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  1. I know you don't treat Americans as human beings, except maybe for the colored folks down there but would you say that anti-Americanism is a form of racism?
  2. Mr. Boges, as a canuck, are pathetic insults really the only thing that canada can offer?
  3. Nothing, that's why Boges, you and your fellow canucks should take these FN, whatever they are and these American Indians. End their suffering in the US and welcome them to benevolent Canada and if you even attempt to deny them that, know that you do not own Canada, they do, so you do not have the right!
  4. Yes, yes, canucks are the greatest people in the entire universe. Anyway, canucks, if those women are suffering, why doesn't Canada offer to take them in? I'm sure they will be happy with the benevolent canucks that share their values.
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