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H B Lowrey

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Posts posted by H B Lowrey

  1. 39 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

    On some other thread some hard core "Progressive" type was getting angry at me on something concerning covid and I said to him, something like, "I'll make a prediction. In another year all of you will be thinking like me and those who share my stance on the mandates and masks and passports. "They're a dumb idea," you'll say. This is good but when the logic hammer does finally bang you over the head so hard you'll have to say 'hi there' you're going to say 'I always thought like this' and accuse me of being slow to get it.

    Oh well...such is life in world with Progs. 

    But there's a better thing happening right now. What I'll call the softer or more rational left of actual liberals are starting to get it. I expect this to continue. Would you like an example?



  2. 1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Bernays worked in PR and marketing, but I can't find anything to link him to any long cons.

    He sold war before moving on to the Madison Ave stuff.  Pioneered the use of media in mass manipulation and the management of the perceptual reality of the masses.

  3. On 1/20/2022 at 2:28 PM, blackbird said:

    Don't forget Roman Catholicism won't save you either.  Do you think you are safe because you are a RC and can ignore the subject of God?  It is largely based on inventions of men rather than the Bible for the purpose of increasing the control by Rome.  Why do you think they teach salvation comes through the church's sacraments administered by the priests?  This is contrary to the Bible which teaches salvation is strictly by faith through grace.  Not to mention the idolatry of Mary worship and praying to saints, etc.

    When you self proclaimed christians get that all sorted out amongst yourselves, do let the rest of us know, k?

  4. Just now, Yzermandius19 said:

    they forced me to get vaccinated to keep my job

    government mandates forcing my employers to mandate it

    even though I already had covid and have natural immunity

    stop pretending no one is being forced to do anything they don't want to do

    that is obvious bullshit

    No.  You have the same relationship with your employer that all employees have always had with their employers throughout history.  If/when your employer asks of you something you find personally untenable, you have two choices; comply or seek employment elsewhere.  You made a choice.  Stop whining about it, nothing's changed.  And if this COVID business is the very first time your employer has requested you be vaxxed against something they don't want sweeping through the work force, you're way behind most others.

    Now, tell us all how you determined your waning level of "natural immunity".  You're aware that fades over time, yeah?

    • Sad 1
  5. 20 hours ago, eyeball said:

    He didn't really change anything, he kept the same ball rolling towards the same cliff edge. Trump was/is much less a cause and more the effect of an America that started changing quite a while ago.

    Agreed for the most part.  He is the first charlatan that brought his deadbeat trust fund baby grifter spawn from 3 baby mommas into office with him.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

    no need for vaccine mandates, antivax taxes and lockdowns then

    I have no issues with people making their own decisions

    I have issues with people forcing others to make the same decisions they do

    treating the unvaccinated as untermensch is unacceptable

    just leave them alone and there would be no issue

    the government punishing people for making choices they don't like is the problem

    and they are pandering to masses who support that bullshit

    What have you personally been forced to do, by whom?  Be specific.  You seem to be caterwauling about things you never bothered to comply with anyway.

  7. Just now, Queenmandy85 said:

    The 9-11 attacks came from Afganistan. Iraq's Saddam had nothing to do with it.

    With quite a bit of Saudi participation at the very least.  America has this penchant for partnering with parties it later declares to be enemies deserving eradication.

  8. 3 minutes ago, blackbird said:


    People recovering from Omicron can experience the following:

    Muscle weakness and stiff joints

    Extreme fatigue and feeling low on energy

    Reduced mobility


    Phlegm build-up

    Weaker physical fitness

    Loss of appetite and weight loss

    Lack of sense of smell or taste

    Stomach problems and this includes heartburn, diarrhoea and vomiting

    Difficulties swallowing

    On the other hand, some people experience a mental and emotional toll from Covid. These include:

    Sleep issues – and can affect people who have been in hospital, where it can be difficult to sleep on Covid wards

    Mental fog such as being forgetful and not thinking clearly

    Sudden changes in your mood

    Depression or anxiety

    Nightmares or flashbacks

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    Confusion or delirium  "

    The worrying side effect Omicron patients must watch out for even after recovering from Covid (the-sun.com)

    So, is there any need for certain measures to fight the pandemic?   I wouldn't call the existing measures "draconian".  Yes there is a need for the measures.  It is still a serious threat to everyone.

    And then there's the 864,934 dead americans and counting.

    Home - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (jhu.edu)

  9. 10 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Of the issues stated in the OP, the only one that is political was the invasion of Iraq. IMO, President Bush was riding a wave of hubris and wanted to prove he could out perform his father. I mean, what could go wrong?

    However, it wasn't a scam. It was promoted out of a lack of knowledge. I can't think of a single actual scam (ie. the long con) carried out by either the Canadian or US governments since Adams and Handcock in 1775.

    See Edward L Bernays for the american scam machinery.

  10. 3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Is it just me or is anyone else wondering why all the American stuff posted in the Canadian Federal Politics section. The United States is a nice country to visit and they have given us the wisdom of Bush Cheney, but this is Canada.

    It seems some Canadians think they run the US just like many in the US think they run planet earth.

  11. 9 hours ago, blackbird said:

    "12  A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise. " Proverbs 15:12 KJV

    "14  The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness. " Proverbs 15:14 KJV

    "32  He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding."  Proverbs 15:32 KJV  

    Your bible means nothing to me.  Nothing.

  12. 11 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

    has everything to do with you

    you support those hysterics and criticize everyone who calls them out on it

    people like you are who the politicians are pandering to when they treat the unvaccinated like untermensch

    No one was ever guilty of anything some half-witted anonymous poster assigned to them on line pard.  If you don't like the advice of the scientists and medical professionals, don't follow it.  It's not like you have been anyway.  You're not my problem, and you will never be allowed to become such.

  13. On 1/20/2022 at 3:41 PM, Infidel Dog said:

    When you say "colored" you mean Afro-Americans, right? Unequal levels of incarceration isn't a problem for Asians (as in Orientals) for example.

    I see the problem with higher levels of incarcerations of Afro-Americans centering on the fact they do more crimes - violent crimes in particular. There are many theories as to why that is, but God ordering Whites to throw them in jail is not one of them. That would be lunatic fringe. I hope that's not what you're suggesting.

    I lean more towards the hypothesis of lack of male parenting and segregation into voter plantations by Democrat policies following and including Johnson's great society. Such patriarchal, 'the bosses will look after you", equity, style programs robbed them of their self-worth.

    I don't think God told the Democrats to do it though. Unless you tell me Karl Marx is God.

    Standard white supremacist Lee Atwater filtered racist bullshit.  Thanks for typing it out.

  14. 6 hours ago, ironstone said:

    That's rich considering what you write about Trump and his supporters. You're practically frothing at the mouth.

    The entire world has had a chance to witness the charade that is Donald J Trump for over half a century given that he's always been a media attention whore, the quintessential whiny little bitch, and an entitled self-absorbed deadbeat trust fund baby grifter.  If that's news to you the slap in the face may have stung.  I get that much.

    His "supporters"?  Yeah, that's not one monolithic group of people.  Did you try to attack the capital with those misfits?  Them?  Yeah.

  15. 11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    You're pretty cocky for someone who's just 100% wrong about everything.

    Remember when you were in school and you thought that you did great on a test and you got a whopping 14%? This is exactly the same thing. 

    The main problems with the whole vaccines conversation:

    1) People here keep saying: "This is a pandemic of the unvaxxed! Vaccinated people aren't filling up our ICUs!!" and that's a lie. Since the vaccines rolled out in Dec 14 of 2020 there are about 7x as many unvaxxed deaths as fully vaxxed, but there were basically no fully vaxxed people until May. 

    2) The vaccines don't stop the spread of covid at all. Vaccinated people spread covid just fine, in fact the omicron variant came here from South Africa and only vaccinated people flew to/from SA.


    4) There are very serious adverse affects of the vaccines. When people tell you otherwise they're lying. https://www.myocarditisfoundation.org/myocarditis-and-pericarditis-following-mrna-covid-19-vaccination/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpO3k5bnD9QIV_Q6tBh3bmAEOEAAYASAAEgIYmvD_BwE

    That's a pro-vax site, they still recommend it, but they say this: 

    By my math, that means that 19% of the people who got myocarditis from the vax didn't fully recover. How bad is that? Pretty bad in young people who have nothing to fear from covid (you'd know that if you could interpret stats).

    You're pretty cocky for someone who's just 100% wrong about everything.

    No one cares if you vax shoog.  See your primary care physician.  Peace out.

  16. 6 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    They can argue all you want, but if they are going to tell me that life under North Korea rule , Sadam, Muammar Gaddafi,Taliban would have been better, than say democracy offered by the US, then i would say convince me.

    Ever heard of Edward L Bernays?  It's all marketing, gin the people up, to feel what you feel.  And no people ever went to war without first coming up with a rationale to promote, and group think view of, their own righteousness.  Discussing feelings will never resolve anything.  Not now.  What america learned from Viet Nam was, get rid of the draft.  Too wide a swath of the population is impacted.  So, now ~1% serve, we have issues of white supremacist/nationalist infiltration of both military and exmilitary law enforcement, and the other 99% of us are checked out at the mall and shopping on-line.  And war makes for good reality TV, and in a down economy, hey, you know.

    So that's what we learned from Viet Nam before we outsourced war to multinational corporate predators.  Mind you, the last constitutionally declared war the US was in was WWII.

    Now, here's what we forgot:



  17. 6 hours ago, blackbird said:

    As you've demonstrated it's far more complex that many people think.  It's easy to blame the U.S. for lots of things when one doesn't know the complexities of what's going on in the world.  It's hard to understand why a young man from Quebec would go on a vacation around Pakistan and the Afghanistan for a lark.  The dumb guy was arrested by the Taliban who are suspicious he is an ISIS supporter.  He's not the first to do something crazy like that.  There was another guy who took his wife and wandered around that part of the world and was also taken prisoner.  Then they expect the Canadian government to bail them out.  Like the guy who spent 15 years in an Egyptian prison and was recently released.  They all whine that the Canadian government didn't do enough.

    You of all people should understand zealotry, c'mon now.

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