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Everything posted by Restaurateur

  1. I consciously approached this issue when I was pregnant. Until the age of 7 my son didn`t eat sweets and fast food at all, and as a result he`s in great shape now - which isn`t the case with his classmates... so I think that, yes, parents are responsible for childhood obesity. How should a parent go about dealing with it? Of course sports and dietary adjustments. Yes, the child may not like it, but you should talk to him, try it first in the form of playful would you rather questions. Then gradually add vegetables and lean meat to the diet - just don`t change it drastically, it`ll lead to breakdowns.
  2. It is a real disaster where this world is headed. For the most part, expunging a Federal Conviction is not possible. What you want if you have a federal felony conviction is felony record expungement, if you can get it. Felony record expungement is much preferable because when your record is deleted, it is as if the conviction never existed in the first place. Only a person guilty of a minor drug offense under the Controlled Substances may expunge their record. Many people hire a lower from https://www.erasethecase.com/blog/what-does-a-florida-expungement-lawyer-do/ to erase a crime earlier than 10 years.
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