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Everything posted by GreenWhiteandPink

  1. The seasheppard society Give me a break. Paul Watson is a terrorist, who uses the seal harvest as money making campaign, as does the IFAW. Looks like you and Monty Burns are becoming a bunch of eco-loving treehugers. The many healthy and nutritional benefits of seal products Newfoundlamd and Labrador has just as much right to it's oceans resources as Alberta has to it's oil. India is a large exporter of beef? Maybe or maybe your lying but regardless 800 million people that live there don't eat meat.
  2. Humans can also eat and digest seal There are 800 million people that live without beef in India, so I wouldn't consider it a neccessary part of the food chain. Seal cubs are no more defenseless than cattle that and kept locked up behind fences untill there big enough to pushed inside of a slaughter house, shot and chopped to pieces.
  3. Seal are also killed under humane conditions, the hunt is supervised by DFO. All parts of the seal are utilized as well. There is no difference between the seal harvest and the cattle slaughter is Alberta Acording to your logic the cattle is also cruel and unnecessary, as cattle are not needed to surport the food chain, and cattle are also defenceless animals.
  4. Leafless said Actually 90% of the seals in the seal harvest are shot by bullet (just like Beef cattle in Alberta), only 10% are killed with a "club". Do you believe the "Cattle Harvest" in Alberta is inhumane?
  5. There is a another Candian Men's team to be proud about. Gushue wins curling gold Newfoundland and Labrador's team win Canada's first Gold Medal in Curling.
  6. How about charging the owners of stores and company's that make and sell cigerattes, they know the dangers of their product . One kid dies and all the social conservaties are in a uproar, yet 40000 canadians die a year from smoking related diseases and nobody say's a word.
  7. Yes this true , and as for why who knows? I guess they and guessing upper income earning spouses don't need as much money for child care. Or the Conservatives are finding a creative way of double taxing Canadians on their own money. Yes welfare is a provinical jurisdiction, but the child tax benefit if issued by the federal government. Welfare + CTB per child(up to $350 a child) + a extra $!00 a month for "child care" or what ever they want, is a strong incentive to have parents stay on welfare and have more children.
  8. My biggest problem with it is that it provides no help to the parents that need it, and that the parents that don't need it, don't deserve to receive it. Why should a parent on social assistance who has no intention on working, get $100 dollars a money for child care, they don't work!! They can take care of their own children can't they!! Maybe they can use the money to to give a 11-12 year old neice $5 while they go out in bingo, or playing VLT's (Harper did say parents can use the money however they want!) While a parent/parents that work (or want to work) and provide for their families (and in return pay taxes which helps cover the cost of a child care program) get only enough money to pay 1/10th of the cost. Even worse the spouse with the lower income has to claim the money on their income and pay taxes on it. An then there is the other arguement that a parent (the mother being this parent of course ) should have the choice to stay home and take care of their child. Like $1200 a year will actually allow a working family to forgo a second income. At the very least the conservatives should require parents submit receipts and claim childcare when they file their income taxes to show that the money was actually used for child care, then a rebate could be given to parents. (And yes I know the above can already be done, but I'm suggesting the conservatives broaden the rules to allows a higher claim amount and greater refund amountsand crieteria) PS My wife is pregnant and due July7th, and we can use a extra $100 a month (or $70 I guess after she files taxes in 2007), but seeing how it is my money that the Conservatives are handing out, I would rather see it spent on a program that allows parents to work, and provide for their families, than a on program that encourages social assistance reciptants not to work and get pregnant to collect another $100 a month!
  9. Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he wants child care allowance cheques to be mailed out by July 1. This will more than likely will have to be passed, most probley in this spring's budget. With all three opposition opposing it should make for a interesting vote No child care plan at all is better than what the Conservatives are proposing.
  10. Hey Biblio Bibuli You are a ignorant moron. There is little change in Atlantic Canada.
  11. Alberta's Provincal income taxes are the lowest in Canada, but they still have to pay Health Care Premiums, or a "Health Tax". Don't make much sense really, they should just get rid of the premium's and add it in with personal income taxes. Either way you still pay, having them included with income taxes is alot simpler.
  12. If anything the Liberals will gain seats in NL in this election. Very few Newfoundander's and Labdorian's care about the capital gain tax exemption for fisher's equipment/boat as they are not affected by it. I live in a community of 10000 and know no one that works in the fishing industry. Tax cut's for fisher's who cares.
  13. What have you seen? It's the old gateway drug myth. I believe that weed is the least harmfull of any recreational drug, alcohol included.
  14. There have been healthcare premiums in Ontario for the past two years, and existed pre 1985.I believe SASK and BC have them, as well. Low income Albertan's don't have to pay them either. Maybe you and your sister should vist a credit conselling service?
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