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Everything posted by ThomasTigerino

  1. Right on. You just nailed it. "Old crappy curriculum developed by old farts". Now they have these online tutorial places like StudyPug or Math.com, teaching full on Algebra 2, Calculus etc. Glad your kid is kicking butt in finance. If all that finance stuff doesn't have an advanced Math requirement (Algebra 2 or Calculus, etc), then I would love to explore it further myself. Tips appreciated . Surprised about the Computer Science major though. Technology is another great field to be in.
  2. Yeah I think that might be a small percentage but overall, Math and Science are not just interesting anymore. Kids are influenced by if something is going to effect them in real life. Lots of kids were getting into Math and Science when the US announced they wanted to put someone on the moon. It kind of all fell off from there . . . Now they are into making Youtube videos. No Math or Science required, just a cell phone camera.
  3. @DogOnPorch - I understand that but if they agreed to the terms and conditions before signing up as guards for the embassy then it really doesn't matter. It's more of a what they agreed to before signing up for the job. More business then anything. If post death compensation wasn't part of the deal then that's just how it is. Respect to those soldiers and their families but if compensation wasn't promised before, then it's completely irrelevant. I wouldn't want Canadian soldiers guarding anything that's not Canadian. So maybe it's something the Nepalese government should think about, not Canadian.
  4. So according to Forbes, Asian students are kicking some serious butt when it comes to education. I knew this about Math but looks like they are creeping into Science as well (Natural progression I guess). https://www.forbes.com/sites/nickmorrison/2016/11/29/far-east-strengthens-grip-on-math-science-rankings-u-s-students-slip-further-behind/ What is causing this and how can we reverse the trend? From what I know, the Math curriculum in a lot of Asian countries (Including India) is quite intense. Should we beef up our own program / create new out of the box solutions like simplified math tutorials or a combination? How can we (North Americans) compete with the rest of the world?
  5. Aren't Gurkhas Nepalese? Shouldn't the Canadian government be responsible for their own soldiers?
  6. So it looks like the elections are upon us (BC Elections). I got my little registration reminder a few days ago. I went on the website and they don't even have a single picture of someone who is running. So I Google stuff on my own and found out there is not a single CONSERVATIVE party representative running. Just NDP, OTHER and L . . . (Don't even want to say that word). Can someone recommend the most conservative person running (Vancouver - West End(. The closest thing I found was Spencer Chandra Herbert. Which is a freaking disaster.
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