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Posts posted by Omni

  1. 6 minutes ago, taxme said:

    The liberal/democrat cry babies and their lying MSM backers are the ones who are responsible for always trying to make Trump look bad. This is what happens to losers. All they can do when they lose is to attack and attack and attack some more with nothing to back up their attacks. You despise Trump and you don't even know why or the man personally. Sometimes I get the feeling that you are on the payroll of those cry baby loser snowflakes. Am I right? 

    Nope, you're wrong again. Oh and btw, it's not the MSM who owns the Panama, they are just reporting what the actual owner is PO'ed about. As I pointed out, the name comes off and the management contract goes to another company.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Goddess said:

    I don't think we'll be safer for much longer with a government that is soft on terrorism and appoints judges who know how to use our flawed charter to get terrorists not just off, but also get them paid millions.

    Just the other day there was a bunch of fake calls put in that required RCMP precense and lockdowns at Edmonton and Toronto hospitals.  Someone is checking response times.......

    If the US military had of tried Khadr in a proper court and had strong enough evidence to convict, then they wouldn't likely have offered a plea deal and Khadr would still be in a US jail. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

    Yes, yes.  Charter rights, charter rights.  You're one of those people who think the charter rights are the most important thing and should be upheld  no matter if the person is an active terrorist and hates Canada.  I'm one of those people who sees a huge flaw here that needs to be dealt with.  Otherwise we'll go broke paying off terrorists.  But do go on about the rights of terrorists being the most important thing to Canada, not safety or security.

    If you can prove someone is an active terrorist that's one thing, if you can't, you can't base court proceedings on hunches. I totally agree safety/security are high on my priority list as well, but it's maybe a bit ironic that it was the US who locked him up illegally and Canada that finally corrected that and I think the stats are quite clear we are much safer here.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Goddess said:

    He used a controvertial section - #7 - of the Charter to plead for Khadr (who was a terrorist, actively working to kill us and our allies and who still has not renounced his terrorist beliefs) and then circumvented the SOC to settle out of court.

    Something needs to change here.

    Had he not have settled and gone to court in all likelihood we would have paid more.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

    And the root cause of his rights getting pissed on?  That would be because the entire Khadr family pisses on Canada.  Unfortunately, they are legally allowed to piss on Canada.  Which is what needs to change.  The entire family is warped.  They need to GTFO.

    The root cause under the law was that he was accused and then not allowed a fair trial. And the accusation that he threw a grenade that killed a US soldier seemed to be become doubtful after testimony even in the kangaroo military court in Gitmo.

  6. 1 minute ago, Goddess said:

    I get that.  I really do.  It just bothers me that these Khadrs have done nothing but piss on our charter and our country until it benefitted them.  And that we paid them to the tune of 10.5 million dollars for pissing on our country.  And that they continue to piss on our country.  I'd love to see them GTFO and I'd love to see us slam the door behind them.

    Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's right or just.  Legality is a matter of power.

    Apartheid was legal.

    The Holocaust was legal.

    Slavery was legal.

    Khadr got paid compensation because we "pissed" on his charter rights. If you don't like his family that's fine but they weren't the ones illegally held in an illegal prison. Luckily ourf charter makes the items you listed as illegal, so we are better off with it than without.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

    So you are saying there should be exceptions in Charter? If accused (note not convicted but accused in the case you are referencing) of terrorism then your rights are subject to violation?

    That's one of the things that seems to always surface whenever someone starts hand wringing over Khadr. It was a kangaroo court in Gitmo who accused him, a loy of those accusations were undermined by soldiers who were actually on the ground there, and we did violate his rights by leaving him there as long as we did even after he was visited by Canadian officials. Thankfully people who are involved in the legal process attempt to uphold and respect our charter. 

  8. 8 hours ago, taxme said:

    Back in 1991 in Manhattan Trump once intervened and helped save a man from a bat wielding mugger trying to beat the man up. I think that Trump would have run into that school unlike Obama or Trudeau who would probably have gone running and gone hiding in the bushes somewhere. Trump was a hero that day, not a liberal coward. 

    Always have something nasty to say about Trump, eh? 

    Only when he does something nasty, so yeah, pretty much always.

  9. 9 hours ago, taxme said:

    Hey, FYI, back in 1991 Trump stopped a bat wielding mugger from attacking another man in Manhattan. That was way before he became President. Thought that you might want to know about that incident. See, Trump is a pretty good guy to have for President. Sure wish we had a Trump PM here in Canada, and not the ones that you like to cheer for. 

    Another faux news item?

  10. 6 minutes ago, capricorn said:

    As I understand, everyone regardless of income or private coverage will have free access to prescription drugs with no means test. I would much prefer to have free meds for those Canadians that don't have drug coverage and are too young to be covered by senior drug programs.

    I don't think the actual details have been revealed yet as to exactly how the program will work. It was not a line item on the budget.

  11. 5 hours ago, PIK said:

    So now trudeau wants to buy the next election with free drugs for all. Why not take the money and give the seniors some more on thier pensions.

    Seniors aren't the only people who need pharmaceuticals. Many Canadians cannot afford the drugs they need partly because we pay more than any where else in the world for them. Acquiring the required drugs in the quantities needed for a socialized system drives the price down considerably. 

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