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Everything posted by JKlimkait

  1. Unrelated to the last post, but I'm a student at Ryerson University downtown Toronto and there are huge campaigns here for students to say no to tuition increases. Also the Student Union has released these flyers grading each party on there education plans. They have it as: 1. NDP 2. Green 3. Liberals 4. Conservatives I have a huge problem with this. Me, being a Conservative am very upset not only due to the rankings but how they portrayed the info. I'm posting here so I can get some feedback or to warn other students about voting for parties like NDP. Although tuition may be high now, you must consider that AFTER university or college, etc. you will be looking for a job. The Conservatives as it is, have the seemingly best platform to make Ontario more powerful in terms of our economy and job availability. Although with other parties, (like the Liberals' 'goodie' of reducing tuition by 15%) the promises may happen, but where will the funding come from to make them happen. Taxes will rise, and we will be in major debt (definitely if NDP or even (if by some stroke of luck) the Green party gets elected). We need a party like the Conservatives in power right now, they are our best chance to actually improve Ontario. Students, please be cautious of your vote, this election is one that is more important than many in the past, choose wisely.
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