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Everything posted by Dale

  1. The larger social cost is giving the government all the power and leaving civilians with one. More so at this time than any other, we the people need firearms of all kinds to ensure the government does not have the ability to overthrow our freedoms.
  2. Sounds good, I'll walk. I'll do that because I have purpose.
  3. I'm aware of that. If the reserves didn't exist, if we were all equal, we wouldn't have a problem.
  4. If the natives were made tax paying Canadian citizens the world would be a better place. They would have the same purpose as the rest of the Canadian public. If we are all in the same boat we can all work towards the same goal.
  5. That dirty sludge pays a lot of taxes which help all Canadians. There are a huge amount of people from Ontario that work in the Alberta oil patch and are happy to do so. Your statement of pumping dirty sludge through to other markets and that they don't care is incompetent.
  6. Remove economics from the topic. Take away technology. If we woke up tomorrow and had to heat our own homes in the winter because there was no natural gas. If we had to grow our own food because we had no access to stores. More people would be productive, healthy members of society because they would have purpose.
  7. Well, you could call "The Donald" a lot of things but failure isn't one of them. I'm no fan but denying his success is unrealistic. Beyond that, its not the topic. How about you respond to my statement and stay on the topic at hand so as intelligent conversation may continue.
  8. Without purpose, no person can lift themselves. If any of us woke up with our house, land, and vehicles paid for we would fail in life.
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