out # 34 for the Clintons and they got help from Obama to cover it up. The republican overseer knows all this and more and he has ordered investigations into the CLINTON, OBAMA, LORETTA LYNCH, RICE and many more. The Russian MAY have been doing some things but they didn't do any hackinmg and why would RUSSIA  goes against CLINTON when it was she who sold them  the aluminum or whatever the RUSSIAN wanted. Just watch this summer if and when the dems start falling apart and the truth comes out, the viloence  that will be in the streets.

  2. The US has warned Syria about using chemicals weapons on its own people BUT why would Syria do that? If they kill all their people, that didn't leave like millions did, there would be anyone left in the country and therefore no country. Could be some other factors at work to get NATO or the US a reason to go into Syria even more?                                    http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40413563

  3. When the Reps. bring forth the truth about the killing of Seth Rich and the connection of the Clintons and Obama to cover it up what will their supporters do? Apparently, Sanders was paid a HUGE some of money by Clintons, their Foundations has billions for this kind of thing, and now Sanders have a very expensive at the New Jersey seashore and drives a very expensive sport car. BTW, an executive to the DNC, said last night on a radio program, she wasn't told about the hacking  by either Hillary or Comey and she is saying now something is not right and was very angry.

  4. Trump has an uphill battle with the Dems  on all these fake charges that so far, there is no proof, but now they have a Democrat  supported special investigator, who hired  two more Dems to help him find things out on Trump and the Dep. AG is also a Dem., so can they really be fair and if u think they can be, then when do we hear  about what the Clintons were up to during the election with Bernie  and Seth Rich.

  5. That was just awful about the fire in an apartment building in England and the fire nearly took over the whole building and others as I noticed that even if the building caught fire at 1am it was still STANDING unlike the WTB,   kinda makes one wonder even more that bombs brought down the WTB.

  6. Sadly, this may not surprise many people since the US has had many politicians who have been shot at in the past but to do it with kids were around the baseball field is true nuts. The gunman asked if this was a Rep. or Dem playing and then started shooting makes it look like he  targeted Republicans. I wonder  if he watches "The View" because since day one Joy and at times,others, just go off and  raise the fear of what Trump is going to do and that he needs to be gone   Shows and other Americans that keep repeating and repeating this fear will .drive certain people to take matters into their own hands, such as this. Since it was the Rep. attack, and they hold the majority, will gun control come  into being?                                                  http://www.cnn.com/

  7. The reason the Dems are going after Trump so much is they have to try and turn the channel and cover up the murdered of Seth Rich by the Clintons because Seth, was a Bernie supporter, a computer wiz, who work for the DNC and found out Clinton was changing the voting rolls so Bernie would lose and she would win,they had stop him from sending it to wikileaks. Now, apparently someone who knew Rich has come forward and deliver that evidence to someone and has told them he is going into hiding because he knows he would be next. The evidence is supposedly in the hands to someone who can bring it to the public forum. So this is the reason for the fake news the Russian hacked the DNC, its a cover.

  8. On 2017-06-11 at 11:59 AM, Argus said:

    And my t aster just told me that Donald Trump likes to shower in his daughter's urine.

    Well, I think u r the one with the problem because "grapevine" is a person who monitors the web and can talk unlike your toast. Stay tune because there is something big  on the SETH RICH case coming down very soon and u may then want to buy a new toaster who give out fake news.

  9. On 2017-06-09 at 7:55 PM, Argus said:

    That's BS. You think American intelligence agencies don't understand this stuff? You think the NSA is confused about it? Give me a break. Every American intelligence agency says it was the Russians. Period.



    Spare me the conspiracy drivel. Next you'll be telling me Hillary Clinton is an infiltrator from the lizard kingdom taking her orders from an alien master race.

    Grapevine, just told me they read on the web, that the newly appointed Republican overseer, is opening the Clinton e-mail and also the killing of Seth RICH AND SINCE HE WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD, it sounds Clinton's  past is repeating  itself, but, we will wait to see what is found. Clinton cheated Bernie out of the leadership and Rich has documents that proved it.

  10. Pelsoi, came out today and said she thought Trump had mental health problems and she probably came up with that idea fro being on "The View " and Joy giving  her  views on Trump who she dislikes  with a passion. Of course, there was an article on the web, the possibility of Trump being slowly poison to make him look like he was losing it. Possible, who knows, instead of a guns, take  a President out another way. I wonder if he has seen the government  doctor for his checkup yet?

  11. 27 minutes ago, Omni said:

    So Trump just called Comey a liar, who made the same accusations yesterday, and agreed that he would testify under oath and attest to that. Get the SOB sworn in right now and lets have a listen. Trump knows damn well he can't be indicted while he occupies the WH. 

    BUT... Bill Clinton,who lied under oath and got impeached and he was in the WH. I think they all should be hooked up to a lie-detector while under oath.

  12. Argus, If Trump doesn't believe about the Russians, doesn't mean it true or not true,even if the agencies say its true because in today's tech. a country can pretend to be another country to spy or whatever the mission and even Putin mentioned this in is interview with Kelly so its 50/50 in my view. Who would "pretend" to be Russia, well certain people within the US who want to take out Russia OR Israel, since Obama tried the same thing against their present President. It's  all new corrupt world out there and anything goes, even killing Seth Rich, to stop him revealing what Hillary was up to against Bernie and I'm told Obama and other knows about  this and that's why FOX does want Hannity to come out and talk about it but Hannity says he will in the near future even if they fire him.

  13. The USA is losing its "most powerful nation" with the Democrats and some Republicans trying to stall anything that Trump wants to do. The fake  news and the leaks are destroying the country and over use of "Russia" did it, is worse than South Park blaming it on Canada. Trump doesn't appear to be a New World Order guy and maybe that  is the problem for the elite of the world and the US.

  14. This fake news about Russia involvement, a website has come out and pointed out it wasn't Russia that hacked the DNC but Seth Rich who worked for them but saw what Clinton was doing to Bernie, so he sent 44,000 e-mails to Wikileaks and soon after he was shot dead at his front  door. There has been 23 people who have either worked for the Clintons or association to , have ended up dead. since the Dems or their Elite supporters can shot Trump, they throw out every day new scandals probably hoping at the age of 70, he'll have a heart attack from all the stress. I believe the biggest enemy of the US, live within the US.and 9\11 couldn't have happen without inside help.                                                                  https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/05/16/fox-news-murdered-dnc-staffer-sent-44053-internal-emails-to-wikileaks/       

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