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Posts posted by stopstaaron

  1. Lol wut? I really don't know what to say anymore.. it's left me speechless, I just have to laugh


    Under Arizona’s H.B. 2036, the state would recognize the start of the unborn child’s life to be the first day of its mother’s last menstrual period. The legislation is being proposed so that lawmakers can outlaw abortions on fetuses past the age of 20-weeks, but the verbiage its authors use to construct a time cycle for the baby would mean that the start of the child's life could very well occur up to two weeks before the mother and father even ponder procreating.

    On page eight of the proposed amendment to H.B. 2036, lawmakers lay out the “gestational age” of the child to be “calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman,” and from there, outlaws abortion “if the probable gestational age of [the] unborn child has been determined to be at least twenty weeks.”

  2. For Canada proper, our current defence treaties (NATO and to a lesser extent NORAD) allow us to fall under the United States and United Kingdom (and a lesser extent the French) nuclear umbrellas.

    And what if those are the countries we are feuding with?!

    What if U.S wants something we have and tries taking it and the British & French back down from helping us cause of their alliance with the US?

  3. And, if I'm not mistaken, you are one of the posters bitching about the cost of the F35s--- just think how much you could bitch when the bill came in to develop, manufacture & store the nukes and then to get something to deliver them--- like a fleet of F35s. I guess that would make Canadians

    my main problem with the F35s is that it is a single engine jet... and the Canadian arctic is vast, you know that

    single engine jets protecting the arctic is a fail. I don't want to spend that much money on single engine jets

    too much can go wrong

  4. These waters connect to the whole planet's waters so whether you spill stuff here, there or anywhere is pretty much moot.

    Which goes to the heart of why the idea of needing to defend ourselves against old style military invasions from Russia is so god damn silly in the first place. The world's just too integrated economically to be worth the trouble to fight old style wars anymore.

    As for Americans pushing against our economic exclusion borders, they've been doing that for decades along our southern border that extends out to sea. There is still a small disputed area out here but since Canada pretty much forced all the Canadians who fished there out of business who cares?

    Who cares?! That is your argument?

    Why not just divy up the arctic and get it over with then cause why should we care

    about it

  5. You know, now that you mention it, why should I care again about the odd boat that's 1000's of kilometres north of me?

    Is possessing a bunch of stealth fighters supposed to change our ability to respond to their claim? What's to stop the US from installing a computer virus into the plane's software that makes them tumble out of the sky in case they decide to invade us?

    I mean, given the ridiculous things I'm being told I should be fearful of these days, isn't everything probable?

    i dont think we want all those ships carrying oil and stuff through our waters

  6. What I'm saying is that keeping the military as a strategic reserve when nature or manmade disaster strikes is the safest path for Canadians. At least in my mind, defence of Canada includes war, terrorism, Natural and man made disaster. Last year when Winnipeg was in danger, they requested help and I believe 300-400 PPCLI soldiers moved from Shilo to Winnipeg to assist. And with the current state, creating a major national organization to deal with disasters is likely not going to happen

    Do you mean like The National Guard in the US?

  7. If Canada wants to keep the artic they should spend the money to colonize and develope it. Thats how you secure territory... if we built mines, cities, and ports there then we would have a pretty strong claim. If we dont, theres a good chance we we lose it, or at the very least have to share some it, no matter what we spend on our military.

    on the flipside .. we build major communities up there and a pissed off rejected country bombs it

    .. we can't just build and expect no push back from dejected countries

  8. A nuke would certainly be more of a deterrent than some fancy jets whose merits are dubious at best. I wonder why the "we need a deterrent" right-wing crowd wouldn't be all for this?

    The F35's are no deterrent to a country with a larger military than our's. Canada's deterrent is south of the border.

    I'm a left winger and I am all for it.. I doubt I am the only one!

    That is true that for now we are protected by the US influence however US seems to be at odds

    with Canada on a few claims so they will not back us up unless we give them some land and or resources in exchange

    I say no! We get our own nukes and tell them if they really want what is ours

    to come and get it but be prepared to get nuked.. they will back down

  9. No-- one jet to deliver the one nuke. after that we would all need lead umbrellas & lots of caskets for the 20 million casualties.

    Canada getting nuclear weapons is the stupidest idea I've ever heard


    Developing one would be far more expensive than any number of F35s we could operate.


    You'd better start exercising so you would be able to get----- your whole head up your ass.

    Y u mad

  10. Only if we succumb to the illusion that the only solution to the issues swirling around the Arctic is a military one.

    Canada could just as easily be the one who wins the most by simply developing what they already have in the Arctic. As has been pointed out we can either use it or lose it and to me the military approach is a particularly defeatist ass backwards one that comes at who knows how much more cost.

    Russia is years a head of us in developing the Arctic .. so are the Scandanavian countries

    The liberal governments did not give a crap about the Arctic.. nor would the NDP

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