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Colin Norris

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Posts posted by Colin Norris

  1. On 10/21/2022 at 1:24 AM, DONKIROCK said:

    There is no avoiding the conclusion that the Right is being persecuted and, when possible, prosecuted by the Left.

    This is fascism or authoritarianism happening right before our eyes.

    Are we demonstrating the boiled frog syndrome?

    What is fascism is the objections to democracy which bought Trump undone. 

    It was him and his redneck nuts cases who orchestrated the j6 riots attempting to I stall a fascist regime with him at the head. You can't deny that. 

    The democrats have stayed at arm's length from enquiries and Biden has not been consulted by the DOJ since it happened. 

    It is their job to hold enquiries and subpoena people etc. 

    Why shouldn't the first attempt of a coup in America history not be investigated? Where are these so-called patriots who busily hold their flags with their hands on the chests whilst belated about democracy. But Lord Trump gets upset about just that and the disease spreads like a virus amongst the blockheads and they don't like it. 


    The investigation should continue until the bitter end and those responsible for any of it should be jailed, including democrats. 

    It must never happen again under any circumstance regardless of who it is.  If anyone reading this disagrees, you can move to North Korea if you like. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    I think a better question would be:  “is the USA a legitimate democracy”?

    The erosion of democracy is what has led to a political party like the GOP.  

    The question of democracy has only got oxygen since Trump was democratically defeated.  There was no mention of voter fraud when he won. Then he loses and all the trouble started.  

    How coincidental.


    The GOP have morphed into a party who are  paranoid about maintaining their control over everything. 

    The latest switch from accepting they supported a fascist takeover by Trump to labelling democrats fascists is ever they have reached the bottom. In fact, that happened in 2016 when they elected the idiot Trump. 360 million, half of them republicans and that's the best they've got. God help them. 


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  3. Here's some facts brother. 

    It was raided because he stole docos.  It had nothing to do with biden whatsoever and the DOJ confirmed that. 

    Your problem is you still worship the treasonous fascist and want nothing done about it. He should be in jail and will be. 

    I suppose you think the j6 enquiry is a witch hunt also. 

    Keep believing that because those rednecks who are in jail now don't think it's a witch hunt. 

    5 people died as a result of that for no reason. But I suppose you think it is only collateral damage for supporting a fascist takeover. 

    Yet you call yourselves patriots. Don't make me vomit. 


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  4. 21 hours ago, Nationalist said:

    The twit will deplete the US oil reserves in an effort to maintain power. The the Republicans will sweep both houses by which time the US will be sitting ducks.

    The brilliance is staggering...

    You guys were containing about the price of gas, he dies something to keep it down and now he's a twit. 

    Its not about keeping power. 

    That's an absurd hate filled assumption. 

  5. 6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    What a stupid answer.

    You said that since his hate mongering isn't being discussed in the media it's not really a thing, then you just accept the reason I gave for the media not discussing it, but you still don't even think about the topic at hand. 

    I did not say that.  You interpreted it that way to suit you. You have lied again. 

    Do you understand how bigoted and stupid it was for Trudeau to say that unvaccinated people are "very often misogynists and racists"?

    Yes. But he could be correct if the stats were revealed. 

    Do you know that half of the unvaxxed are women? Are those bitches misogynists?

    I don't know what percentage are women and I suspect you don't either but I'm certainly not being misogynistic like you by calling them bitches.

    Good to know Colin! Thanks for your outstanding insights!

    Think ffs. This has nothing to do with what CTV/CBC/Global news told you (and don't pretend that you don't gobble up their spew, I recognize it in you instantly).

    No you didn't because I can't access those outlets. Whatever you recognised must be as real as God. You stereotype all your opponents with silly labels like that.  It's not as if you are the last bastion of truth on here. 

    They are not your lord & master. Just think inside of your own head. 

    Really? That's the kettle calling the pot black. 

    Is it ok for Trudeau to say "The Norrises are very often misogynists and racists"?

    He didn't say that. You fabricated that childish shit to emphasise your silliness. 

    I understand you think you rule this forum but not me. You take challenges a declaration of  war and fabricate hyperthetical scenarios which are meaningless to bolster your ignorance.  

    How about if I end all of my posts with "The Norrises are very often misogynists and racists"? Would that be ok? 

    What do you personally think about the sentence "The Norrises are very often misogynists and racists"?

    Do you like hearing "The Norrises are very often misogynists and racists"?

    IMO saying "The Norrises are very often misogynists and racists" is bigoted and stupid, but by all indications you'd be ok with it. Maybe I just have far higher standards than you and La Turd.

    There's a classic example of your ignorance and frustration. Is that the best you've got? You've resorted to referring to them as turds. well, since you started it, you think you're a hot shit but you're really only a warmed up turd. Try again. 


  6. 5 hours ago, ironstone said:

    It's whining not whinging.

    It's whinging in my language. You might haven't swallowed a dictionary when younger but it wasn't an English version. 

    Don't be so arrogant. 

    Gore didn't WHINE too much after his lengthy court battle ended. Hillary is another story, she's still going on after the 2016 shocker.

    Biden is apparently questioning whether the 2022 midterm elections will be illegitimate if his voting rights bill isn't passed. That's the bill that does away with voters having to produce ID in order to vote.

    Biden Draws Criticism After Raising Prospect of Illegitimate 2022 Election - WSJ

    The fact remains and always will.  Trump was responsible for the first ever coup to destroy democracy. He was the one who made the court challenges which all failed. 

    As a Republican you should have condemned it but like the rest you went with the flow of ignorant red necks who hate democrats . You were prepared to sacrifice democracy purely to install a dictator. What a disgraceful episode in the history of the nation. It goes to  show the pure bile and venom and contempt republicans have for freedom. You would rather a dictator than democracy. 

    Spell check that.  Had enough yet? 


  7. On 1/21/2022 at 10:49 AM, ironstone said:

    So would you equate Trump's claims of a stolen election with those of Hillary Clinton and Al Gore?

    Definately not.  I don't recall them still whinging 12 months after the event or orchestrating a violent attack on the capitol or being dragged through a inquiry to justify it like trump. Aren't you pleased you asked a stupid question? I am. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, taxme said:

    You are a load of crap. I do know as to what is happening in some states of Australia because I have watched all of the action going on in the alternative media.

    Oooooooh .  You've watched it all on fox. Thats a reliable source for an unbiased opinion. 

    I do checkout both sides of the story unlike you. I have watched dozens of demonstrations going on against the vaccine mandates in Australia.

    If you did check it you wouldn't be calling all the parties fascist.  You've opened your ignorant mouth a bit to wide now. 

    Australia does have fascist political party's that like to call themselves conservative or republican. 

    Here in Canada, we have a conservative party but they act more like a leftist lieberal fascist party. Just because some party calls themselves conservative or republican does not mean that they are.

    Is that so.  You should be educating the masses with the intellectual reservoir you have. 

    If you live there you obviously do not know as to what is going on over in Australia, You need to get out of your grandma's basement and go learn something, clueless. ?

    If you don't live here you need to shut your ignorant mouth. You cannot possibly have the facts and who cares what a right wing redneck foreigner thinks. You know nothing of the sort. Go away. 



  9. As I thought, the lack of documented evidence is clear. Every post is filled with hear say and propaganda from the right. 

    Not a single mention of the challenges by trump that failed.  Nothing about how the democrats orchestrated millions of votes into the system and not one Republican electoral official noticed. 

    It reminds of a dead carcass. Occasionally making noises and emitting smells but nonetheless dead all the same. 

  10. 2 hours ago, blackbird said:

    Where did I say I believed there were WMDs.  There you go again making things up.   At the time, before the Americans actually went into Iraq, likely everyone believed what the media told them about WMDs.  However, if you had read my comments closely, I said the justification for the Americans staying in Iraq was not the WMDs but it was al Qaida pouring into Iraq to fight the Americans.  So they had good reason to be there as part of the war on terrorism.  Why is it lefties seem to support anti-Americanism?

    Why is it un researched ignorance is now passing for fact? 

    If your assumption is correct, why did republicans smash the capitol building attempting to destroy democracy? Was that not un American? Was it not a feeble attempt to install a dictator who wanted complete  control over every thing even democracy? 

    I'm beginning to think you don't think straight most of the time. 

    I'll be following you to see if you improve. 


  11. 1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    Not purely a religious statement.   Morality and ethics comes from belief in God and the Bible. 

    Absolute rubbish. All those human features preceded any religion ever invented. Its a long stretch to suggest only godbotherers have those features because they think it was so tenderly gifted by God. 

    Does  all the slaughter of children and innocent people in the bible point to morals and ethics from your silly God? Does  brain cancer in little  kids point to morals from God after all he created them? 

    I think you had better re think those  outrageous statements before posting it. 

    Young people are being brainwashed in public schools, the media, and society today into believing in humanism, progressivism and liberalism as the central idea of life. 

    What you really mean is they are being allowed to chose to decide what they like. If the Jesus junkies had their way, freedom to chose would be abolished. That's called brain washing. 

    The central idea of life is to be taught everything possible and you decide. The education system is no longer a tool of  the right  wing godbotherers, indoctrinating them with your lies. 

    The Bible and Christianity is being driven out of society by the cancel culture, political left, and liberals and fed other poisons.

    Not so.  Apart from the fact it needs to be, people are waking up to the hypocrisy and lies the likes  of you peddle. 

    It's breathtaking to think a mature human being can still believe in religion and the existence of a God when everything us explained.  

    We know there was no creator and no God but you are frightened of  death so persue eternity. 

    Try this. 

    If God created the universe,  what year approximately did he do it? From  what did he created it? 

    If there was nothing, its fair to ask who created God? 

    Do you really believe eve came from a rib of  Adam because the bible says so? 

    Answer those questions if you think this discussion is worth persuing. 



  12. 4 hours ago, blackbird said:

    The Iraq war was not a scam.  Were you aware that al Qaida terrorists travelled to Iraq by the thousands from all over the middle east when the Americans were there for the sole purpose of fighting the American great Satan.  al Qaeda is just a branch of ISIS.   Who do you think the Americans were fighting against in Iraq?   

    I'll tell you why. The sanctions placed by American on the country was sending it broke. In retaliation, Hussein put oil on the market very cheap. he had to be stopped so america attacked to protect the oil industry oligarchs in America. 

    Have you heard of the war against terrorism after 9-11?  That was what the war in Iraq was all about. 

    It was not. See above.  There  was nothing found thrre to support the 9/11 attacks. In fact they invented an excuse, WMD, to justify the attack. 

    Surprising how widespread ignorance is on the subject of the Iraq war.

    Oh the irony of you saying that. 

    Only a person dead would believe America cares about the freedom of people. Why don't they attack north Korea or China? There's no freedom there. 

    Let's not wander into that ignorance area. 


  13. 3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


    Do you think that what he did was ok?

    He's a lying, hate mongering piece of shit by any reckoning. 

    I'd love for you to find an article from someone who supports what he said. 

    You're getting a little frustrated. Have a valium and lie down. 

    If you were right he would be openly criticised. You're not so he wasn't. Duuuuuuh 

  14. 4 hours ago, West said:

    In your opinion, which has been the largest politically driven scams in our history?

    1. Y2K

    I don't believe it was a government sponsored scam. 

    2. Iraq War

    The war wasn't the scam. It was the reason for going there. 

    3 Trump/Russia collusion

    Trump definately had an unhealthy relationship with Russia.  

    4. Covid 

    There's nothing scam about that. Ask those 800k who are dead if it's a con. 

    5. Other


  15. On 11/22/2019 at 4:08 PM, Guest ProudConservative said:

    If you ever wonder why the Netherlands has the highest gas tax in the world, the government thinks sex is a human right. If you're disabled, you're entitled to 12 Prostitutes per year, and these arn't the cheap ladyboys from Thailand. The prostututes in the Netherlands are some of the most expensive in the world.

    Well I'd hate to be a taxpayer in the Netherlands.


    It's no different to  the government not imposing taxes on the godbotherers. 

    Governments are there to provide services to the public including disabled. 

  16. On 1/7/2022 at 3:07 PM, blackbird said:

    The answer is a resounding yes.  This website gives a quite good account of the evidence.

    Did Jesus really exist? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ? | GotQuestions.org

    This website has the full movie "The Life of Jesus":


    There is not one word in that which can be evidenced or supported. It was produced by religious movement for profit etc. Truth never sold a movie. 

    It's absurd to think in the 21 century we are to believe a movie can vindicate something that supposed to have happened 2000 years ago. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, blackbird said:

    You are aware that the Bible, which goes back 3,500 years and was written by prophets and apostles who witnessed the power of God over a period of 1,500 years speaks completely against your position.

    In fact the bible was written about 60 years after the death of Christ. 

    There was no God as you know it for  1500 years before Christ nor did anyone witness any power of God.  That is a complete myth as there has never been a God evidenced since the beginning of time.  That's a fact  unless you are the only one with evidence to contradict that. 


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