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The Honest Politician

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Posts posted by The Honest Politician

  1. "Why you think that governments at any level should be involved in marriages or civil unions of any kind, for any sex?"

    It is the govt's job to ensure that minorities are accorded the same rights as the majority.


    The dishonesty is implicit in your lengthy rants that have nothing to do with the question at hand.

    I am a liar because my post are long?

    Are you on crack?

    What kind of thought process is that?

  2. He is talking about organizations which stand up for the rights and freedoms of individuals.

    Nonsense. Human Rights Agencies have nothing to do with rights and freedoms. Their task is to supress rights and freedoms and require private individuals, organizations and businesses act in accordance with government regulations.

    Nice attitude. Human Rights agencies supress rights and freedoms of thse who want to discriminate and segregate. That is of course if you believe discrimination and segregation are human rights.

  3. I saw this brought up on Mike Duffy tonight.

    Apparently Harper has never disclosed his leadership campaign contributions from when he ran for the Alliance and CPC campaigns. There where suggestions that a certain American Conservative Think Tank, (the one Harper gave his famous speech to), contributed heavily to get Harper into power.

    My question is, If Harper is running on accountability and transparency why is he hiding his books?

  4. Please explain how an individual who has $10,000 a year in disposable income saves more GST money than a person who has $100,000 disposable income? Percentage of income is a farce. You have to spend money to save money on theGST. So when you have little money to spend you save next to nothing.

    Who saves more the guy going to McDonalds or the guy going to the 4 star restraunt?

    The GST saves more for those who have more.

    I am assuming you have never taken a math course let alone an economics one if you can't figure that out.

  5. Mulroney sued the federal govt. to get them off his case. Without an airtight case the crown could not justify going ahead with their case, when there was a multi million law suit hinging on the ability to prove Mulroney was involved.

    The Conservatives are tarring the Liberals for old crap turn about is fair play. If you can blame another Liberal govt's faults on Martin, then Harper should be subject to the same. Suck it up. The Conservatives are just as bad when in power as the Liberals. So with that in mind. How the Hell can they say they are accountable.

  6. What exactly are the Liberals running on? Today that is?

    There have been so many gaffes, scandals and mixed messages in their campaign I am having a tough time keeping track.

    Nice try deflecting the issue away from the Conservatives.

    The Conservatives mismanaged public money before the Liberals were voted in, and they have never been held accountable. How the Hell can they be running on accountability when they have none themselves.

  7. The speech has been posted. If you fail to see the ultra right rhetoric in it that is your own problem, and will most likely lead you to believe a Harper-led conservative Govt would be good for this country.

    Unfortunately what he displays in that speech is a desire to dismantle the country as we know it and rebuild a more privatized, Americanistic, fend-for-yourself country in it's place.

  8. If you can follow the information it will lead you into a weird web of high profile high powered people who have banded together to further their own agendas by manipulating politics and media.

    The truth is coming out in the States. This is not unlike the same type of "conspiracy" River God is trying to make people aware of.

    Unfortunately the inability for people to believe that such a conspiracy is plausable has allowed them to continue operating. But the end may soon be near. The fallout of what is happening in the US will have far reaching implications. People will hopefully be more willing to investigate alleged conspiracies, and not dismiss obvious questionable connections. If the ties do exist as RG has pointed out, then the CPC will make the Liberal Party look like a bunch of Boy Scouts.

  9. I think religion is a buch of hog-wash and I don't want to have to get some stupid civil union because "marriage" is a religous institution. If the state can marry people and the state says it is a basic freedom in this country to be able to marry, then religion can go copulate with a hat. The fact Harper has enlisted Religious leaders to preach from their pulpits about the wrongness of SSM makes me sick. Religion and State are supposed to be seperate. The idea that a religious group is having the opportunity to have its agenda forced on me and my country, by the conservatives is plain wrong.

    The basic point is if two people want to marry they should be allowed to MARRY. Not be segregated to some second class level of CIVIL UNION. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the conservatives idea of "HAVES" and"HAVE NOTS". You are allowed to marry, and You are not because I don't agree with you. How pathetic.

    That is the second lenghty, dishonest and off topic reply you have provided. You are ascribing religious and conservative views to me that are simply not valid or accurate. I am not suggesting discrimination or segration of any kind. I'm proposing a completely egalitarian and fair posiition from government to everybody. Your argument does not adress my proposal, you are posting strawmen.

    Lets keep it simple.

    Why you think that governments at any level should be involved in marriages or civil unions of any kind, for any sex?

    Re: thread title - it is a typo, I hadn't even noticed it until you pointed it out!

    What you are proposing is not being proposed by any of the parties so it is meaningless.

    Please show me where I was "dishonest"? I love how everyone who disagrees with a conservative is a liar.

    You may not be advocating discrimination but the CPC sure is.

  10. Consipracy theory doubters had better take a look down south where the collapse of the long rumoured "old boys club" or sometime known as "oil Cronies network" is taking place. The authorities are quickly uncovering evidence which backs up atleast one "consiracy theory".

    Something has smelled in the state of Texas for a long time and now the stink is hitting the fan. It is no longer safe or wise to laugh off apparent business connections that are simply too convenient.

    River God try researching the real power behind the CPC, one professor Flanagan.

  11. I don't know how you can say you want to do what's best for the country and then support a leader who will do nothing of the sort.

    Is Harpers plan to give Quebec more power, what's best for Canada?

    Is Harper's plan to give the best tax breaks to the upper class, what's best for Canada?

    Is Harper's plan to over crowd our jails with mandatory minimum sentences, what's best for Canada?

    Is Harper's plan to remove 28% of a tax that is paid for by those who have more, and replacing the money by undiclosed means, what's best for Canada?

    Is Harper, whats best for Canada?






    This country will be in ruins if the Harper conservatives ever get a majority. Read up on Professor Flanagan, the real man leading the CPC.

  12. The entire Conservative campaign has been designed to blind the public with money so can't see the truth.

    Don't look at the fact we are destroying childcare, here's a hundred bucks a month.

    Don't look at the fact a GST cut favors the rich, here's 2%.

    Don't look at the fact in the past Harper has been very clear about his far right ideals and beliefs, "God Bless Canada"

    Don't look at the fact Harper wants to limit rights to minorities, " A free vote in parliament" and "I won't use the notwithstanding clause.....on this issue"

    It is the basic morality of the country at stake here. A Harper govt. will ensure that the poor stay poor and the rich get more. Is that what Canada is about?

  13. I think religion is a buch of hog-wash and I don't want to have to get some stupid civil union because "marriage" is a religous institution. If the state can marry people and the state says it is a basic freedom in this country to be able to marry, then religion can go copulate with a hat. The fact Harper has enlisted Religious leaders to preach from there pulpits about the wrongness of SSM makes me sick. Religion and State are supposed to be seperate. The idea that a religious group is having the opportunity to have its agenda forced on me and my country, by the conservatives is plain wrong.

    The basic point is if two people want to marry they should be allowed to MARRY. Not be segregated to some second class level of CIVIL UNION. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the conservatives idea of "HAVES" and"HAVE NOTS". You are allowed to marry, and You are not because I don't agree with you. How pathetic.

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