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Posts posted by JMH

  1. I'm shocked that nobody in the media seems to be jumping on the root cause of this war.

    Israel is surrounded by nations that either hate them or pray to Allah for there complete anialation.

    If I was running such a country, I simply wouldn't allow my borders to be penetrated by anyone.....................period. The borders in all directions would be heavily militerized at all times. Lets face it, were not talking about Canada/U.S. here, were talking about a border that spans 40 miles on the northern front. To make things more clear, were talking about a country that produces (yes, mozza ball soup, gaffelta fish etc.) more soldiers per capita than any nation in the world, that are armed with the latest killing machines know to mankind.

    So here is my point: How can Israel justify the complete and indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas in Lebanon, because two (2) of its precious soldiers (combatants) are taken prisoner due to their own lax security measures on their own border. It's their own F'ing fault. If a family "out for a stroll" were the victims, that would be a different story............these were soldiers, with loaded assault weapons and obviously lacking support. A mistake by Israel and its command structure within the military.


    I'm tired of watching innocent people being bombed into the stone age, so Israel can somehow "justify" this disspicable display of intolerance. Their behaviour is in-line with only ONE OTHER NATION: the U.S.A..

    Curious. The "born again drunk" strikes again. Anyway, it's infuriating.

    On a different note: Every Canadian taken out of Lebanon should be charged for it. There is no justification what so ever, to have Canadian taxpayers "flip the bill" given the state of affairs in the middle east in general: if you want to visit/live in these areas while holding a Canadian passport........you're on your own.

    Perhaps bringing "MOMMA" to Canada for a visit is a more sensible solution as opposed to taking yourself and children to the middle east..........you dummies.

  2. He described Sukhoi Su-30s as “100 times better than the F-16s that Venezuela bought from the United States.”

    Hahahah, okieeeeee

    100 X might be an exaggeration but alot of people say the SU- 30 is "better" than the F-16....

    Larger weapons payloads and deliverables as well as thrust vectoring being two advantaqdges that come quickly to mind.

    Even the MIG-29 had been able to outperform the F-16 (although not at 100x). But the Su-30 and the F-16 were built for different roles. F-16 is more of an interceptor/attack/figheter. Then again, it really depends on the pilot, how well trained they are and how well they know the performance and feel of the aircraft. The SU-30 us air superiority fighter which is just really an upgraded Su-27 with canards and vector thrust and updated avionics.

    This edit function has saved my butt a few times now.

    Russion jets have outperformed (from an aeronautical perspective) their american counterparts for almost 2 decades. The jet doesn't matter any more. The radar and weapon/s delivery system is what counts.

    Dogfight? Not this day and age.

    Sukoi is now using western based systems in it's aircraft. I'm not aware of any modern fighter that isn't designed for multi-role opperations with the exception of the F-117( it's a bomber anyway).

    I'm happy that Venezuala is being staight forward with the U.S. on this matter. Sure he may be a nutcase in our eyes, but who can blame him? U.S. foreign policy in Central and South America has always been criminal. As a matter of fact, can you think of one good thing that the U.S. has done with its foreign policy in the past 60 years?...........that didn't have something to do with them making money? How about a hundred years?

  3. I can only speak for myself, but it occured to me that I'm guilty of not paying attention to municipal politics.

    All these years I've been wound up about Federal/Provincial policies and how they would affect the Inuit in the NWT, the floods in Manitoba, the foriegn policy of this nation ETC.

    Maby it's time for people to take over their own backyards, and make things happen from there. It's conceivable that our "large powers" have lost sight of the needs of the middle class (whatever that is anymore).

    It's far from a new concept but It might find its value for Canadians in the coming decades- that is "government from the ground up".

    Canadians that I know are disgusted with the apathy (some dont know what it means)......others are fed up with their "sheer inability" to make changes. Well, I guess we'd better do somthing about it.

    Pick a man or woman who represents YOU and your needs regardless of political party (I've never done that before) and make them work for their money. Agree to diagree on issues you support, but cannot win despite all..........bring it together and make it work on the day to day level.......and be prepared to lose half the time.

    I know this is nothing new for many people, but its the way I must be in the future...............It's new for me .

    Kind Regards,


  4. I start this thread with a genuine desire to see what posters think. The question has arisen on other threads in the context of Canada's security. Posters have suggested, IMV, crazy, racist, unconstitutionally feasible changes to Canadian immigration law. I happen to think many of the ideas would accomplish nothing but then, what do I know.

    Should Canadian citizens, living here now, accept anyone into this country? And if we don't, who should we accept? How should we decide? The MSM refuses to deal with this issue openly yet many Canadians (French/English) talk about it à vive voix.

    For example, there's Parizeau's comment on a night in 1995 and an outsider journalist reporting on suburban English-Canada:

    Comment les jeunes perçoivent-ils les musulmans au lendemain du battage médiatique entourant les attentats planifiés? La Presse est allée dans les écoles de Mississauga, d'où provenaient six des 17 suspects arrêtés vendredi dernier, pour leur poser la question. Les ados rencontrés ont des opinions différentes, mais le plus étonnant est sans doute qu'ils ne les expriment jamais ouvertement parce qu'aucun professeur n'aborde la question, et que les différents groupes ethniques de l'école sont divisés...
    La Presse

    Boy oh boy, thats a deep topic put so eliquently.

    The answer is no one person should enter this country for a visit or be allowed amnesty, imigration or any other status that would allow them to be here. Thats the way it is right now. If Canadian Muslims have a problem with that .....tough .........leave. Your not welcome here any more. These people should have done more to protect Canadian/western societel values. Afterall , thats why their here right? RIGHT. They dont talk to police, they dont integrate like the rest of us..........Fuck em. GET OUT NOW

    Let's discuss this. Here. Newspapers, radio, TV, the CBC can't deal with this. It's too non-PC. No other English-Canadian forum can deal with this issue because they are too slanted - either posters will inundate a thread with racism or posters will be banned.

    MLW may be able to offer a forum of honest, open opinion in English. Let's try.

  5. My own people, and hundreds of cultures from around the world came to the "NEW WORLD" to begin a new life for their families, free from "OLD WORLD" troubles.

    The Canadian population has long since fought its wars and established itself as a society basesd upon peace- a society that wishes PEACE. A society of all cultures that love PEACE. A society that integrated with one another.

    Well, some jack-ass came along and decided that we'll push the envelope to see what a society would be if every warring faction on the planet, lived with decent people.......Canadians. They'd all get better, forget thousands of years of war, tyrany, rape, destruction etc. Because WERE CANADIANS! WHOOO HOOO!

    We help everybody! Were FUCKING COMPLETE IDIOTS! YAHHHHH!

    What a disgrace.

    What an insult to Canadians inteligence.

    What a travesty by idiots.


    I saw kid in the news that is allowed to hold a KERPA (WAR DAGGER) while he attends school. Our fine SUPREME COURT OF CANADA decided this after his family wasted the courts time and money with such horseshit.

    I get pulled over by an RCMP wearing a turbin. While he looked dapper and all, he didn't look like an RCMP to me. Do you think I hate SIHKS? not at all. I hate the fact that this fella isn't wearing the propper uniform..........and the disrespect it implied to myself and all Canadians.

    Its time to put the foot down. We are not here to abide by other cultural rules. We have Canadian rules that will be ferverantly broken to appease the newcommers. FUCK THAT BULLSHIT.....whats the matter with you people.

  6. At this point in time, there is no reason to allow Muslims into Canada.........and every reason not to. If you disagree, I'm afraid your mind is defective.

    I clearly hope you were having a bad day when you wrote this. Otherwise it is one of the most racist statements I've read yet on this forum.

    Who says he's racist? He is stereotyping that's all and just stating his opinion.

    Is it UNREASONABLE to question muslims coming into our coutnry considering that a poll came out today with half of all Canadians saying that CSIS and police should start racially profiling Muslims.

    Do you think the majority of muslims aren't racist or stereo type you? the 'white person'?


    Thank you! LoL although it wasn't meant to be a stereotype. Just basic saftey . Germans were not all fanatical Nazis although we weren't inviting Germans into this country after the war for some time. Why? well if you have to ask.............

  7. At this point in time, there is no reason to allow Muslims into Canada.........and every reason not to. If you disagree, I'm afraid your mind is defective.

    I clearly hope you were having a bad day when you wrote this. Otherwise it is one of the most racist statements I've read yet on this forum.

    What on earth does being a Muslem have to do with race?

  8. This is not a racial discussion! The overwhelming majority-sorry ALL of the terrorist plots/acts of mension these days are conducted by Muslims. Wake-up.

    Canada has no inherent legal structure to deal with Terrorists........period. Canada is an open door to Terrorists.......period.

    Canada, has no buisness whatsoever allowing potential threats into the country at the expence of Canadian family safety.

    There are tens of millions of non-muslim people of all colors and creeds that would give their lives to become a Canadian. People that would provide insight and skills that would benefit all of Canada. No excuses....No Bullshit. Integrated into the worlds most progressive society.

    At this point in time, there is no reason to allow Muslims into Canada.........and every reason not to. If you disagree, I'm afraid your mind is defective.

    We are now "on the mat" and this is no time for Canadian apathy, ignorance or stupidity.


  9. Let's go back to the McKenzie King era when men were men and people with any sort of tan, large nose or who were not Christian were made clear what was what and who was who. I mean fine, we had to bring in some of those people from China and India to build the rail-road but now who needs them. As for people with turbans, beards and names like Moe and Hamed well I mean gee how many taxi drivers does this country need. It has to end now. Deport them all.

    Gee can we say I now have the opportunity to express my disdain for anyone different then myself and pose it as a debate on immigration policy.

    I have yet on these posts hear anyone raving and ranting about immigration policy suggest anything specifically wrong about immigration regulations or laws but instead simply refer to it in imprecise rhetorical rants against people coming to the country.

    Got news for you. Canada does not reproduce quick enough. If it doesn't import these so called immigrants, you will have no one paying taxes.

    Now you want to get into a debate on who an "acceptable" Canadian is and what is "acceptable" Canadian behaviour good luck.

    It's unfortunate that many posters have echoed your general suggestion that this is a racial matter.

    While in the Canadian forces as a member of a now defunct para division, I was fortunate to enjoy the company of most people/cultures/religions that exist on this ball of mud. Very insightfull to say the least.

    That being said, the sheer hatred of Western populations (of wich some is well founded...thanks to our nieghbor) is a reality that some Canadians are not prepared to confront. My concernes are purely logical and practical and have nothing to do with behaviour. Unfortunately, Canada has entered a hornets nest on an uprecedented level as of late (like it or not). It's common sense to place a moratorium on the imigration of those that are killing Canadians. I can't muster a reason that this would be considered a draconian measure even by the more liberal thinkers. This is a problem of today and not a matter of chinese railroads etc. It's unique, difficult and divisional.....but in the end, my way of thinking will prevent a managable issue from becoming out of control (France, GB, Netherlands etc etc). Until we can establish some clarity, I see no alternative.

    As far as I know I have barely been able to come up with any Canadian characteristics other then;

    1-Canadians wait in line even when they do not have to

    2-Tim Horton's is the the symbol for Canadian culture

    3-Canadians like to hyphenate themselves

    4-Canadians feel they have to be liked by everyone outside Canada

    5-Canadians think people admire us because we are not American

    6-Canadians think they are better and different then Americans

    7-Canadians love to litter and produce garbage

    8-Canadians feel it is an inalienable right to drive alone in cars

    9-Canadians use the winter as an excuse to grow beards and get fat

    10-Canadians do not like to invest in Canadian businesses or take risks and

    start businesses in Canada.

    I guess we need cultural police wearing Maple Leaf tuques teaching us all how to be Canadian. They can start by having us all watch Red Green re-runs. Although Red Green has a beard so he looks like a Muslim or a Siekh or an Orthodox Jew so I would be careful.

    The point is we may have problem with security clearance procedures but that is an entirely different issue then whether Canada should continue to be a nation of immirants which is an absurdity considering we always were and always will be and only native Canadians if we are going to be

    perfectly logical about this since they were here first can consider all of us questionable.

  10. Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

    I disagree.

    Imagine that your suggestion was brought up a couple hundred years ago, only that it wasn't immigrants from Muslim countries that were discriminated against--but from European countries (or perhaps wherever your family originated, assuming you are not native american). If they had disallowed Europeans from entering the country, a lot of us wouldn't be here today, we'd be in Europe or somewhere else, or not born at all.

    Racial profiling and religious profiling are not the way we should go. What is a Canadian citizen anyways? A human being with permission from the government to live within the Canadian borders? Why should government be able to pick and choose who gets favoured in such a way and who doesn't. Especially based on something that they have no control over--the country where they originate.

    Is terrorism a Muslim problem? I'd say no. I'd say it's more of an idealogical or political problem. One that likely would not have occured if it were not for religious intolerance such as you are suggesting we use against them.

    I didn't suggest that Canada halt immigration. There are many people from many nations and backgrounds that would provide great bennifits to our country. My point was that Muslims would by default, be considered the least desirable population to allow at this point in time, for example: Being a Natzi didn't mean that you gassed Jews, but givin that your allignment was with those that kill Canadians, puts you at the botttom of the list.

  11. Our current imigration policy is horribly outdated. So much so, that it's been the laughing stock of the international community and "undesirables" alike........ for three decades.

    It's unfortunate for the decent majority of Muslems that wish to continue/begin a new life as Canadians but givin the world being as it is now, all imigration from Muslem countries should be stopped . There is no way to determine a persons intentions as an imigrant and therefore, the saftey of Canadian citizens easily trumps the desire of foreigners to become Canadian.........for any reason.

    Canada has a substantial Muslem population. It would be folly to suggest that many thousands of undesirables havn't made it through the cracks in a pathetic system-after all, thats why they're here-its easy.

    Furthermore, the Canadian legal system isn't remotely prepared for the many cases that will be tried now and in the future. Did we learn anything from Air India? NO. Two blatantly guilty men walked free despite a decade of investigation and tens of millions of dollars. Millionaire mass murderers, walking among us.

    Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

    I challenge the Prime Minister and Mr. Solberg to pass legislation that would cause the end of this foolishness.

  12. Another poster resurected the capital punishment issue recently; a worthy topic.

    The idea in and of itself is a solid one. Many responses cited issues of morality and some had issues with

    the potential killing of innocents.

    With modern inestigative science, in my oppinion, capital punishment should be reinstated. Capital crimes include multiple homicide, rape with torture resulting in death, child abduction/rape and death etc.

    These are crimes that society deems irreprehensible.

    It is the process involved that has killed the viability of putting these criminals to death. Simple changes in legislation would be nessesary to facilitate the process.

    Defendants would have to be found guilty BEYOND DOUBT. Multiple forensic labs would have to concur on the scientific evidence. Coroborative evidence would have to be solid in the eyes of a jury, and circumstantial evidence would carry less weight. Given the above circunstances, a defendant has no right to the appealat process. He/She is guilty as charged, and put to death immediatly.

    The death process has been further complicated by silly methods to expire a criminal: Electrocution, being hanged, gas and lethal injection. These are ridiculous, expensive and in-humane solutions.

    Therefore, a large calibre bullit to the head is instantanious, humane and efficient.

    If your one of those people out there, that believes that this isn't a deterrant........I ask you one thing...................

    What exactly, prevents society from comitting crimes in the first place? Why have laws? Why have order?

    Because punishment, is the cornerstone of maintaining a lawfull society.

  13. At first glance , I was very angry at the fella I helped to become Prime Minister (with my vote).

    It seemed as though Mr.Harper was not only abusing his power but brushing-off his "accountability" platform.

    After looking into the matter however, his decision made a great deal of sense to me.

    Yes, Mr. Shapiro was appointed by the Liberals but this doesn't seem to matter to Harper whatsoever. On the other hand, his track record speaks volumes.

    As the Federal Ethics Minister, Mr. Shapiro has engaged 2 (two) files of consequence(in the media) for the Canadian people: 1) Dingwahl ; He found nothing that would find the "HONOURABLE MR. DINGWAHL's" penssion buy-out as UNUSUAL, EXCESSIVE OR OTHERWISE ($600,000 cdn) on top of his full MLA pension, and regular "entitlements". Yes, one has to admit that this little, arrogent, indignant, homely bald-fella that you would love to have 5 minutes with.....alone, walks............with your money in his pocket.

    This Shapiro.....what a sleuth! good thing he was on the case! WOW.

    Case # 2? I wont even get into it..............it's the same.

    Do you think the Auditor General would behave this way? Not a chance. Do you think Harper would disregard her? Again, not a chance.

    I appreciate the Prime Ministers up front disdain for this man. He's made no bones about it. Transparency in government?............you got it. I hope he stays the course.

  14. During the last couple of months, while Greg has been busy with the impending and then birth of his first child, the level of debate and maturity here at Maple has dropped steadily, to the point where direct personal insults and obscenities are being regularly hurled back and forth. I admit to having been provoked into responding somewhat in kind, but I have to say I'm tired of it. If people can't control themselves any better it might be neccessary to start reporting these kinds of posts to the moderator rather than responding in kind.

    "If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear". G. Orwell.

    Sound framiliar?

    On the same note however, I do agree that things have become nasty as opposed to substantive (myself included).

    I think that Canadians have become too polarized as a result of the latest political scandals/elections/scandals/elections. I look to the south and it's a frightening reminder as to where this mindset can lead. Political parties in this nation are virtually the same and sometimes we forget this. We, as a people are "moderates" and our choices reflect this.

    My genuine feeling is that anyone spending time on this website IS POLITICALY AWARE, and the majority of Canada is not. I'm certain that this infuriates all of us ! So we take sides.........and go with it.

    Realistically, there is very little to worry about these days. Of course there are special interests and the like but fundamentaly, our country is in good shape, and I don't see that changing for the majority anytime soon (regardless of what the fed alignment is).

    I, like all of you, await the policy implementations of this goverment and the opening of the house of commons............but until then , lets not bother with speculation and fodder. I've said it before and I'll say it again...........I don't feel this new government is in the buisness of flushing their power down the toilette.

    Lets wait and see.

  15. I’ve read with great interest the recent unofficial debates over our involvement in

    Afghanistan; and feel that as Canadians, we need to revisit our role as Peacekeepers.

    After the attack on the World Trade Centre, we joined an international effort to capture

    Bin Laden, dismantle al-Qaida and remove the Taliban. However, when soon after 911,

    George W. Bush; capitalizing on the renewed patriotism and global sympathy; launched

    his assault on Iraq; many of us took a step back. This was not what we’d signed on for.

    We are now in a position where we have a new, untested government, and despite efforts

    to hide behind a Tory blue smoke screen; Stephen Harper’s party is still the

    Reform/Alliance with a Reform/Alliance platform, and it was his party that was so

    adamant that we join the American led invasion.

    Then we have as our new Minster of Defense; retired Brigadier-General Gordon

    O’Connor; who plans on touring Canada to sell his party’s foreign policy. I have the

    utmost respect for his credentials; but after retiring from the Canadian military, he took a

    job as a lobbyist for the PR firm Hill and Knowlton. Many Canadians may remember, or

    can certainly verify, that Hill and Knowlton was engaged by both the Reagan and Bush

    administrations to sell the justification of war to the American people.

    Now that Mr. Harper is stating that his decision to stay the course is not open for

    discussion, and Peter McKay is looking at a commitment of up to ten years; we need to

    force the issue. This is not about being cowards, and most Canadians, including myself,

    fully support the men and women of our armed forces. However, we have no desire to

    put them in harm’s way, if the initiative is just to support more American aggression. We

    need to force our government to stick to our original mandate or bring our people home.

    Promoting Democracy is fine; but not at the expense of our own

    Canadian troop deployment in Afghanistan is simply a matter of living up to our NATO obligations........................and it's about bloody time. The U.S. happens to be a part of this organization along with every other ally we have. The forces in the region are comprised of virtually all western societies and their mission is to restore- then maintain order in an otherwise sectarian and oppresive society.

    When the "Mullahs" and others, hold power in these cultures, they preach hatred and radical fundimentalism.

    The results are obvious. When Nato forces establish calm, there will be an opportunity for all Afghan parents to send their children to school.............to learn SCHOOLASTICS of all things! .........and let them develop their own understanding of the world.

    Peacekeeping? why do Canadians always refer to our forces as peacekeepers? As a nation , we have had a very limited role in the world as such. I suspect the media is responsable for this "POPULAR" but ignorant vision of our missions. "FLUFFY" is in tune with the "Kinder, more Gentle Nation" -I guess.

    It's time that the Canadian public wake-up to the realities around them. The "West" is not popular in certain circles these days, for reasons that are both justified and otherwise. I personaly have great confidance in NATO as an organization and the mandate they carry forward.

  16. Funny no mention of tolls for new highway, oops sorry I forgot it goes through the Rich Area.

    Sounds like someone's jealous and naive. Why should rich people pay tolls?

    Which 'rich area'? Sorry I'm not that familiar with Vancouver, I thought almost all of it was rich with those housing prices.

    "West Vancouver", and yes, most of the city has now become exclusive (fall-out from the EXPO days)...................yet another money maker. Thankfully the "west End" is still attainable for middle to upper class working couples. It's one sqaure mile in the downtown core with roughly 65,000 people- the majority of whom are renters ($1000-$2500 per month). This area provides the core with societal balance and diversity..........wich makes Vancouver the beutiful city that it is.

    As far as being jealous and naive; well, anyone that would make such an arrogant statement while not "being familiar" with Vancouver is simply ignorant to the issues involved.

    As to why the rich should pay tolls? Between offshore accounts and other tax shelters, isn't it fair that they actually pay for SOMETHING in their lives? Poo Poo on me for thinking so...........REAAAALLLY...........anyway , pass the Grey Poupon!

  17. Just like the naysayers before Expo 86.

    Without Expo we wouldn't have Science World or the waterfront or Canada Place...

    We need (and will get) new highways, new venues -- plus we get to show off how great we are in front of the entire world. B)

    BTW, the CITY of Vancouver is hosting; Not Surrey, not Maple Ridge, NOT the province of BC, not the country of Canada, not the little town in the Peace River.

    Go Vancouver!

    Go Mayor Sullivan!

    Exactly! LOOK AT WHAT EXPO DID TO THE CITY OF VACOUVER! The entire site was sold to a foriegn investor for a DOLLAR. If you've got enough cash kicking around to buy a 600 sqaure foot condo for $500,000, then your apathy is understandable.

  18. After watching as many athletic events as posible during these Olympics, I was reminded that it's all about the athletes.........the competition.........the final test for all involved after years of training.

    Thankfully, it still comes through the T.V. that way. Canada did very well indeed..........BRAVO!!!.

    Unfortunately the people behind the Olympics have lost the point entirely. It's all about big buisness and how to make a buck. My city will host the next winter Olympics and the "cost over-runs" have already started..........yet nothing else really has. The town of Whistler B.C. is akin to Aspen Colorado. The millionares were tossed out long ago (trailer trash) so the billionaires can leave obscenly lavish "challet's" empty for 95% of the year. Hotels are not within reach of the "upper middle class" unless (of course) the snow is shitty because thats when they have "special rates".........and the ROYALTY flee from the hordes of middle class family people(surfs) that ACTUALLY GET TO SKI THERE! (on rocks).

    I'm not a big fan on spending $650 million TAX dollars (thats a $billion when its done) to further enhance an over-developed "Disney Land with snow" (sometimes)- that bennefits the sickeningly wealthy......ONLY.

    They had to re-develop the highway.......because too many rich folk kept flying off of it at mach 3 (thats the only speed that expensive cars do) and dammit! .........it's an inconvienience! How dare the weather interfere with my life-long vacation! I worked damn hard to inherit this money!

    How will this benefit B.C. -Canada? It wont. "They" talk about all the construction jobs! Whoo-Hoo! I get to work for a few years before the bottom drops out of everything! YEAHHHH HAHHHH!

    The rich get richer. The average family gets nothing..........you cant even afford a ticket to an event let alone the oppening ceremonies (if there were tickets available), they are reserved (all) for the afformentioned elite and their family's.

    So what are WE left with? A bunch of venues that will never be used by any of us; a ski jump, a bobsled/luge tunnel, speed rings(Calgary) and sub-standard housing for those in need and of course, a lovely highway to shuttle the "worthy" to and from their abodes..........lots of smoozing and investment within their peer set, and THE BILL! ...........THAT YOU AND I PAY FOR! on behalf of these rich bastards.


    Hi JMH, I respect your opinion that 650 MM is alot to spend on these Olympics..however you don't have all of the facts straight here..

    I am of the middle class of this city so I think I can speak fairly here ( no inherited wealth in this household, we had to earn it ourselves). Yes the hotel rates are expensive but my family stays at whistler about 5- 10 nights per year at an average cost of less than $200 bucks per night. Of course you don't stay there for new years and christmas when it is really crazy but there are lots of good snow days to enjoy at $200 per night if you are a regular skiier.

    As far as the Sea to Sky highway is concerned I would argue that many more Vancouverites travel it than out of town billionaires. For one, the out of towners tend to stay for a week or two and therefore only make the trip once and back for that stay. Many of us city dwelling skiiers commute each weekend often both ways in one day. Of the cars that I see speeding like maniacs, they are not the airport limos...they are the average 4x4 crowd that wants to maximize ski time during the day. So making the road safe is giving safer roads to British Columbians that travel it, more than any other group. Whistler has more skiier visits annually from BC'ers than it does from foreigners, incidentally.

    Whistler being a major tourist destination however, needs a good road if we are to continue to attract tourism to BC and this is a good investment longterm for the tourism industry, not just for whistler regulars, and not just for the Olympics.

    As far as the other costs are concerned, there is revenue associated with the games as well, including the major sponsorship that you slag, and much of it offsets the $650 MM investment. Whistler is not the only beneficiary of the construction for the games. Venues are planned on the local mountains, and throughout the lower mainland. These venues will allow for greater tourism expenditures in the future as now we will also be able to host world cup events in our province, for each of the specific sports.

    As far as the venues are concerned, you are incorrect in assuming nobody will use them. Most of the athletes that won medals at the 2006 Olympics were from Calgary (28% in fact) where we last had our games, and Montreal, where the games were also previously held. Having these venues in Vancouver will mean that our athletes here will enjoy future successes in Olympic sport. We will be able to develop more Vancouver based athletes for future competition, and attract more members of Canadian society to these Olympic specific sports. Some people may not see that as a benefit, but I do.

    And don't forget BC being a "have" province, its not often that we EVER get Federal dollars spent here, this is the one reason I vote "yes" for the Olympics. Having spent my life watching Federal government $$$ subsidizing the Quebec economy, I felt it was about time BC got something !!

    I'm delighted that you are able to find "family accomidation" for less than $200 a night @ 5-10 nights a year.

    Not "cheap" by any stretch, but acceptable. I ski 50-60 days a year.

    Concerning the highway, by your own desciption, there was no need to fix it. Tax dollers should never be spent to allow reckless idiots.........to continue to be reckless idiots..........where ever there from. I've driven that HWY litterally HUNDREDS of trips and never had a problem.

    Whistler is a world renound ski resort ............it hardly needs any more press.

    Vancouver is a world renound destination.................it hardly needs any more press.

    Yes, we already have all the nessesary training facilities that Canada could possibly need. Calgary/Canmore.

    As for B.C. subsidizing Quebecs economy? I guess B.C. trippled it's GPP overnight and nobody told me.

    Lets sepperate!

  19. I'm not a big fan on spending $650 million TAX dollars (thats a $billion when its done) to further enhance an over-developed "Disney Land with snow" (sometimes)- that bennefits the sickeningly wealthy......ONLY.

    Huh? $650 million?

    If people in BC are stupid enough to pay for this nonsense, I guess that's their right. But I hope there's no federal money involved.

    Probably is some fed money. But tickets and stuff pay considerable dividends. The total cost at the end of the day after revenues will be close to nill. The intangible benifets to the city, such as international exposure, also are a huge effect of the games!

    Remember, Calgary actually turned a profit on the games. Maybe thats just the Alberta way, maybe its possible elsewhere. Who knows?

    Calgary wouldn't be where it is today without the games, thank goodness the olympics came here. We'd have no roads, an even worse transit system, and not an world class speed skating oval I can work out at between classes. :lol:

    Calgary isn't Vancouver, nor is it Whitsler. The infrastucture most in need in this region will not be affected by the olympics. We are already a major player in the world. This is a TAX grab to make the rich, richer. It's Bullshit! Revenues will not meet targets...........just as Turin.............but sombody always makes it "SO".

  20. I'm not a big fan on spending $650 million TAX dollars (thats a $billion when its done) to further enhance an over-developed "Disney Land with snow" (sometimes)- that bennefits the sickeningly wealthy......ONLY.

    Huh? $650 million?

    If people in BC are stupid enough to pay for this nonsense, I guess that's their right. But I hope there's no federal money involved.

    There is huge amounts of federal money involved. 40-50% , we'll see.

  21. It's time for Canada to wake-up concerning language.

    In the modern North American world, French is of virtually no use whatsoever. I would like my child to learn Spanish. It is spoken by people everywhere on the Northern and Southern Continents. Apart from English, it is the primary language of our world. French is spoken in Quebec for the most part. This is silly.

    I can understand teaching French to kids 100 years ago, but now its simply an anchronism.

  22. After watching as many athletic events as posible during these Olympics, I was reminded that it's all about the athletes.........the competition.........the final test for all involved after years of training.

    Thankfully, it still comes through the T.V. that way. Canada did very well indeed..........BRAVO!!!.

    Unfortunately the people behind the Olympics have lost the point entirely. It's all about big buisness and how to make a buck. My city will host the next winter Olympics and the "cost over-runs" have already started..........yet nothing else really has. The town of Whistler B.C. is akin to Aspen Colorado. The millionares were tossed out long ago (trailer trash) so the billionaires can leave obscenly lavish "challet's" empty for 95% of the year. Hotels are not within reach of the "upper middle class" unless (of course) the snow is shitty because thats when they have "special rates".........and the ROYALTY flee from the hordes of middle class family people(surfs) that ACTUALLY GET TO SKI THERE! (on rocks).

    I'm not a big fan on spending $650 million TAX dollars (thats a $billion when its done) to further enhance an over-developed "Disney Land with snow" (sometimes)- that bennefits the sickeningly wealthy......ONLY.

    They had to re-develop the highway.......because too many rich folk kept flying off of it at mach 3 (thats the only speed that expensive cars do) and dammit! .........it's an inconvienience! How dare the weather interfere with my life-long vacation! I worked damn hard to inherit this money!

    How will this benefit B.C. -Canada? It wont. "They" talk about all the construction jobs! Whoo-Hoo! I get to work for a few years before the bottom drops out of everything! YEAHHHH HAHHHH!

    The rich get richer. The average family gets nothing..........you cant even afford a ticket to an event let alone the oppening ceremonies (if there were tickets available), they are reserved (all) for the afformentioned elite and their family's.

    So what are WE left with? A bunch of venues that will never be used by any of us; a ski jump, a bobsled/luge tunnel, speed rings(Calgary) and sub-standard housing for those in need and of course, a lovely highway to shuttle the "worthy" to and from their abodes..........lots of smoozing and investment within their peer set, and THE BILL! ...........THAT YOU AND I PAY FOR! on behalf of these rich bastards.


  23. I realise that some Canadians are quite happy with their heads in the sand.

    I also believe that if Canadians used the research available to them...........this would be a dead issue.

    Most Canadians believe that because we are "middle of the road" and unobtrusive internationaly,

    we are safe from terrorism. Absurdity at its finest. We (Canada) are and will remain, a haven for these radical

    folks that want to kill you.............yes you.

    Canada is the largest supplier to the U.S.,.........like it or not. Our resources DWARF that of Saudi Arabia.

    We feed the machine that has created the problems ( USA, Israel) and there is no way out.

    We are a target. We are THE TARGET.

    So lets get rid of these radical, violent people, and allow CANADA to be at the table during critical moments concerning LAW and JUSTIFIED PUNISHMENT.

    The moral standard in Canadian LAW is (albeit weak in areas) , considered to represent the most modern and applicable standards of modernity.

  24. []

    Yes I suppose Mr. Harper will be very knowledgeable of the 4000 years of history that created the problems in the Middle east and solve it over night. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a thooth. That is how both Isreal and Palastine see things.

    Can he teach them to go a little further and Love your neighbour as yourself. Well we can't do it in Canada so how will he promote it there?

    What a strange post.

    4000 years.... What history book are you reading? Islam is "the new kid on the block" when it comes to global faiths. The jewish faith pre-dates Islam in a massive way (1200 years?). Christianity pre-dates Islam by many hundreds of years. Hinduism is again ancient along with Budhism.

    Allah by comparison, was a very contemporary fella.

    That being said, Prime Minister Harper's mission is to rally our troops and give a difinitive sign that Canada will not only fullfill its NATO commitments but be a willfull and commanding presence in the restructuring of NATO itself. The NRF plan must be carried forward with dedication. This plan is ultimately, the most precise way to deal with international terrorism.............a complete and unified approach to ending the conflicts that exist today and tommorow.

    It's time to step into the real world "margrace". The Americans tipped the first dominoe, and although I do not agree with their methods, it was inevitable.

    Western people are the enemy............that means you too. Canadian and all.

    It's time to wake up.

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