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Everything posted by Stargazer

  1. How did the US underestimate / miscalculate the capability of the Taliban.........As well as the competence of the Afghan Leadership?? The speed with which the TAliban literally conquered Afghanistan /...again........ was remarkable....... How was that allowed to ;happen?? The variables in this situation are many........ and each component contributes to the evens as they unfolded. This includes the cultural elements. and the tribal mentality where factions don't get along at all. How come the"best military" in the world."....... did not planthis better??? It seems the were caught off guard.
  2. From all appearances , there was NO MASTER PlAN. Nothing has made cohesive sense In a crazy way......the TAliban's actions have made more sense.........and that bar is very low. Taliban version 2.0 will not be much of an update from the previous savagery. Seems that the Afghan s the melves playa part here too. If their leader is not invested in staying in power and fighting for the Afghans....... the prescription for total shambles has been written. They had become to dependant on the US......for too long. ergo not motivated to fight for their own independence and leadership. The Cultural components are almost too complex too. Tribal and antagonistic to each other. It is a petri dish for terrorist groups to thrive. So , we might have just gone full circle..........and back to square one.
  3. How would you have dealt with this rather complex situation?? Afghanistan is commplex, divided, with plenty of internal strife.......on its own. The cultualcomponant is a factor too......
  4. Realistically speaking: what are his options?? What would you like to see him do??
  5. It is too soon to make such an analysis. He has done some good things. Some folks just don't like him........because he does not have a flashy dynamic person anna. The current crisis a result of complex factors , some of which could not have been predicted. It might be wise to wait at least until two years has past before we can truly assess his performance. It is easy to be over eractive when a crisis is in progress. the mistake started when it was decided to INVADE a nation in revenge for terrorism. You cannot fight a traditional military war on an ism. But Bush wanted to appear "strong" and powerful........ and used the military to invade a complex nation that has been a graveyard for empires for years. The fact they let it drag this long...... only compounded the problem....... creating a dependency on the US . Of course leaving now or any time was going to be complicated. Let's see how this plays out before we pass judgement on the man. There will be plenty of time for post mortems.when the dust settles and emotions are not running so high. One thing is clear ........this invasion did NOTHING to resolve the terrorism problem........given the two terrorist attacks at Kabul airport today. The terrorists were barely kept at bay during the years of US occupation ..........The terrorist just lay dormant for a while.......... but were able to execute their plans quickly after the TAliban took over.
  6. How could this have been prevented?? What should have been done, that wasn't??......particularly with the speed the Taliban took the country. Biden is establishing "contingency" plans ...which is a not so veiled message to the Taliban to keep their word (not that they can be trusted)
  7. getting every y American out will be a challenge as not all of them are registered with the embassy etc. The Taliban is unpredictable , volatile and trigger happy. They need to get their equipment out too. They seem to be moving big numbers out now with flights leaving every thirty minutes. getting to the airport is the challenge. Someone certainly underestimated the skills and ability of the Taliban........... as the speed with which this changed is rather astonishing. But then they don't play by any rules............except what is expedient for them. So, what is the best case scenario?? There will be years of post mortems on this one.. (Don't think that Biden will run again.........;-)
  8. So, how do you see the world dynamics playing out now?? Seems that there were a lot of factors that got the US into this current mess. Failure to learn from previous invasions ...........being one..
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