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Everything posted by NoCountryForMe

  1. The short answer is yes, he is worse than his father. They both serve their own political and personal gain agendas as well as polarizing a nation east vs west. When elected as a public servant one should invest in uniting people as one and to serve Canada as a whole. They both fail miserably at serving the nation as one. If one would argue against that Pierre was bad, rallying around the charter of rights and freedoms, please give that some thought. As that charter serves the current PM magically allowing bills or anything that gets passed in the house to be immediately reviewed and thrown out by a non elected official(judge) that in turn will serve their party ideas regardless of being debated and passed by elected officials. As well it took 40 years to climb out of the recession Pierre created, resulting in high interest rates, ballooning debt from his evident blatant regard for spending(much like what JT is doing). How long will Canada suffer from what JT is currently doing? That answer is too frightening to even ponder for too long. They are both horrific leaders(I despise calling them leaders). So the long answer, Justin continues to emulate his fathers actions as PM, serving his ideologies as well as his fathers. This will result in the worst recession Canada has ever seen, as we have a PM right now only willing to do half the job and not even a good half ass job. This will cripple Canada for decades to come, I just hope Canadians whom are blinded by his do gooder lies of smoke and mirrors will wake up and vote him out next election or feel the wrath of his wake in the coming years. I am personally scared beyond belief.
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