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Everything posted by rectum

  1. Russian Troll as opposed to Nazi Troll who defended soldiers wearing Nazi Symbols. Then go and Defend Al-Qaeda in Syria?
  2. Not siding with Russia against America. If Russia is the flu, America is HIV. I want neither flu or HIV. I am just saying America crimes in Iraq are worst than Russia crimes in Ukraine. And yes Americans soldiers in Iraq were nazi. Many American soldiers said they killed civilians for fun. That they thought of Iraqi civilians as non humans. And as we seen in Abu Ghraib images, Americans got pleasure from torturing civilians to death. American soldier even tortured children in concentration camps in Iraq. Not only did Americans in Iraq act like Nazi. But many served with actual Nazi with Nazi flags.
  3. Ukraine Nazi started killing Russian 8 years ago. I don't think Russia invading Ukraine is right, but Russia did not start the war. Ukraine defending itself, is like saying Nazi Germany was defending itself in the 1945.
  4. Even Pentagon affiliated media before the war admitted Ukrainian carried terrorists attacks against civilians similar to what ISIS did in Syria.
  5. Terrorist Ukrainian even use Ambulances for transport, never mind them taking civilians as human shield. Russian soldiers are risking their life to defend civilians. While terrorist nazi Ukrainian use hospitals, schools, and civilians as human shield.
  6. America attacked Iraqi for what the Saudi did. and many US journalists publicly said: Iraqi are not responsible for what the Saudi did, they have the same skin colour as Saudi so i support killing Iraqi.
  7. Numbers don't lie. According to the U.N Ukrainian civilian death are at around 4235. In Iraq the US killed millions. Invading Ukraine is wrong, but US killed more civilian in Iraq. And even the behaviour of American soldiers in Iraq was 10X worst than than of Russians in Ukraine. Before Russian invasions, Ukrainian killed Russian. Iraqi did not kill Americans, US invaded Iraq for the pleasure of killing civilians. Russia is fighting Nazi in Ukraine. While American soldiers in Iraq were Nazi.
  8. Next you are going to tell us that Al-Qaeda and ISIS never targeted civilians. Nazi terrorist Ukrainians have been targeting civilians for 8 years as documented by the U.N. As for Syria, you are just bitter than Russia defeated terrorist groups armed and sponsored by the US and NATO. How dare Russia liberate Syrian cities from the hand choppers and head cutter US financed, trained and armed.
  9. Europe will not survive. it might mostly Africa that would survive.
  10. As long as it is the Russian and the Americans taking each others, i don't care. This war should not have been between Ukraine and Russia, but directly between the US and Russia (I don't care who win)
  11. As long as US does not involve rest of the world, they can nuke each others. In fairness if instead of having proxy wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, if Russian and the US nuked each others, it would not be too bad.
  12. What are we going to to do US nukes as the US is headed into a civil war?
  13. I am not Russian neither is Stalin my Hero. Saying the American, French, German, British history is as tainted with blood the same as the Russian does not mean I excuse what that Soviets did in the past. I just don't like the when people: Everything we do is good, everything others do is bad. If we are going to use the past as an attack on the present. Then Germany is an ally of Ukraine, and we all know German history.
  14. -Like I said, i don't think the solution should be military. There are nazi is Ukraine (who also terrorist the local population), but I did not say invasion is a good solution. But neither do i think American invading Afghanistan was a solution. Neither I think giving money or arms to Nazi in Ukraine is the solution. -At the current war Russian are not exterminating or targeting civilians. Unlike the US that targeting and killed civilians on purpose in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  15. 1) The world is a worst place without Saddam. Saddam with a bloody dictator, but he was not even 10% as bad as the Americans. Even the head of the Shia militia that executed Saddam, publicly said on Iraqi TV: If I knew how Evil the Americans are, I would have joined Saddam army to fight the Americans. 2) What right did the Russia have to invade Afghanistan? Afghanistan asked help from Russia to fight American sponsored terrorism. When Russian entered Afghanistan, Terrorists supported by the US were already throwing bombs at school bus and killing women for going to school. 3) Attack on American soil by a group created by the US. US also attacked Iraqi on Iraq soil, with the same logic they can attack the US? And Nazi terrorist groups killed more Russian than AQ killed on 9-11. I am not arguing is correct to Attack Ukraine. I am arguing attacking both Ukraine and Afghanistan was wrong.
  16. Terrorists with 10s of billion of weapons are unarmed civilians. Same way every single Mujahedeen is a terrorist. Every single rebel in Syria is a terrorist.
  17. So the Taliban and AQ did fight for your freedom. Do you thank them for their service? In other word Taliban and AQ did more for US freedom than average American soldier
  18. Syria, if people in Aleppo can celebrate xmas without being beheaded is because of Russia. If women being able to study, work and dress as they wish, is because of Russia. Russia only intervened after years of NATO countries supporting the terrorists.
  19. Arming terrorists group in the past did blow up in our face in the past. In Afghanistan it did not just bog the Russian down, and it did hurt the local population. They don't attack anyone else? They already are torturing and attacking Roma. From before the war they attacked LGBT people, women right activists. And they even threatened Zelensky with death if he implemented Minsk agreement that could have prevented the war.
  20. So the difference between shit and dieahrea, and the difference between dog and cat shit?
  21. Hilter committed the worst crime in the whole history of humanity, no doubt here. Which beg the question why arm nazi in Ukraine who share Hitler ideology.
  22. 100+ million killed of the native population in North America. Never mind the millions killed in US wars since WWII
  23. Let us not forget it is Russians who defeated the Nazi. When most of Europe quickly surrendered to the Nazi then collaborated with the Nazi it was the Russians who defeated Hitler. If not for the Russian, 95% of Europe would be speaking German. Yes Russia has a problematic past, but not more than Canada or the US. Just look at how the native population of Canada are still badly treated in Canada till today.
  24. You are an army guy in a military that got defeated by the Taliban, and you are talking about being Coward? Soldiers who got defeated by bearded men using old weapon and living in caves should not talk about bravery.
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