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Everything posted by AntiConservative

  1. I think what it comes down to is, people see Meghan as an imposter. I just don't see Meghan as a trashy girl from the hood. Unlike some of the snobs in the Royal family, Meghan seems organic. They could of used her to help connect with the global community, and instead blew it, by allowing the press to throw her under bus. With Meghan's acting experience, they should of had her traveling the world. She could have made powerful speechs, and that would have improved public relations for the Monarchy.
  2. It's very snobby for us to be commenting on who other people fall in love with. At the end of the day, it's no one's business who wealthy people choose to love. Have you ever dated someone, and had a bunch of your friends put your relationship under a microscope? Then you know what it feels like for Harry to constantly be defending Meghan against the world. Maybe we should all just wish the best for them, and leave them alone.
  3. Like I said, what I don't understand is why the men of these countries would want woman to have their clitoreses removed. It sounds like a great way to have their wives lose interests in sex, so they're end up with blue balls.
  4. Yeah, but that's like saying a broken arm is going to hurt more than a broken finger. If both are painful, than both should be outlawed. We need to wake up to our hyprocrisy. If we're appauled by those who take away girls ability to feel sexual pleasure, than maybe it's time to re-think what we've been taught to believe about circumcision.
  5. So if we're so appauled by female genital mutulation, why do we continue to be so tolerant of circumsion in Canada?
  6. Look at the origins of circumcision. Religious parents were worried that if their boys started masturbating, they would be spiritually condemed. So they started removing the foreskin, thinking it would reduce the likelyhood of them masturbating. Circumsion was invented to reduce sexual sentation. The overall reduction in pleasure between loosing the foreskin, and losing the clitoris, is less severe, but the principle is the same. When you amputate nerve endings, it reduces sexual sensitivity. That's why non-consensual circumcision should be made illegal. There is no basis for allowing for non-consensual circumcision to go on in Canada, other than maintaining a statue-quo that appeases our religious establisments. In Canada like any other Western Nation, Church and State are suppose to be seperate.
  7. The tried destablizing a lot of countries at once. Look into the weapons smuggling out of Libya into Syria, and the Benghazi connection.
  8. We only accept circumsision, because we're use to it in our culture. When you look at it scientifically, there is no legitament reason to remove the foreskin. The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis. When you remove it, sexual pleasure goes down. I think it should be illegal, until the child can make an informed choice.
  9. Well the men who want their women to undergo female genital mutulation are idiots. What good is having a less horny wife around? Imagine hearing, i'm sorry but i'm not in the mood all the time. If a guy wants to enjoy sex, it's more fun, when the girl smiles back at you. It's not fun when your girlfriend looks back at you with an uncomforable stare.
  10. It shows the hypocrisy. Circumsision is technically male genital mutilation. The only reason why our ancestors did, it was to prevent children from masturbating, because they thought it would bring them bad luck.
  11. As a guy who's uncut, I can tell you from first hand experience that your wrong. Having the foreskin caressed is a lot more pleasurable than having a girl grip the middle of your shaft.
  12. Canada fully supports Male Genital Mutilation. Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Studies show that went you amputate the foreskin, males lose a significant amount of pleasure. It's almost like removing the clitoris. We're so brainwashed, we're told that uncut guys look growse. I think all genetical mutulation should be made illegal. If a guy over 18 wants his foreskin removed, let him have it removed. It should be a choice made by the individuals, and not the parents at birth. You're saying Muslims are barbaric for removing girls clitorises, yet the Canadian government allows for boys to have a part of their penises removed at at birth.
  13. It was an election between the worlds greatest narcasist, and a war criminal. Pick Your Poison. This is why I sometimes vote independant.
  14. Here's Hillary Clinton celebrating her own war crimes. Did it have anything to do with your visit? "I'm sure it did."
  15. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton though it was a good idea to fund militia groups who were protesting their governments policies. When the government tried to clamp down, they made it seem like the government was persecuting innocent protestors. This gave them justification for the Air Strikes in Lybia, which led to their Civil War. Once Gaddafi was killed, they switched over to helping destabilize Syria. Hillary Clinton helped pit one group of protestors against another, which escolated into an all-out civil war. If it wasn't for western interference, our civil war would have never happened.
  16. Well some of the most screwed up Muslims come from Saudi Arabia. I hate how the west coddles them, yet promoted the civil war in Syria, and demoralizes the people of Iran. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton and her Arab Spring, we would have never had our civil war.
  17. Most of the Hijackers were born in Saudi Arabia. Why wasn't Saudi Arabia held accountable for harboring extremist?
  18. Why I don't like the conservatives They don't have enough support for unions or workplace safety They don't support progressive wages The new conservatives are becoming more interested in identity politics, than government efficiency. They rather scapegoat immigrants, than do what conservatives use to do best. They promote xenophobia, instead of acknowledging the good things about diversity. They're stuck in the past. They don't take environmental protection seriously. They do the bare minimum for Indigenous Canadians. When there is a problem with their drinking water. It seems like the NDP, are the only ones taking it seriously. They have seriously cut funding for Autism, and people with disabilities. They have promoted wars in the past. Just look at Harpers trigger-happy desire to join the Iraq war. How many Canadians would have died, and how greater would our deficit be, if we had joined that war?
  19. You make it sound like a large percentage of Muslims in Canada, want to have their daughters clitorises be removed. Maybe you should conduct some research. Go to the local Mosque, and ask some of the members, if they want to see a member of their family undergo Female-Genital-Mutilation. The gap between your misconceptions and realty, is astonishing.
  20. I havn't persecuted any Christians. My parents are Muslim. I go to the Mosque a few times a year. It's time to judge people on their actions, instead of their religious background. As far as racism is concerned, it's a double-edge sword. Treat people the way you want to be treated. How would you like to visit our countries, and see creepy locals calling you "Whitey". You wouldn't feel comfortable. No one wants to be singled our because of the colour of their skin, or religious background. I don't preach any of that nonsense. I own a construction company. Three of my employees are Irish-Canadians. My father tought me everything I needed to know about construction back in Syria. Now I support seven employees. Five of them were born in Canada. I think i'm helping your economy.
  21. Defending people against persecution isn't hating their country. They're actually defending the values that make Canada so great. You're worried about seeing people who have a different skin colour in shopping malls. Well I got news for you. Their DNA is almost exactly like yours. They just happen to have a different skin colour, like dogs have different types of fur. No one is making a big deal over black or white dogs. To most people their just Dogs! So why can't humans treat themselves the same way? I judge people by their character. I know very nice white people, and I know very nice brown people. I know very scary white people, and I know very scary brown people. I've met good people who go to church, and i've met cult-like Christians. I've met good people who go to the Mosque's, and i've met idiots who preach Sharia law. It's time to judge people on the content of their character, instead of the colour of their skin, or their religious background. Don't act like brown people are invading Canada. I've been to Cusco, Ecuador. The colonial district is full of white people. If you visit certain parts of Central America, there're large clustors of white people buying up property. We live in a differnt world now, and people should be able to enjoy moving to different countries. Treat people how you want to be treated. If you go on vaccation to South America, do you want everyone calling you Gringo, or do you want strangers happy to spark up a conversation with you? I moved to Canada from Syria. You people keep calling it a shithole. Does this look like a shithole to you?
  22. How about judging people on their actions, instead of their religious background? Many Muslims in Canada live peaceful and productive lives. We own businesses and employ other Canadians.
  23. I don't support the Liberals. Justin Trudeau is part of the problem. Canada is seriously lagging behind other countries for vaccinations. They should have built a vaccine manufacturing facility, at the start of the pandemic. Then we would have domestic supply. If we don't have manditory vaccinations, there's a serious risk of re-emergence next winter. I personaly not worried about getting sick from the virus. I have an amazing immune system. I'm only getting the vaccine, because I consider it my patriotic duty to help end this pandemic. Some people don't want to get the vaccine for religious reasons. Well screw them. Unless you're pregnant, or have a legitate medical reason for not taking it, it should be manditory.
  24. As soon as my age group is allowed to get the vacine, i'm getting it. So I'm the one who's entitled? So it's good for everyone else to get it, but just not you. Just as long as enough suckers get vaccinated, you don't have to feel guilty about passing on the responsibilty to someone else? You have the same sense of entitlement as a freeloader, who thinks they don't have to do anything, just as long as the majority fills that gap. If everyone thought like you, this pandemic would go on for years. At least we'll know who's to blame. So you believe that the vaccines are designed to hurt us? Do you even know how these rumors start. Have you heard of the "Broken Telephone" game? Stop believing the fake news, that's being propagated by website owners who are desperate for traffic.
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