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The Honest Politician

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Posts posted by The Honest Politician

  1. This so-called "something that happened" happens every time there is going to be an announcement where the outcome of that announcement is fairly obvious.

    Look we're in the middle of an election. Is the minister going to make an unpopular policy change?

    NO. Therefore, as soon as he said an announcement was coming it was a fairly safe bet as to what he would be saying.

    But that bit of logic gets lost somewhere with the whole, innocent until proven guilty thing, that has has been thrown out the window by both the NDP and Conservatives.

  2. You are missing the bigger picture.

    First you tell these people they can't marry because they have different sexual orientaion than the majority.

    Then where do you stop?

    What happens when another minority is doing something else you don't agree with?

    Do you remove their rights as well?

    Where does it end?

    Forced sterilization of those with hereditary diseases, or mental illness?

    The first time you remove a minority's rights, you have made it an acceptable option for every circumstance that follows. Harper cannot be allowed to govern this country.

  3. Monte Solberg, says lots of things.

    For a moment I considered subduing them all with some (illegal) martial arts moves, and then having them shipped to Guantanamo Bay, but there were too many witnesses

    There are a couple of things I would like to see in the Conservatives budget:

    All the associated costs with creating the privatized home-based daycare

    The cost of increased prison spaces and workers to house the enevitable build up of mandatory sentences

    The actual projected GST savings for someone who has $25,000 after tax income compared to $200,000 after tax income. I want to see housing/food costs, savings, everything. This "tax cut for the poor" is a crock.

  4. As I've said before, I am a private home daycare operator who provides quality service from my home.

    To me, and to a lot of people like me, this is our only source of income. A fellow-home daycare operator chosed this business so she can be at home with her mentally-challenged child. Several colleagues in this business are middle-aged, who have been doing this for years.

    You think it is bad now. Just wait until you have to carry extra house insurance to cover the cost of a child being injured or possibly killed in a private home-based daycare. You will have to raise your prices and possibly lose some customers because they can't afford it. Trust me, after the first multi-million dollar settlement an insurance company has to pay, they will drop daycare children from being covered under regular house insurance. It is simply too risky for them not to charge more, especially with the number of daycares, and by extention the number of potential injuries or deaths, increasing by thousands and tens of thousands.

    I highly doubt the Govt takes $100-$200 per month of your taxes directly for childcare. Whereas $25 - $50 per month per child for multi-million dollar liability, actually sounds pretty cheap for insurance.

  5. How the $%^# the Bloc can be considered a Federal Party and get Federal Tax dollars to promote destroying the country is a disgrace. Without representation in all Provinces and territories they should not be recognised. The FACT Harper has said he would give Quebec and by extention the Bloc Quebecois, even more special treatment and opportunities like a voice in foreign affairs makes me sick. We have Elected offiacials who are supposed to make decisions based on what is best for the country. Ministers are appointed to oversee the application of those decisions. Sometimes the decisions are the same as what is best for Quebec sometimes They are not. No Province is satisfied 100% of the time. But giving the Bloc Quebecois the power to sabotage, in anyway, the counrty's foreign policy is a mistake.

  6. Uh-oh. Looks like Elsie can take a break. The conservatives are doing their own anti-SSM movement with the church.

    "God Bless Canada" just got perverted into an anti-SSM war cry. Harper is using his "God Bless Canada" speech closing to create ties with religious people. I have no problem with that. But at the same time he is using Church Leadership to further his own political agenda. That I have a problem with.

  7. Source: Wasylycia-Leis had Nothing New for RCMP

    It now seems that Judy Wasylycia-Leis's meeting with the RCMP was solely about presenting the RCMP with what she knew. I have received information from someone familiar with the meeting who wishes to remain unnamed that says Judy did not really have any new information for the RCMP. Wasylycia-Leis says her presentation "didn't have any new info" and it was more of a "compilation". My source speculates that Wasylycia-Leis probably just had a detailed account of "what happened when and who said what and when that happened". It seems now that Wasylycia-Leis didn't receive much info from the RCMP about what they had learned on their own.

    This should pique some interest from those who question the timing of the RCMP investigation and its publicity. It also brings up the question of why the NDP official site no longer has anything about Goodale resigning. For a few days the NDP official site had a Goodale resignation watch.


    Just an update.

  8. Mr. Leon Benoit (Lakeland, Canadian Alliance): Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister said that Canadian military personnel serving on exchange with the U.S. and the U.K. in Iraq have become members of the exchange country's military. If that is true, then the Canadian troops in Iraq operate under the host country's rules of engagement.

    The government cannot have it both ways. Do Canadian troops serving with the U.S. and the British in Iraq serve under special rules made up by the government, or do they serve under the same rules as the units they are attached to?

    Hon. John McCallum (Minister of National Defence, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, that is a very tired question covering material I have gone over a dozen times.

    These exchange agreements have been in place for decades. Before we send such a person, we verify that the actions are in accordance with the directions of the Canadian military and the Canadian government. However, once the person is in the field, he or she does not write back to Ottawa for orders on day to day matters but nevertheless, remains subject to Canadian law.


    So the troops we "sent" were already on an exchange program with the USA and the UK?

    I would hardly call that sending troops. Or do you have evidence of other troop deployments?

  9. The only "centrifuge" (sp) for enriching uranium they "found" was was brought in by an Iraqi Scientist who had dug it up from under his rose bushes where it had been buried for over 10 years. So much for a nuclear weapons program.

    The only WMD's found in Iraq are the ones the Americans brought with them.

    The evidence presented to the UN was blatently false.

    Did you ever hear about the Russian pictures of the Kuwait/Saudi Arabia border before the first Gulf War?

    Apparently the 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1500 Iraqi tanks weren't in the Russian photos of the same area.

    SEPTEMBER: The Pentagon says that 250,000 Iraqi troops with 1500 tanks are massed on the Saudi border. The photos are never made public.

    Soviet satellite imagery taken that day shows no troops near the border. (see the photos)


    Journalist Jean Heller learns about the Soviet satellite imagery and presents them to Dick Cheney's office at the Pentagon. They ignore the story.

    So this war is the Second time they lied, to serve their own international interests.

  10. Harper speech

    Harper in his own words

    Fascism is a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship: The PCPC and Reform couldn't work together and were merged into what appears to be a dictatorship where candidates are not allowed to talk about certain issues.

    forcible suppression of opposition, Belinda had enough balls to get up and walk. If MacKay had any he would have left to, instead he stands there like beaten animal, trying to figure out how he got screwed out of having his own party, and not even getting a voice in the new one.

    private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control, Privatization is a hallmark of conservative beliefs.

    belligerent nationalism, Belligerent would be a point of view. "God Bless Canada" IMO isn't.

    racism when dealing with a large group of individuals, there are bound to be one or two bad apples in every party, and every political spectrum.

    and militarism, etc.,Well Harper sure does want to increase the military.

  11. Go read Harpers old speeches. You just gave a pretty accurate description.

    Harper is centre-right.

    HAhahahahahahahaha. If he is centre right why did he co-found a little ultra-right-wing party called The Reform Party?

    Why was he a speaker at a far right conservative conference for what even americans feel is an Extreme right wing group of individuals?

  12. That is the sad fact with the Liberals. They have no soul, guiding ideology or true set of beliefs.

    It is all attack attack attack.

    Look at the start of this thread. A volunteer being asked not to comment on policy issues is turned into *candidates silenced*. Pretty desperate Liberals. Pretty desperate. :lol:

    It simply 'is' thats your opinion and is- simply - wrong. Fascism is typified by totalitarian attempts to impose state control over all aspects of life: political, social and cultural. That describes the liberals far more than the CPC. However, when anyone uses the word fascist or Nazi to describe any party, credibility is out the window as it trivializes what the real fascists and Nazis really are about.

    Go look at the definition of Fascism.

  13. Foreign investors were affected too that's why SEC is reviewing.

    Please post a link to ANYWHERE that has the SEC themselves saying they are reviewing the Income Trust Leak. From what I understand all the SEC has sent out was basically a form letter type response to the NDP allegations.

    HP, you can interpret this as you will:

    "We are taking your complaint very seriously and have referred it to the appropriate people within the SEC," legal counsel, Ann H. Sulzberg wrote in an e-mail to Wasylycia-Leis.

    Sulzberg wrote that the SEC "generally conducts its investigations on a confidential basis and neither confirms nor denies the existence of an investigation unless we bring charges against someone involved."


    I already posted and exposed that form letter for what it is. A form letter, that promises nothing and confirms nothing other than receipt of the complaint.

  14. The Conservative Ideology has more in common with Fascism than the Liberals does.

    Nonsense, the CPC wants less government and more freedoms, hardly fascist.

    That is a good joke! Totally wrong but a good joke none the less. The liberal ideals are closer to communism and the conservative ideals are closer to fascism. It is not a debate, it just simply is.

  15. This is from an article Scriblett posted then removed. She must have read it.

    First Scott the next time I see you you are going to get a major whirly which I'm sure will bring back lots of bad memories from when you were bullied in junior high, highschool, university, the Post, the PMO, and most recently, the Liberal war room.

    Second, when are you Liberals going to learn that you really must quit taking things that don't belong to you?

    Anyway, forget about that stuff. I ran into another Scott the other day on the street in Ottawa. Yes, I'm talking about Liberal Party talking head Scott Reid, along with David Herle and Jack Fleischman. For a moment I considered subduing them all with some (illegal) martial arts moves, and then having them shipped to Guantanamo Bay, but there were too many witnesses. So instead we had an amiable chat.

    Violence against liberals? Is that the New Conservative plan?

    Bullying people who don't share the same point of view?

    Whirly? Illegal Martial arts moves? Imprisonment?

    Somebody better tell Harper the gag order on stupidity is slipping.

    CPC Candidate

  16. You must have never read Harpers true feelings for this country.

    No, all I did was wait for results after the Gomery report. The few sacrificial lambs were slaughtered. But those who actually used the taxpayers' money to buy support are still hidden and protected.

    The same Gomery report that exhonerated Prime Minister Martin?

    The same Gomery report that praised Ralph Goodale?

  17. Let's review.

    Goodale said he was going to make an announcement.

    The economic and especially the political indicators (being in an election) suggested a positive announcement.

    People whose job it is to pay attention to these indicators, did their jobs. Stock was bought on the assumption of a positive announcement. When the announcement was as expected most of the Income Trusts, but not all, gained value.

    A NDP candidate whose party, of course, had nothing to gain by smearing the liberals, pointed out the increased purchases of stock and cried foul.

    The RCMP themselves say there is no evidence of wrong doing.

    The NDP candidate, obviously not intentionally meaning to smear the liberals trot out a form letter, as proof that the SEC is investigating the supposed leak.

    Proof = 0%

    Allegations and conjecture = 100%

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