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Everything posted by Mindonfire

  1. (Misinterpretation of the Attestations) The Misrepresentation of the Signification of the Attestations has led to many false Postulations and Theorisations From it’s Origination these Misinterpretations have been the Causation of many of your false Expectations and Hallucinations. With intense Examination you will see the Perforations in these Speculations. They are without the proper (Authentication) and therefore have no Validation. To further their Aspirations and unholy Machinations, These Fabrications have been used for the Instigation of a whole Civilization. The (Recantation) of these Falsifications would do wonders to the further Illumination and Realisation of your Vocation. Now recall from your Education that from Abraham there are two Congregations. Search the Evangel and through Revelation you will find both Classifications. One Denomination is in direct Observation of God’s Rules and Regulations. There primary goal is the obedience of God’s Ordinations and Dictations. Look at the Legislations of that Habitation and Population. Are they not built from the Promulgations of God’s original Proclamations? One Conglomeration is not of Abraham’s direct Relation; and there eventual Incorporation and welcome into the Affiliation is by God’s Sanctification In your mistaken Valuation one has been subject to Repudiation, Their Undervaluation and Marginalization has led to their Vilification Did you not learn that from Isaac came God’s Justification and Reclamation, and through Ishmael comes the Implementation of Gods Indignation and Castigation The purpose of Isaac’s Obligation was for the Abrogation of the law of Segregation; So that by faith in God there will no longer be Discrimination and Separation. Therefore through the Invalidation of this Limitation, Ishmael has been given the necessary (Accreditation) and Justification to that Occupation. So remember that without Demonstration, your Self- Proclamations and Self-Declarations of your Self-Designation will not bring an Invitation to the Lord’s Coronation. If you don’t believe our Interpretation and (Elucidation) then perform your own Investigation; At its Termination form your own Estimation. For your Facilitation here is a small Intimation, Begin your Observation at God’s Declaration of Ishmael’s Domination. Meanwhile here is our Adjuration: let there be a Discontinuation with the Participation and Advocation of that Penetration. Also for your Continuation, there can be no Hesitation or Procrastination with your Exploration and Deliberation
  2. Animalisation Have You Never Noticed The Animals? As we are now aware, in symbolism a material or physical object is used as a sign to represent the immaterial or spiritual universe. Whether you realise it or not symbolism is also used in everyday life. If you will study your dictionaries you will see that the use of symbols is woven into your languages. Today let us delve into this area of biblical symbolism which is also known as animalisation. Has anyone never noticed that the nature and attributes of animals and humans oftentimes mirror? Have you never noticed the similarity of animal and human behavior? Have you never noticed that the structure of society is similar to that of the animal kingdom? For example; Just as there are animals who dominate in the animal kingdom, there are also humans who dominate in society. The animals have their predators and preys, and in human society there are also predators and preys. And since this is the case the Scriptures will oftentimes use animals to represent humans who are behaving in the capacity of that certain animal or beast. We must begin to understand that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God is the principal force that separates man from beast (Gen. 2:7). The Holy Spirit of God enlightens man and allows him to move from his base beastly nature to a more exalted and aware state. This Spirit gives man the ability to reason, think, judge, calculate, and behave in an exalted manner (Exod. 31:3) Without the enlightenment brought by the Spirit, man will oftentimes revert to his beastly nature. In this beastly state he is unable to reason, think, judge, calculate, and behave in an exalted manner. His only inclination is to fulfill his primary beastly and predatory urges. Therefore when the Scriptures speak of animals and beasts, it is not always referring to one of the lower animals as distinguished from human beings. Many times it is speaking of humans. We must learn to discern these instances. If you can grasp and understand this concept then you will begin to understand the use of animal symbolism in the Holy Scriptures. You will also begin to understand the creation story of Genesis and the animal symbolisations which deal with the end times. Definitions from Merriam Webster Beast: (n) 1 a : a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being, a lower vertebrate, and an invertebrate b : a lower animal as distinguished from a human being c : an animal as distinguished from a plant d : an animal under human control 2 : a contemptible person 3 : something formidably difficult to control or deal with (Jude 1:10) (Rev: 11:1) Animal: (n) 1 : any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation 3 : a human being considered chiefly as physical or nonrational; also : this nature4 : a person with a particular interest or aptitude Reptile: (n) 1 : an animal that crawls or moves on its belly (as a snake) or on small short legs (as a lizard)3 : a groveling or despised person (Gen. 3:1) (Job 26:13) (Is. 27:1) Snake: (n) 1 : any of numerous limbless scaled reptiles (suborder Serpentes syn. Ophidia) with a long tapering body and with salivary glands often modified to produce venom which is injected through grooved or tubular fangs 2 : a worthless or treacherous fellow (Gen. 3:1) (Job 26:13) (Is. 27:1) Lion: (n) 1 a or plural lion : a large heavily built social cat (Panthera leo) of open or rocky areas chiefly of sub-Saharan Africa though once widely distributed throughout Africa and southern Asia that has a tawny body with a tufted tail and a shaggy blackish or dark brown mane in the male b : any of several large wildcats; especially : COUGAR c capitalized : LEO 2a : a person felt to resemble a lion (as in courage or ferocity) b : a person of outstanding interest or importance *a literary lion* (Ezek 22:25) (Heb 11:33) Wolf: (n) 1 plural also wolf a : any of several large predatory canids (genus Canis) that live and hunt in packs and resemble the related dogs; especially : GRAY WOLF — compare COYOTE, JACKAL b : the fur of a wolf 2 a (1) : a fierce, rapacious, or destructive person (2) : a man forward, direct, and zealous in amatory attentions to women (Jer. 5:6) (John 10:12) Bear: (n) 1 or pl bear : any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on flesh 2 : a surly, uncouth, burly, or shambling person *a tall, friendly bear of a man* (Dan 7:5) (Rev. 13:2) Sheep: (n) 1 : any of various hollow-horned typically gregarious ruminant mammals (genus Ovis) related to the goats but stockier and lacking a beard in the male; specifically : one (O. aries) long domesticated especially for its flesh and wool 2 a : a timid defenseless creature b : a timid docile person; especially : one easily influenced or led (Mark 14:27) (John 10:2) Jackass: (n) 1: DONKEY; especially : a male donkey 2 : a stupid person : FOOL (Psalm 104:11) (Job 39:5) Donkey: (n) 1 : the domestic ass (Equus asinus) 2 : a stupid or obstinate person (Psalm 104:11) (Job 39:5) Mule: (n) 1 a : a hybrid between a horse and a donkey; especially : the offspring of a male donkey and a mare b : a self-sterile plant whether hybrid or not c : a usually sterile hybrid 2 : a very stubborn person 4 slang : a person who smuggles or delivers illicit substances (as drugs) (Psalm 32:1) (Zech 14:15) Horse: (n) 1 a (1) : a large solid-hoofed herbivorous ungulate mammal (Equus caballus, family Equidae, the horse family) domesticated since prehistoric times and used as a beast of burden, a draft animal, or for riding 7 : an athlete whose performance is consistently strong and reliable (Job 39:19) (Psalm 147:10) Goat: (n) 1 a or plural goat : any of various hollow-horned ruminant mammals (especially of the genus Capra) related to the sheep but of lighter build and with backwardly arching horns, a short tail, and usually straight hair; especially : one (Capra hircus) long domesticated for its milk, wool, and flesh b capitalized : CAPRICORN 2 : a licentious man : LECHER 3 : SCAPEGOAT 2 (Dan 8:5) (Zech. 10:3) Dove: (n) 1 : any of numerous pigeons; especially : a small wild pigeon 2 : a gentle woman or child 3 : one who takes a conciliatory attitude and advocates negotiations and compromise; (Ezek. 7:16) (Hos. 7:11) Hawk: (n) 1 : any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group; especially : ACCIPITER 3 : one who takes a militant attitude and advocates immediate vigorous action; especially : a supporter of a war or warlike policy — compare DOVE (Job 39:26) Vulture: (n) 1 : any of various large birds (families Accipitridae and Cathartidae) that are related to the hawks, eagles, and falcons but have weaker claws and the head usually naked and that subsist chiefly or entirely on carrion 2 : a rapacious or predatory person (Isa. 34:15) Dog: (n) 1 a : CANID; especially : a highly variable domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) closely related to the gray wolf b : a male dog; also : a male usually carnivorous mammal 2 a : a worthless or contemptible person b : FELLOW, CHAP *a lazy dog 6 plural : FEET 9 : an unattractive person; especially : an unattractive girl or woman (Psalm 22:16) (Isa. 56:10) Bird: (n) 1 archaic : the young of a feathered vertebrate 2 : any of a class (Aves) of warm-blooded vertebrates distinguished by having the body more or less completely covered with feathers and the forelimbs modified as wings 5 a : FELLOW b : a peculiar person (Job 35:11) (Rev 18:2) Fish: (n) 1 a : an aquatic animal — usually used in combination *starfish* *cuttlefish* b : any of numerous cold-blooded strictly aquatic craniate vertebrates that include the bony fishes and usually the cartilaginous and jawless fishes and that have typically an elongated somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin, limbs in the form of fins when present at all, and a 2-chambered heart by which blood is sent through thoracic gills to be oxygenated 3 a : a person who is caught or is wanted (as in a criminal investigation) b : FELLOW, PERSON (Job 12:8) (Zeph. 1:3) Jackal: (n)1 : any of several small omnivorous canids (as Canis aureus) of Africa and Asia having large ears, long legs, and bushy tails 2 a : a person who performs routine or menial tasks for another b : a person who serves or collaborates with another especially in the commission of base acts Rat: (n) 1 a : any of numerous rodents (Rattus and related genera) differing from the related mice especially by considerably larger size 2 : a contemptible person: as a : one who betrays or deserts friends or associates b : SCAB 3b c : INFORMER 4 : a person who spends much time in a specified place *a mall rat* Mole: (n) 1 : any of numerous burrowing insectivores (especially family Talpidae) with tiny eyes, concealed ears, and soft fur 2 : one who works in the dark 4 : a spy (as a double agent) who establishes a cover long before beginning espionage; broadly : one within an organization who passes on information Crab: (n) 1 plural crabs also crab : any of numerous chiefly marine broadly built decapod crustaceans: 4: an ill-tempered person : GROUCH Ape: (n) 1 a : MONKEY; especially : one of the larger tailless or short-tailed Old World forms b : any of two families (Pongidae and Hylobatidae) of large tailless semierect primates (as the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, or gibbon) — called also anthropoid, anthropoid ape 2 a : MIMIC b : a large uncouth person Monkey: (n) 1 : a nonhuman primate mammal with the exception usually of the lemurs and tarsiers; especially : any of the smaller longer-tailed catarrhine or platyrrhine primates as contrasted with the apes 2 a : a person resembling a monkey b : a ludicrous figure : DUPE “For in the Nature of Animals One can see themselves”
  3. Vaporisations On a previous occasion we learned that the Bible is a holy book which is endowed with three supernatural qualities. If you will recall, the first quality is its ambiguity. The Holy scriptures were purposely written to be ambiguous. This means that the verses of the Bible are capable of being understood in two or more possible senses of ways. The second is that it has the mystical ability to deliver to the reader the message that he or she desires to see. In other words the Bible possesses the uncanny ability to test the Spirit of the reader. So as a reader wherever your heart and spirit is in respects to reality, will determine the message that you will receive during your studies. The third quality is the Bible’s use of symbolism. The Holy Bible is symbolic in nature. As we are now aware, in symbolism a material or physical object is used as a sign to represent the immaterial or spiritual universe. Let us now take a closer look at this last quality. We are now all aware that the Scriptures state that during his second coming Messias will return in a cloud (Rev 1:7). Unfortunately many believers have been taught that this cloud will be the mass of condensed vapors which are seen in our skies. Many do not understand that when the Scriptures speak of clouds, they are speaking symbolically of people. Let us take a look at the various meanings for the word cloud. Definition Merriam Webster Cloud: (n) 1 : a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (as the earth) or moon 2 : something resembling or suggesting a cloud: as a : a light filmy, puffy, or billowy mass seeming to float in the air *a cloud of blond hair* *a ship under a cloud of sail* b (1) : a usually visible mass of minute particles suspended in the air or a gas (2) : an aggregation of usually obscuring matter especially in interstellar space (3) : an aggregate of charged particles (as electrons) c : a great crowd or multitude : SWARM *clouds of mosquitoes* If you will look closely at the third definition you will see that a cloud may also be; a great crowd or multitude. This is the type of cloud which the Holy Scripture is referring to. Now let us take a quick look at a verse which conveys to us this significance. Joel.2 [1] Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; [2] A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. If you will look at Joel chap 2:2 you will see that after the author’s description of the day of the Lord ( A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: ) there is a colon. This is important because every jot and tittle in the Scriptures is significant. Let us take a look at the colon’s function. Definition Merriam Webster Colon: (N) 2 plural colons a : a punctuation mark : used chiefly to direct attention to matter (as a list, explanation, quotation, or amplification) that follows As you may see one of the functions of a colon is to direct attention to an explanation or an amplification that follows the subject that is under consideration. Therefore in this verse we see that the subject, {A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains:}, followed by an explanation or amplification of that subject, {a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations}. These are the crowds of people which inhabit heaven. In this crowd you will also find the armies of heaven which will be released to rain destruction upon the earth. These will gain victory over the Great Deceiver who has invaded the habitation of the Holy One These will come bearing Messias. “The Two Books are One” “You have the right to remain ignorant and refuse to gain knowledge. Anything that you don’t know can and will be used against you in the court of Life“ Ezek.38 [9] Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. [16] And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes. Dan.7 [13] I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. Rev.1 [7] Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen 2Tim.2 [15] Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
  4. Symbols Gen 11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. Was the tower of Babel an immensely tall building which was built to stretch past the skies and into the stars. This is one of the many fables that believers have come to accept as factual truth. This fable and various others have contributed to the fairy tale mindset that is prevalent today amongst many believers. These fables have also succeeded in hindering believers from correctly identifying the end time characters, who have been present and functioning for quite some time now. With the correction of these fable believers will be able to unquestionably identify the identity of the entity that is known as Mystery Babylon. So today let us begin on a journey to uncover who this entity was and is. Believers must first understand that the Holy Bible is a supernatural book which has three supernatural qualities. The Bible’s first quality is its ambiguity. The Holy scriptures were purposely written to be ambiguous. This means that the verses of the Bible are capable of being understood in two or more possible senses of ways. . The second quality that the Bible possess is that it has the mystical ability to deliver to the reader the message that he or she desires to see. In other words the Bible possesses the uncanny ability to test the Spirit of the reader. So as a reader wherever your heart and spirit is in respects to reality, will determine the message that you will receive during your studies. However one must be careful, because this does not mean that the message that the individual has received is the message that the writer intended to convey. For example, if one looks hard enough one can find scripture which seems to support the doctrine which states that believers will be caught up physically in the clouds to be with Messias during the end. But if one looks through the spirit of God one will see that this is not the message that the writer intended. The third quality which the Bible possess is a very important characteristic. The Holy Bible is symbolic in nature. It is rife with symbolism. For those who may not understand, let us define symbolism, in the hopes that we all may fully understand this symbolic nature. Definitions Merriam Webster 1. Symbolism: (n) 1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations: as a : artistic imitation or invention that is a method of revealing or suggesting immaterial, ideal, or otherwise intangible truth or states b : the use of conventional or traditional signs in the representation of divine beings and spirits 2 : a system of symbols or representations As you can see, in symbolism a material or physical object is used as a sign to represent the immaterial or spiritual universe. For example; When the Bible mentions the “beast” of the earth in the book of Revelation 13:11, it is not talking about an animal such as a lion or crocodile. The beast is symbolic. It is used as a symbol to represent the beastly nature and actions of a world government. Here is another example; When the Bible mentions the two “horns” on the beast, it is not speaking of actual animal horns. These horns are also symbolic. Since an animal’s horns are located on top, these horns are used as symbols to represent the two previous tops or leaders of this government. Here is a final example which is directly connected to our current topic. When the Bible speaks of the clay in Dan 2:33-45, it is not talking about the earthy material that is plastic when moist. If we examine the definition of clay we will discover its symbolism. 2. Clay: (n) 1 a : an earthy material that is plastic when moist but hard when fired, that is composed mainly of fine particles of hydrous aluminum silicates and other minerals, and that is used for brick, tile, and pottery; specifically : soil composed chiefly of this material having particles less than a specified size b: EARTH, MUD 2 a : a substance that resembles clay in plasticity and is used for modeling b : the human body as distinguished from the spirit c : fundamental nature or character *<the common clay>* From its definition we can see that, clay has more than one meaning. Not only does it mean the more familiar earthy material that is plastic when moist. But clay is also used to denote the human body as distinguished from the spirit, and the fundamental nature or character. Since this is the case the Holy Bible uses clay to symbolize man’s physical body, and man’s fundamental nature or character. So the clay in Dan 2:33-45 is symbolic. It is symbolic of the people of Babylon and their earthly or fundamental natures or characters.
  5. Revelation Luke 12:2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Reveal: Function: transitive verb 1 : to make known through divine inspiration 2 : to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known <reveal a secret> 3 : to open up to view : DISPLAY <the uncurtained window revealed a cluttered room> synonyms REVEAL, DISCLOSE, DIVULGE, TELL, BETRAY Revelation: Function: noun 1 a: an act of revealing or communicating divine truth b: something that is revealed by God to humans 2 a: an act of revealing to view or making known b: something that is revealed; especially: an enlightening or astonishing disclosure <shocking revelations> c: a pleasant often enlightening surprise <her talent was a revelation> As we continue to distinguish the difference between seeing with the physical eyes and knowing in the spiritual mind, let us take a moment so that we can study the dynamics of a revelation. As I had written previously we must understand that there is a chasm that divides the dimensions of seeing and knowing in this physical world. If you did not comprehend anything else from the previous writing, just understand that a revelation is the bridge which connects these two gaps. It is a most important piece. Without revelation Noah would not have known about the coming judgement (Gen 6:13). Without revelation Lot would not have known about the impendent destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:12-13). Without revelation Daniel would not have been able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams (Dan 2:20-22) Without revelation the physical eyes are but decorative ornaments for the physical body. In order for us to fully comprehend the dynamics of a revelation, we must first understand its nature. First understand that any or everything that an individual does not know has the potential to become a revelation. If you will study the definitions you will see that a revelation arises from a secret, hidden, concealed or unknown agent. This agent may be unknown to an individual or to a general public. In other words a revelation begins in the realm of the unknown. When or after this hidden, concealed, secret or unknown agent is disclosed, divulged, or displayed it then becomes a revelation. The subject or agent has now moved from the realm of the unknown into the realm of the known. Secondly we must understand that there are 3 constants which are always present in all revelations. The 1st constant which is present in all revelations is the presence of a revelator. The revelator is the entity who discloses that which is to be revealed, or the revelator is one who reveals the will of God. In the Bible we see examples of humans, angels, the Holy Spirit, and God as revelators (Gen 19:12-13, Dan 2:28, Matt 16:17, Matt 11:27, Luke 2:26, Is 22:14) The 2nd constant that must be present in all revelations is the object or cause of the revealing. The object or cause, is the person, place, or thing which the revelation has arisen from. During the End-times we see that the two main objects or causes of revelation will be the Man of Sin (Anti-Christ) (2Thess 2:3and8) and Messias (2Thess 1:7, Is 40:5) The 3rd constant that must be present in all revelations is a recipient or recipients. This is the individual or individuals who receive the revelations. In the Bible we see examples of Noah, Lot, Daniel, Peter, and many others as recipients of various revelations (Gen 6:6, Gen 19:12-13, Dan 2:19, Matt 16:17) Now let us take a closer look at the most important constituent part of a revelation. The object or cause is the most important part of a revelation. There are 3 things that we must understand about a revelations object or cause. The object or cause is the seed or source of any revelation. Without the object or cause, a revelation would cease to be. The revelator would not have anything to reveal and the recipient would not have anything to receive. Let’s use Noah for an example. What was the object or cause of Noah’s revelation? The answer is man’s exceeding wickedness (Gen 6:5) Just think about it. If man had not become exceedingly wicked, then there would not have been a need for a judgement. God would not have had anything to reveal and Noah would not have had any revelation to receive. The object or cause of a revelation is in existence and operating before or at the time of the revelation. It has to because the object or cause causes the revelation. Man’s exceeding wickedness was in existence and operating before and at the time of Noah’s revelation. The Man of Sin (Anti-Christ) and Messias are in existence and operating before and at the times of their revealing (2Thess 2:7) The object or cause is in existence and operating before or at the time of its revelation regardless of whether you interact with it, see it, or know it. Noah’s ability or inability to interact with, know, or see the wickedness in his surroundings did not change the existence or work of the wickedness. Your ability or inability to interact with, see, or know the Anti-Christ and Messias in your surroundings does not negate their existence or work. “Where there are no secrets or unknowns, there is no revelation.”
  6. Seeing + ? = Knowing Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. Today I would like to discuss with and show believers that there is a marked difference between seeing and knowing. Many believers have argued that since Rev 1:7 states that the world will see Messias, this also means that they will know him. I am here to tell you otherwise. It is absolutely correct that everyone will see him with their physical eyes. But let us remember that the physical eyes are unable to see and know that which is spiritual. Seeing is not knowing. As believers we must understand that there is a chasm which divides the dimensions of seeing and knowing in this physical world. Seeing with the physical eyes does not always translate to knowing in the spiritual mind. Let’s use the disciples, Pharisees, and Jews for examples. T he disciples saw Jesus and they saw him do all of his miracles. They saw him heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, raise the dead, and feed thousands with a meager amount of food. But yet when Jesus asked them who did they think he was. Only Simon Peter was able to correctly identify him (Matthew 16:15-16) Likewise the Jews were also in attendance to see Jesus do many of his miracles (John 12:37). As a matter of fact they were the primary recipients during many of these miracles. (John 2:1-11, Luke 5:18-26, Luke 5:15, Matt 15:32-38) Just think about how mind blowing this is. Jesus did a very many of his miracles in their view, but yet they wanted him dead (Mark 15:12-13, John 19:14-15). So much for seeing The Pharisees were also in the neighborhood to see Jesus and to see some of his miracles (Matt 9:34, Luke 5:17, Luke 6:6-11). But yet they were constantly plotting of ways to trap and destroy him (Matt 12:14, Mark 12:13). So here we see 3 perfect examples of 3 groups of people who were not visually or mentally impaired, and if they were Jesus probably healed them of their impairments. But yet out of these three groups only one individual (Simon Peter) was able at that time to come to the knowledge of who Jesus is. Now let us ask ourselves; what made Peter so different that he was able to see and know that Christ was the Messias. Well if we study Matt 16:17 you will see the answer. The reason that Peter was able to see and know that Jesus was the Messias was because God the Father had given him the revelation (Matthew 16:17). The rest could not know this because the Father had not revealed this as of yet to them. Let me present to you another example using one of your present day characters. Take one of your stars for instance. Let’s say Tim Lahaye. If you didn’t watch any T.V. or read any periodicals, you may have Mr. Lahaye come up to you and greet you without you knowing him. Then later on a friend may approach you and ask you, did you see Tim Lahaye in town today. Of course your answer is going to be no because you did not know that you had seen him. But you did see him, you just didn’t know it. For those of who may still not understand, let me present you with one more example, which you may be able to relate to. When a child or an adult is first introduced to mathematics, they are oblivious to what they are looking at. The child or adult is only able to see numbers or the equation. They have no idea how to arrive at the solution or what the numbers are used for. It is only after you have revealed to this child or adult the purpose, use and the steps used to come to a solution are they able to know what they are looking at. It is important to remember that all of these examples had two things in common. They all saw what they were looking at. But they all did not know what they were looking at until an outside influence revealed it to them. Now someone might ask; why did Peter receive the revelation at that time. Well we must understand that there are many factors which are involved when it comes to receiving revelation from God. The most important factor is your disposition or mindset. There are certain dispositions or mindsets that block and there are certain dispositions or mindsets that open your spirit to revelation. Today let’s take a look at some individual dispositions or mindsets which can block the entrance of revelation into your spirit. God: God gives revelation to whomever he wills. If he doesn’t want to give it to you, then there isn’t too much you can do. But if you examine yourself you might find something in you that is blocking it, or it may not be the right time. (Prov 10:20, Psalm 5:5) Hardness of heart: This is a disposition or mindset that is lacking in consideration, compassion and gentleness. This type of mindset is also obdurate, resentful, and resistant to change even when it is wrong. (Prov 28:14, Mark 6:52, Mark 8:17-18) Pride and Vain in heart, mind, spirit: This tends to lead to the hardening of the heart. The dispositions or mindsets that are infected with this tends to feel that others are unworthy and inferior to them. They tend to think that their way is the best way. They also have an excessive over-appreciation of their own importance, appearance, and achievements. And because of this they do not listen when the voice of reason from God speaks to give them revelation. (Prov11:2, Prov16:18) Foolish in heart, mind, spirit: These dispositions or mindsets are lacking in sense, judgement, and discretion. They are easily engaged by absurd and ridiculous notions. (Prov19:3, Prov15:7, Psalm 5:5) Carnal, Fleshly, Sensual heart, mind, spirit: These dispositions or mindsets are inclined to bodily pleasures. These love to gratify the physical more than the spiritual. These mindset have become an enemy of the Living God who must be worshipped in spirit. (Rom8:6-8, Col. 2:18, Jude:19) Gross in heart, mind, spirit: This is a disposition or mindet that is excessively obese. It has been growing and spreading with excessive riches, and luxuriance. And because of this it has become lazy, indolent, lethargic, and apathetic. This type of disposition or mindset tends to elicit disgust and judgement from God rather than revelation. (Matt. 13:15, Jer. 5:27-28, Eze. 32:16) Double minded and Lukewarm heart, mind, spirit: These dispositions or mindsets are lacking in conviction. They are like warm waves of the sea. Driven and tossed about by every wind of doctrine. These are most likely to get spit out than to receive revelations.(James 1:5-8, Jude:13, Rev. 3:15-16) Wicked and Iniquitous heart, mind, spirit: These dispositions or mindsets have the nature of immorality and depravity. They are not moved by gross injustices; as a matter of fact they welcome it. (Prov10:20, Psalm 5:5) So if your mind has been overly tainted by anyone of these diseases you will not know what truly is going on in the world around you. You will succeed in repeating the same mistakes as your predecessor Israel. You will succeed in estranging yourself from God and his Messias, and incurring the wrath that is to come. You will see but you will not know that the Man of Sin or Anti-Christ is here until it is too late. You will see Messias coming with the clouds of heaven, (Rev1:7) but you will not know that it is him until it is to late. You will be a physical seeing, but spiritual blind man or woman. “Knowing is not present in the physical sight but knowing is present in spiritual revelation." Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
  7. (The Embarkation) A Vexation was brought upon a Population by an Operation which caused the Laceration of its beloved Fortification Many in a Conversation have questioned the Signification of this Penetration Was it from God as a means of Castigation for this Aggregation Or was it just a Causation of Radicalisation which came from those who believed that this Traumatisation would lead to the Capitulation of this sinful nation Those without Inspiration or spiritual Contemplation have made the Declaration that this Devastation was not caused by Heavenly Indignation From their own Estimation and Determination they have asserted in their Communications that God is not the author of such Deprivation and Retaliation They have been mistaken in their Analysation of that Situation Without Illumination they can only spew forth ignorant Ideations and flawed Speculations. Here is an Invitation to reexamine your Education Launch an Exploration into the Information that was used for your Indoctrination. Before your Embarkation Take into Consideration this Intimation It would be wise to discard your previous Illations and Associations Here is another Recommendation for your Assimilation Check your Interpretations for Perforations and Accommodations During your Investigation and Observation look closely at God’s Inclination Is there any Indication that It goes through Transformations Does the Scripture not show who causes the Origination and Formation of such Devastation And does it not show who gives the Ordination and Authorisation Was it not written to be the Foundation of the Legislations and Regulations of your Aggregations and Federations Was it not written for your Observation Was it not written to assist your Navigation Was it not written for your Application and Utilization to ensure your Preservation Does it not warn against the Multiplication and Propagation of Depravations and Immoderations so as to avoid such Manifestations Does it not warn against the Utilization and Manipulation of your Emancipation to cause Ruination or do you think you are the first to taste God’s Liberation Was the Annihilation of the populace of Noah’s Generation a figment of our Imaginations Or were the Illustrations of Sodom and Gomorrah mere Hallucinations Do you think that God is oblivious to your Degradation and Exploitations Or did you not know that there is a Compilation of each nation’s Violations Should He also allow the Continuation of your Abominations or should He allow your continued Contamination and Adulteration of the other Organisations Did you really think that without Sanctification and Supplication your Self-Designation as a Christian Habitation would guarantee your Salvation Show us where is the Approbation of your Theorisations and Postulations Must we still wait in Anticipation for these Materialisations Or did we miss the Demonstration of that Transplantation by Teleportation your means of escape from Tribulation and Visitation Did Noah and his Association escape the day of Extirpation by Levitation Or were they saved by Dedication and Preparation How was Lot and his Congregation saved from Desolation Was it by Floatation Or was it through Alienation followed by Migration
  8. The “Christian” Crocodiles Gather around children for one moment and I will tell you the story of the crocodiles and the inhabitants who lived in De-Nile. A long long time ago there was a group of crocodiles who lived in the faraway land of De-Nile. I want you all first to know that this De-Nile was a very alluring place. De-Nile was such an alluring place that those who didn’t live in De-Nile would spend most of their days and nights dreaming about living in De-Nile. De-Nile was very different from all the other places in the world. For one, there was a most diverse group of inhabitants who lived in De-Nile. Many people from all around the sphere would risk their lives, so that they could live in De-Nile. Now these crocodiles who lived in De-Nile were the most powerful and intimidating beasts in the sphere. They were known far and wide for their tenacious tenacity, ferocious ferocity, pugnacious pugnacity, and audacious audacity. The crocodiles became so feared that eventually all of the inhabitants of De-Nile began to avoid them. And because of this avoidance, hunting and capturing prey became almost impossible for them. So one day they convened a meeting to discuss their bad fortunes. At the meeting the head crocodile stood u p and said; “We have to devise a way to draw the inhabitants of De-Nile back to our areas. We are becoming increasingly isolated and our power is waning. Soon we all will die from lack of prey.” As the crocodiles began to discuss their decreasing fortunes, one old wily crocodile stood up and said; “The solution to our problem is very simple. We must improve our image. We must rid ourselves of our ferocious ferocity, our audacious audacity, our pugnacious pugnacity, and our tenacious tenacity.” Another crocodile stood up and said; “But how can we rid ourselves of our ferocious ferocity, our audacious, audacity, our pugnacious pugnacity, and our tenacious tenacity. It is our nature to be ferocious, audacious, pugnacious, and tenacious. We cannot rid ourselves of our natures.” The old wily crocodile replied; “Of course we will not rid ourselves of our natures. That is not what I am advocating, but we can appear to be rid of them“. Another crocodile stood up and said, “We do not understand old wily one. Please make yourself clear.“ The old crocodile began to explain his plan; “In order for us to draw those who live in De-Nile back into our areas, we must appear to be the opposite of who we are. We must appear harmless. We must appear to be beneficently benevolent, sympathetically sympathetic, sincerely sincere, and simplistically simple. We must appear to become like the inhabitants who live in De-Nile.” Another crocodile stood up and said, “But there are so many different inhabitants who live in De-Nile. There are Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans, atheists, animists, and voodooists who live in De-Nile. How can we possibly appear to become like all of them.” The old wily crocodile responded; “Oh you of little brain. We do not have to appear to become like all of the inhabitants in De-Nile. We only need to appear to become like one of them. When we have succeeded in appearing to become like one of them, then the rest will eventually choose to accept us also. Once they have chosen to accept us and once we have become entrenched in the society, then we will gradually and systematically begin to devour them. Another crocodile stood up and asked; “But which of the inhabitants in De-Nile should we appear to be like?” The old wily crocodile replied; “That is quite simple. We shall appear to be like the Christians in De-Nile. You see most of the inhabitants who are in De-Nile considers themselves to be Christian. All we would have to do is appeal to these inhabitants. Trust me if you all will only be patient and implement my plan, we shall have plenty of prey to devour.” All the crocodiles agreed and they did as the old wily crocodile had instructed. The crocodiles started to attend Bible studies, and various other church gatherings with the Christians in De-Nile. They began to study and read the Bible. They studied and learned the Christian lingo and mannerisms. They networked tirelessly within the communities. After a period of time the wily old crocodile’s plan began to bear fruit. The Christians and even the Muslims, and Jews and some of the other inhabitants in De-Nile began to accept the crocodiles. The crocodiles were no longer seen as crocodiles. They were now seen as Christians. The plan worked so well that the inhabitants in De-Nile even elevated the crocodiles to positions of high honor and esteem. There were many individuals who did not live in De-Nile. These came along and tried to warn the inhabitants in De-Nile about the crocodiles. But those in De-Nile would not listen. They were after all living in De-Nile. They had said to themselves; “What could possibly go wrong in our beloved De-Nile.” So many of these people just shrugged their shoulders and went about their business in De-Nile. After the crocodiles had become firmly entrenched , they gradually and systematically began to imprison, and prey upon the inhabitants in De-Nile. They would kill and eventually devour a great many inhabitants in De-Nile. In the end only a few inhabitants managed to escape De-Nile. I know, because I was one of those few. So my children always remember never to trust a crocodile. For no matter how many tears he sheds, a crocodile cannot change his nature just as a leopard cannot change his spots. Also my children always remember those who live in De-Nile will perish in De-Nile. THE END Dan: [9] And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. [10] Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
  9. Good Day August 1991 I hate to burst your bubble but I am neither a Leftist or a Righty. I am not particularly interested in your man made political systems. I am more interested in truth than with political labels which mean nothing. Secondly this does not have anything to do with assisted suicide. If a man wishes to kill himself then let him. It is his body. Whatever he wills for his body then let it be. He doesn’t really need assistance. He can accomplish physical death on his own. Thirdly how does giving an individual Drano show compassion? Choose a better example. Fourthly no one is advocating any type of stealing. You should wait for the explanation before you make foolish assumptions. You can keep your money, I don’t want your money. Fifthly the choice that is more ethical would be A but most people would do B
  10. I would like to know from the people who visit Maple Leaf about their view on what constitutes compassion. Here is a short story with two questions. Feel free to answer them as you are led. There is a well known addict who roams a particular neighborhood everyday begging for alms. One morning he walks up to a young man who resides in the neighborhood and begs for money. The young man talks to the addict for a while, but he refuses to give the addict any money and continues on his way. Some time later another young man who is on his way to work walks by. The addict walks up to him and begins to beg once again. The young man reaches into his pocket and gives the addict some money. The addict takes the money and goes on his way. That evening he is found dead from an overdose. Now I have two questions. Question #1 Who killed the addict ? Question #2 Which one of the two men showed compassion?
  11. Good Day Central Canadian So stepping foot in one of your religious seminaries automatically makes one qualified to debate on spiritual theology. This is news to me considering that the blindest and most perverse people in this world are those who have been to religious seminaries. Pharisees ring a bell? Catholic priests ring a bell? If what you have been spouting is an example of what they teach in seminary, I thank God that I have never stepped foot in one. Let us take a look again at some of the things that you have said so that we can see what the seminary has taught you. You said: . Now evidently those great seminaries have not taught you that just because someone declares that “Jesus is my Saviour” does not automatically make them righteous and holy. Evidently you must believe as many foolish Christians believe that those four words are magical. All one has to do is utter those four magical words and they can do no wrong. I have seen murders, adulterers, thieves, and prostitutes who have uttered those four words, without changing. So go and tell your seminaries that words without action mean nothing to God. Secondly you state Tell those people in your seminary schools that no nation is exempt from evil. Nowhere in the Bible does it say for certain that the Anti-Christ will not come from America. What excludes America? Are they gods down there? Do they not do evil down there? Please let me know. Maybe I’m missing something. And while you are at your seminary schools tell them that they need to restudy Babylon. Thirdly you state Who cares what throws people off of Christianity. A Christian is not here to please fleshly people. The truth is the truth. If somebody does not want to hear the truth that is their problem not the Christians. And please don’t propagate that LOVE crap to me. You are the type of person who has distorted the true meaning of LOVE. Warning someone of impending danger is LOVE. Admonishing someone when they wrong so that they can change is LOVE. Not just living your life and allowing your brother and sister to continue on a path that is disastrous. Fourthly you state: You know this statement here tells me all that I need to know about you. You see Central Canadian in these last days there are three types of people who are in the church and the world. There are sheep, there are goats and there wolves in sheep‘s clothing. Which one are you? Be truthful You will only be deceiving yourself if you lie. By the way tell those people from that seminary school that they need to teach you all a better form of disguise. This one is not working. LOL Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
  12. You are funny. So when the Anti-christ comes he will tell the whole "Hello world I'm the Anti-Christ, I hate Jesus". How many people do you think he will deceive with that line. Because someone says that Jesus is their Lord and Savior makes them automatically good. Please spare me the propaganda. By the way I didn't call anyone an Anti-Christ you did. Maybe you know something that I don't know
  13. It's amazing how history is repeating itself right in front of the worlds face and they have no idea what is going on. Once again by the time they wake up and realize what is really going on right in front of their noses, it will be to late. Sixty years is not a long time, but this generation has such a short memory plus they don't study history, or is it because they really don't care.
  14. Nah, I don't think Gerhard Schroder is such a bad guy. What's that? You're not talking about Germany? Well, whoever could you be talking about? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Germany has no world domination aspirations. There time has come and gone
  15. 1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out], that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Hidden in Plain Sight. Deception by Perception How does an evil killer hide in plain sight while everyone around him is looking for him? This is the question that many people have asked regarding the BTK killer. This is also a question that many believers will be asking after the Final Great Gentile Leader or Anti-Christ has destroyed countless millions of lives. How? How? How? How did they miss the BTK killer? How did they miss him? Well the answer to this question is actually quite simple. The BTK killer became a member of the community. He went to church in the community. He ate, helped, talked, laughed, and played with the people in the community. So when it came time to find out who was killing people in the community, it never dawned on the people to look amongst themselves. This is one of the oldest techniques known to man. This is called deception by perception. All intelligence agents are taught this craft for covert operations. You see man has a tendency to be biased toward those whom they perceive to be their own. They overlook their own whenever a question arises regarding improper actions. We always think and say “Oh Johnny would never do such a thing,” or “Oh no not our Johnny.” I have seen many people in the face of overwhelming evidence declare the innocence of a loved one. This is called denial. What many have failed to realize is that external familiarity tends to bring a false sense of assurance. By not seeing the spirit of an individual most of us are left to judge by external images. The problem with this is that external images are pliable. They can be easily bent, folded, twisted, and manipulated to fit a particular purpose. Let’s use an example that we may be familiar with. What could a person do in order to convince someone that they are a Christian? Well that’s quite simple. Since you are not with the individual 24hrs a day 7 days a week, all that he or she would have to do is manipulate their image. He or she can manipulate their image by going to church, memorizing scriptures, say that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior (remember saying is not believing), make Christian-like remarks, and associate with other people who look and sound “Christian.” Manipulating ones image is not hard to do. There are some agents who are accomplishing this in many of these chat rooms. This is why Paul states in 1 Corinthians 2:11 (For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.) You see man is able to manipulate his physical surroundings, but his spirit will stay the same. The spirit of a man can not lie, but his image can. The spirit of a man is like his DNA. It is 100.0 % accurate in identifying his true motives and intentions. If the people of Kansas would have used their spiritual radars and looked at the spirit of Dennis Radar they would have identified him a long time ago. This same statement will be said about Christians one day. If the Christians would have looked at the spirit of the Final Great Gentile Leader or Anti-Christ they could have helped prevent the deaths of millions Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
  16. The most amazing thing about Hitler's rise to power and ensuing carnage on the world is that he did it in plain sight. He wrote a book (Mein Kempf) telling the world what he would do. Then he went and accomplished it. After it was done people around the world were wondering how did this happen. This same thing is happening todayman never learns. History is once again repeating itself, but no one is paying attention. All the signs are there.
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