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Trudeau Enthusiast

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  1. I agree. I found the Liberal ads ridiculously melodramatic, and (along with every other major party's campaign) far too negative. I am 18 and this was my first chance to vote --- I know for me, I didn't want to hear why I shouldn't vote for someone, I wanted to hear why I should vote for someone.
  2. I believe the fact that Paul Martin is, to put it crudely, a greasy bastard -probably aided in his loss. Hopefully in the coming years the Liberals will clean up, the Conservatives will botch up, and we will have a Liberal majority under a more proper leader --- Martin always seemed to me a right-winger in a Liberal's clothing anyway.
  3. Hey everyone, I am a strong supporter of Same Sex Marriage. I read a few posts ago tml12 post this; tml12 If you believe marriage is a religious institution, then that is why (non religious people be denied the right to marry). I strongly disagree with that statement. I am a Christian (Anglican), so obviously I believe marriage to be a religious institution. Yet I think non-religious people have the same right as religious people to get married. I am straight, but I also believe that homosexual people have the same equal right to get married. I believe that two people who are truly in love are genderless in God's eyes. Anyway, this is my first post and I wasn't sure about how to quote someone (and, in fear of looking daft right off the bat, I just copied and pasted (sorry if that is internet-taboo!)). Any response to my post would be appreciated!
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