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Everything posted by xpers3312

  1. There are a couple of things our government needs to realize before they do their research within what seems to be an election cycle. 1. There is existing research which suggests that in a household where parents are both working and busy or not even present, the children grow up having a hard time making a path for themselves. 2. There is existing Research which suggest that in households where, at the least, if one parent is working and the other stays home with the kids through their developmental years, those kids are more confident and have a better chance. 3. My opinion: Single people who are making under poverty level wages no matter what, still have a difficult time lifting themselves out of poverty for reason number 1. Much less forcing parents to both go out there and hustle a wage, destroying the family. Possible Solution: Provide Basic Income to ALL households with children, which have chosen to allow one to take care of the household and the other to pursue profitable work. This also allows the person staying home to afford to keep up to date and educated in the interim so that he/she doesn't hit the market at a vast disadvantage later. Provide Basic income to ALL households with children with single parents who are out there pursuing work. this will help them pay for good child care. The contrary alone is burning the work force out and resulting in child neglect and ABUSE. My Grumpy Rant: Instead of politicians looking at doing an experiment within ELECTION CYCLES. Why don't they look at a real long term solution!! <Insert old man fist shaking> The research is already there. Do we need to draw an arrow, START HERE!! to secure the productive development of the future generation. This is not a problem that can be fixed/studied in a few years. This is a 20year project. I am personally tired of wondering what my kids will eat today. while both mom and dad are killing themselves working while everyone else is getting big government benefits. When I was single I didn't have these issues. didn't matter to me at the time whether I lived in a car are ate garbage, literally. That is my point.
  2. Exactly, there is a serious supply issue. you open supply and the market gets flooded, forcing the hand of speculators too. It will come also a point in time when people will walk into the banks and the bank will say hey, you cant afford this mortgage. More and more people will start experiencing this and the market automatically adjusts itself as well. Does anybody really think the average home will hit $2M in the GTA? Absolutely not for the above reason, unless wage stagnation is corrected or our dollar devalues more. As a matter of fact, why are the Banks lending $1million dollars to people with less than a $100k household income anyway? Why does the market need cooling by further taxation? Oh I forgot the Canadian Motto. We Tax our way to Success.
  3. The Provincial Government has been on a campaign to stop development outside of the GTA by constraining and delaying applications. As a result people are being forced into the GTA because no capacity for living and amenities are available outside the horseshoe. This what is happening, has nothing to do with Foreign buyers, because the international community has always been investing in Canada. Probably less Foreign purchases in Toronto than Vancouver, from what I hear, that may not be true. Rate of immigration changes nothing, because we have always taken in the same amount of immigrants per year. And has nothing to do with speculation, because if the market has a demand which greatly surpasses the supply then prices naturally go up. Don't forget, our dollar has devalued by 30% over the past 5 years. There are some possible solutions, but not limited to: 1. Reduce the amount of immigrants granted landed status. There are moral consequences to this. 2. Plan and allow centralized communities to be developed outside of the GTA 3. An Empty Home Tax This is the classic Wynne knee jerk and is tampering with the housing market without examining data, facts and economic outcomes. As great as the Federal Liberal Government has been to date at being calculative and careful, I think the K.Wynne has just single handedly sealed the Libs political tomb. Get comfortable with unemployment everybody.
  4. Anybody likes unemployment? Well, construction and development workers should start getting their bedrooms nice and cozy to spend a lot of time in. Ontario performed the classic Wynne knee jerk and is tampering with the housing market without examining data, facts and economic outcomes. As great as the Federal Liberal Government has been to date at being calculative and careful, I think the K.Wynne has just single handedly sealed the Libs political tomb.
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