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Everything posted by Tonyburlington

  1. Why Won't Canadian Politicians Denounce Anti-White Racism? Anti-Racism is a dog whistle for anti-White racism. Yet Canadian politicians are not denouncing this form of racism. In fact, they embrace it. Where are the Conservatives to stop this liberal, communist attack on democracy? Fact Check There is no systemic racism in Canada. There are race-hustling grafters selling this nonsense for their own personal gain. The media, celebs, politicians, teachers are all on this train of hatred and divisiveness. In Canada, any person receiving differential treatment based on a Code ground can seek redress from the human rights tribunal, free of charge. This applies to service, such as police and education, housing, and employment. Where is the systemic racism? In a system that has built in mechanisms to prevent racism? That does not make sense. Canada in 2021 is the best society that humans have ever created. Free housing and healthcare for all. Ask your anti racism advocate who claim there is white privilege (whte people do not earn their success) instructor to name any country with stronger human rights legislation and freedom. Ask them why 60% of racialized people are doing better than white people. Ask them why on average there is only a 7% difference between whites and third generation non whites? Ask them why more Blacks are going to college than Whites. Ask them why more " other " are going to university than Whites? Ask them to explain why "equity" and not merit should be society's objective? This pursuit of everyone having the same outcome despite skill, intelligence and effort is communism. If the law in Canada prevents discrimination then how is there systemic racism? Name a single case of an unarmed person being killed by Toronto Police since 2012. If they suggest Regis Paquet, she had a knife fight with her brother so her mom called the police, the police arrived and Regis ran outside and jumped off a balcony. Data on Race-Based Earnings: 3rd Generation vs White Workers In comparison, to white workers' income, all racialized people in their third generation or more, are at 0.93 cents to the dollar. This difference of seven cents or 7% is statistically insignificant is NOT indicative of any systemic factors impacting people's ability, based on race, to succeed in employment. On any spectrum, there will be a higher and lower end. White workers are on the lower end of average income. There are many groups who outperform Whites in earnings. This proves that there is no "White privilege" or "systemic racism" in favour of Whites. The following five groups are even with, above, or about equal to White earning power: South Asian (25% of racialized population) are at 0.96 cents Chinese (21%) are at 1.03 Arab (7%) are at 1.00 even Korean (2.5%) are at 1.53 Japanese (1.2%) are at 1.24 Approximately, 60% of non-Whites (third generation or longer) are even or above White earning power. This data is especially telling because these groups actually experienced legitimate systemic racism. Japanese Canadians who are at #2 were subjected to internment in the 1940's. 90% of Japanese Canadians were interned and they now earn more dollar than Whites. How can this be a system of oppression? How are they marginalized in 2021? Chinese Canadians were subjected to the head tax and the exclusion act which are examples of legitimate systemic racism. Now, they earn 1.03 to a White dollar. Arab Canadians are even with the White dollar despite claims of "Islamaphobia". Not all Arabs are Muslim but presumably all Arabs are marginalized due to "islamaphobia" yet they are on par with White earning power. When groups who claim to be oppressed and marginalized are doing better than the group with "privilege" , there is no logic to support this claim. It becomes absurd nonsense. 60% of racialized people do better/same as Whites. There is no systemic racism. Why do politicians continue to claim there is and throw millions at people based on their race? Based on being non-white. No reasonable person can claim "systemic racism" is real when the group alleged to have all the power and structure working to ensure their success is in the middle of the pack statistically and there is no significant difference between the average White and the average non-White. At some point, someone needs to call out the Emperor as wearing no clothes. The farce needs to stop. The data from Table 8 is clear, https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National Office/2019/12/Canada's Colour Coded Income Inequality.pdf The above completes disproves any systemic racism or White privilege in employment. Employment Rates There are many racialized groups with a higher employment rate than Whites. This counters the “White privilege” narrative: Black 63.8 to 63% Filipino 71.6 to 63% Latin American 66.3 to 63% Visible Minority 65.4 to 63% Multiple Visible Minority 65.9 to 63% *(similar) South East Asian 62.2 to 63% Source : “Ontario‟s Growing Gap. The Role of Race”-2005 data. https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/reports/docs/The Role of Race Ontario Growing Gap.pdf Subject: Education The next point race hustlers will make will be that education is a structure designed for the purpose of making Whites succeed. However, like in employment, people succeed based on their effort, skills, intelligence, family support, and individual will. There is no systemic racism in education. This York report found "other" to have the most success and statistical advantages, not Whites. You may hear people claim education is "systemically racist". One might ask if teachers and administrators in Canada are not the biggest advocates for perpetuating the lie of "systemic racism" which makes the suggest that schools are "systemically racist" confusing, at best. However, the data on its own disproves "White privilege" in Canadian schools. The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) report provides evidence of "other" being the most successful in the TDSB. They define "other" as non-White and non-Black. TDSB: 4.1.b Graduation rates: 87% (Other) to 84% (White) Figure 6 shows the outcomes for students at the end of the 5-year period. Within this cohort, 84% of White students had graduated from high school at the end of 5 years, compared to 87% of other racialized students. Other are graduating at a higher rate than White students. This is not evidence of systemic racism rather the contrary. https://edu.yorku.ca/files/2017/04/Towards-Race-Equity-in-Education-April-2017.pdf 4.1.c Post-secondary confirmation (university): 60% to 47% Figure 8 compares the post-secondary plans of Black and White high school students in the same cohort. As the graph shows, almost half (47%) of the White students in this cohort applied to and were accepted by an Ontario university. A larger proportion of other racialized students (60%) in this cohort applied to and were accepted by an Ontario university. Post-secondary confirmation (university): College: A greater proportion of Black students applied to and were accepted by an Ontario college than their White and other racialized counterparts (21% versus 14%). Of note is the high rate at which Black students did not apply to a post-secondary institution. Black students did not apply to attend post-secondary education at almost the same rate as White students went on to university in Ontario (43% versus 47%). https://edu.yorku.ca/files/2017/04/Towards-Race-Equity-in-Education-April-2017.pdf If Other have a higher university entrance rate and Black have a higher college entry rate than Whites, where is the evidence that the "system" is acting in any way as a force to give unfair and preferential treatment to White students? 4.1.e Suspensions: 85% to 82% Suspension rates are an important indicator of school success, as they reflect lost instructional time, which reduces students' opportunities to learn. Further, suspension can undermine the attachment of students to their school, particularly if they feel they have been unfairly treated. Figure 11 shows the cumulative suspensions received by Black, other racialized, and White students during their time in high school. White students, as per York's study, were suspended at a higher rate of 85% compared to 82% of " other " students. White students are also expelled at a higher rate than many groups as well. This is not evidence of preferable treatment. https://doczz.net/doc/7981010/towards-race-equity-in-education---york-university-facult... Schools Teach Equity and Anti-White Racism Despite the lack of statistical advantages for Whites, school systems will target White students and make absurd and offensive claims that they are oppressors. "Talking Race with your Children": TDSB Document The TDSB teaches that White students have unearned privilege and unfair advantages despite the above evidence to the contrary. Their "education" teaches: privilege• Unearned freedoms, rights, benefits, access, and/or opportunities thatprovide unfair advantages for members of the Dominant Group(s) insociety. Because privileges are granted by mere affiliation with theDominant Group(s), some people are not always aware of theprivileges they have. Examples include: cisgender privilege, straightprivilege, male privilege, settler privilege, White privilegePower• access to privileges such as information/knowledge, connections,experience and expertise, resources and decision-making that enhancea person’s chances of getting what they need to live a comfortable,safe, productive and profitable life. (OHRC) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Portals/ward8/docs/Shelley%20Laskin/Talking%20Race%20with%20Your%20Child(ren).pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU)) Equity is also a priority in Canadian schools. Their objective is to see White students be at the bottom of every measurement. As per their philosophy, in any situation in which white students have a statistical advantage, they claim "systemic racism". As many groups outperform Whites, as long as any group is below whites, they want "equity". Funding goes to areas in which there are less Whites. There is an inverse relationship between funding and white population. This is anti-white racism. Ontario: Differential access to quality education In examining if the educational system in Ontario is inherently biased/racist/discriminatory on a systemic level, the funding requires examination. There is a common myth that Canada funds schools based on neighborhood taxes and that wealthier neighborhoods have an advantage in funding as a result. This is not true in Canada. How funding is structured In Ontario, elementary and secondary school is free and available to all people. The Ministry of Education provides the majority of operating funding to Ontario’s 72 district school boards through the annual GSN, also known as “the funding formula.” The GSN is a collection of grants described in detail in an annual regulation under the Education Act. There are two major components of the GSN: The Foundation Grants cover the basic costs of an educational experience that is common to all students, which is allocated based on student enrolment and the number of schools. The per student allocation is equal across all races. In this grant, all races/colours are equal. The Special Purpose Grants address the unique needs of students, schools and school boards related to location, student and school needs, and a board’s demographic profile. The ministry recognizes that conditions vary widely across Ontario and the funding formula cannot take every situation into account. There is no evidence to support any practise of students receiving more money for being White or for predominantly White schools receiving more money based on race. In fact, there is evidence that the opposite is true and non-Whites are categorized as “marginalized” and receive increased funding. In July of 2020, the provincial government committed to providing $3.5 million to support the Black and Indigenous grad coach programs, which provide wrap-around supports for students who are at risk of not graduating. * ( 4 ) White students are not eligible for this program and there are no programs to support White people exclusively. Teaching All public schools require teachers to be accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers. There are no rules, laws, policies to place “better teachers” in schools based on the race of students anywhere in Ontario. Toronto District School Board (TDSB) The largest school board in Ontario is the TDSB. They prioritize Black and Indigenous students. They have a special anti-Black racism mandate. Ontario: Colleges and Universities In addition to Charter protection and the Ontario Human Rights Code, all colleges and universities in Ontario have inclusion and diversity/anti-racism policies/departments to address allegations of unfair practice/programs/policies. Policing: OHRC Report The race hustler will typically also claim that police are "racist" and there is "systemic racism" in policing yet the data finds that "other" are the least charged by Police. This demonstrates that Police are interested in arresting those who do the crimes, not people based on race. Anyone sincerely interested in examining this claim should look at what demographic is responsible for the most serious crimes: violent crimes, shooting, murders, gun violence. The evidence will again prove that there is nothing systemic about the police investigating the groups disproportionately involved in the most serious offences. The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released a report that disproves any inherent, structural advantages to people based on their race in Toronto policing. The report looked at set of nine criminal charges. Interestingly, the data was divided into three groups: White, Black and “other racial minority” despite the data actually being prepared by the Toronto Police to reflect six racial groups: White, Black, Asian, Aboriginal, Brown, Unknown. The three group data format showed that for all 9 set of charges, Whites were more represented than “other racial minority”. If the system is designed to favour Whites over non-Whites, this comparison against “other racialized minority” does not support that theory. As per the report, Whites constitute 48% of the population and represent 45.5% of all criminal charges. This would be objectively seen as neutral: neither advantageous nor disadvantageous. The “other racial minority” group represents 42.8% of the population and 22.2% of total charges. This shows that racialized people are significantly less likely than Whites to be charged criminally. Furthermore, the data indicates that the system of Toronto Policing demonstrates zero evidence of systemic racism against “other racialized minorities” and neutral to Whites as opposed to any “privilege”. Summary The next time you hear someone claiming Canada is racist, we have systemic racism, White privilege, ask for the facts. Why would groups outperform Whites and be better treated in schools and by Police if the system is designed for them? Whites would not be behind "Other" if there was a system in place to keep "other" down and Whites above. They will mention George Floyd and other events unrelated to Canada. They will attempt to add slavery to the crimes of Canada yet Canada became a nation in 1867 when slavery had long been abolished. The last point is that any person receiving differential treatment based on a Code ground can seek redress from the human rights tribunal, free of charge. This applies to service, such as police and education, housing, and employment. Where is the systemic racism? In a system that has built in mechanisms to prevent racism? That does not make sense. Canada in 2021 is the best society that humans have ever created. Free housing and healthcare for all. Ask your anti racism instructor to name any country with stronger human rights legislation and freedom. Ask them why 60% of racialized people are doing better than white people. Ask them why more Blacks are going to college than Whites. Ask them why more " other " are going to university than Whites? If the law prevents discrimination then how is there systemic racism? Name a single case of an unarmed person being killed by Toronto Police since 2012. If they suggest Regis Paquet, she had a knife fight with her brother so her mom called the police, the police arrived and Regis ran outside and jumped off a balcony. Canada is the greatest society in the history of humanity. All races are welcome and equal. I hope the politicians will start enforcing this message of Canadian pride. Who cares about color/race? Only anti racists.
  2. https://www.debates-debats.ca/en/about/mandate-and-roles/ I didn't see anything in the mandate about color/race being of importance. Did cbc invent this?
  3. Let's see if 4% of the population will be over or under represented in the CBC debate format. Any prediction?
  4. Great share. Not surprising that the cbc would do that but seems like anti white racism is growing stronger every day. Now whites can't ask questions on publicly funded cbc? I hope o toole cancels the cbc as promised.
  5. Here are some questions I would love to see asked in the upcoming Federal election debates. Questions for PM Trudeau: Liberal The Century Initiative It has been reported that the Liberal government supports The Century Initiative, a plan that is focused on seeing the country of 36 million grow to 100 million by 2100. Have you not considered the impact on the environment of having 100 million Canadians? It is likely that most of the additional 60 million people would live in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. How would that impact the country’s ability to manage waste, garbage, increased traffic and air pollution, increased housing? Where are they going to find affordable housing? Where will their garbage and human waste go? How many more vehicles will be producing harmful pollution in these areas? How much more energy/electricity/nuclear power will be consumed? How much additional water will be consumed? The damage to the environment would be catastrophic. How can you possibly be willing to support a plan to destroy the environment of our major cities? https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpf2IBhDkARIsAGVo0D1GeFv5Y4dDFRilmk7AUXIwOI-LPsD3Bosh_eJH7E63u-8YrKO-mg8aAn2REALw_wcB Afghanistan You have suggested that you want Canada to accept 20,000 Afghanistan refugees. Please explain how you will ensure that proper vetting will be implemented. Did you prioritize their, or any non-Canadian, entrance to Canada over Canadians who were left in Afghanistan? How are you going to get stranded Canadians home? What do you say to the Canadian troops who served in Afghanistan, and their families, with respect to how Canada watched as the country was handed back to the Taliban under your watch? Fake News On January 12, 2018, as the PM of Canada, you launched the hijab hoax and spread anti-Asian hate. Despite being the PM and having an infinite amount of resources, investigative experts, advanced technology, you, after three hours on the uninvestigated word of an 11 year old, made a claim that Muslims were under attack. You used this as an opportunity to denounce Islamaphobia. You held a press conference and announced to the world that this horrible attack had occurred. You are a part of this phenomenon of fake news, why did you spread the hijab hoax and why have you never apologized to the Asian community whom you blamed for this hoax? Who is Hang-Kam Annie Chiu? Julianna Kozis? John Wheeler? Jeffrey Northrup? You didn't have a press conferences or express outrage over real hate crimes but you did over a hoax. Why? Black Lives Matter (BLM) BLM: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” BLM also aims to “dismantle the patriarchal practice”. You have taken a knee in support of BLM. Their agenda includes defunding the police, advocating violence against the police, promoting Marxist ideologies, and they want to destroy the nuclear family. Their events also promote anti police hate, rioting, and looting. As the PM of Canada, do you support their anti-Police rhetoric? Their goal to destroy the nuclear family? Crime Policy In 2020, Toronto saw 460 shootings. It is becoming more and more common for kids to be shot in cross fire. Malls and parks are housing communities are frequently the targets of these shootings. Your policies that target legal gun owners have been terribly ineffective and gun violence is out of control. Are you not aware that the criminals shooting these guns and killing children are not licensed gun owners? Why are you not taking action against the gangs responsible for these terrible crimes? Human Trafficking Your administration seems to focus on “systemic racism” and slavery which happened in other countries 200 years ago. You have no success or any real plans to address the actual sex slave/human trafficking industry that is thriving in Canada today. Why have you not done anything to stop human trafficking in Canada? It would seem reasonable to Canadians that every available resources should be directed towards rescuing any person who is being held against their will in the sex trade industry. You seemingly never mention this or focus any energy on this very serious and very real issue, why? This should be at the top of your priorities. What will you do to stop this? Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP) You give money to groups based on race. The Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP) is a partnership between the Government of Canada, Black-led business organizations, and financial institutions. With an investment of up to $350.8 million over four years, it will help Black Canadian business owners and entrepreneurs grow their businesses and succeed now and into the future. Why do you believe one group lacks the capacity to achieve success? What message is our government sending to Black Canadians that they need to be singled out for additional support exclusive to them and them only? https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/150.nsf/eng/home Chinese, Jewish people experienced real, legitimate systemic discrimination 100 years ago as well. Any special programs for them? Canada’s confederation took place in 1867 after slavery had already been abolished. There was never slavery in Canada but many people, white people, were brought over as indentured servants. Any program for them? Why do you want Canadian tax payers to support discriminatory programs that help people based on their colour, not based on an individual assessment of their merit? Charter Breach There was a horrific tragedy in London Ontario this year. You held a press conference calling for domestic terrorist charges on the day of the terrible deaths with no facts or he results of any investigation. "Their lives were taken in a brutal, cowardly, and brazen act of violence,” Trudeau said Tuesday. “This killing was no accident. This was a terrorist attack motivated by hatred in the heart of one of our communities." The Charter protects all people with the right to a fair trial. 11. Any person charged with an offence has the right: to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal; You prejudiced the right to assumption of innocence. Why? This was a horrific, disgusting crime yet how could you know the motivation or that hate was in the killer’s heart? How is it appropriate for a PM to make such a comment before the person has had their charter right to a fair trial? Same question for MP Singh MP Singh made similar comments and had a press conference. As a lawyer, how did MP Singh not know that this was a Charter breach? Question for all Candidates I am a person of color bit don't call me that. Call me a proud Canadian. This is a great country with some of the world's strongest human rights protection. I am not a victim of anything. So please don't call me that. Do you believe in systemic racism in 2021? If so, name a single law anywhere in Canada that is racist. Questions for MP Jagmeet Singh: NDP Would it be correct that you claim white supremacists and Nazi organizations in Canada are one of Canada's biggest dangers and that racist, White supremacist organizations are responsible for many deaths in Canada? Alexandre Bissonnette was convicted of a terrible and perverse crime but had no link to any organization. He did have mental health issues. Guilherme (William) Von Neutegem has been charged with a horrific murder but not yet convicted. No evidence has been raised publicly that he has any proven links to any white supremacist or Nazi organization in Canada. It is not yet known, publicly, if the alleged murderer has any mental health issues. Nathaniel Veltman has been charged with one of the worst crimes in Canada’s history. There has been no evidence, as of yet, of any link to any racist organization directing his gruesome, alleged, actions. It was suggested that he had mental health needs and required medication and counseling. https://globalnews.ca/news/7938615/father-suspect-london-attack-unspeakable-crime/ At least two of the three examples .have potential links to mental health issues but not any hate organization. Name one murder in Canada over the past ten or twenty years that can be linked to any of the groups named as domestic terrorist organizations or any Nazi organization in Canada. Name the organization responsible, the victim, and the link between the murder and the organization. How many crimes in Canada can be linked to the Proud Boys? Pro-Khalistan Agenda The worst terrorist attack in Canadian history was executed by a Sikh separatist group. Air India Flight 182 saw the loss of 329 lives. Do you condemn these Khalistani groups who were involved in this terrorist attack? Please provide your clear and unambiguous position on this movement. Discriminatory Focus MP Singh why do you only seemingly focus on crimes in which the suspect is White? You held a press conference after the London tragedy expressing your outrage with racist White people and the threat of Nazis in Canada. Your reaction to Faisal Hussain was very different than to the London horror. You were seemingly not outraged by Faisal’s alleged actions. Why? Why didn’t you have a press conference to express your outrage over the murder of your constituent Marisa Chen? You seemingly had no response to the murder of Dante Andreatta. Why is gun violence not a threat to Canadians in your opinion? There were 460 shootings in Toronto in 2020. Do you believe Nazis in Canada in 2021 are a greater threat to Canadians than gun violence? Who is Hang-Kam Annie Chiu? Julianna Kozis? John Wheeler? Do you believe that white supremacist organizations are a greater threat to Canada than the actual existence of human trafficking? If so, why do you seem more focused on calling out alleged Nazis than taking action to address the horror of human trafficking tahat actually exists in Canada? Question for PM Trudeau and Erin O’Toole Telecom/Internet Gouging Jagmeet Singh and the NDP MPs will introduce a Telecom Consumers’ Bill of Rights, expand cell coverage affordable broadband internet, and put in place a price cap to make sure that Canadians aren’t paying more than the global average for their cell phone and internet bills Would you support this legislation? Why have you not taken any action to protect Canadian consumers from being gouged by the providers? https://www.ndp.ca/lower-cell-phone-bills Thank you
  6. We are taking 20000. Why not include them? Makes sense. Hi can we vet 20000 people?
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