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Cum Laude

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Posts posted by Cum Laude

  1. All is well. Why would you want to interfere with Natural Laws?

    When the epitome of culture and entertainment is either Reality TV or junk consumption in Auto Addiction shopping malls what are people to do when they cannot afford the endless consumption of junk?

    The Geography of Nowhere is a very lonely place…

    Especially with no job, no money, no family ties and no community…

  2. I do find it either hilarious or disturbing that people who are so concerned about Hillary's dishonesty and her scandals have decided to support a compulsive liar, a scam-artist, a con-man, a crook, such as Trump.


    The media is happy to focus on the inane shenanigans at colleges all over the country, and the circus of the Trump “campaign” and anything else that will draw Americans’ attention from the outright fleecing we’re getting at the hands of our Corporate masters.

    A recent story that no one has mentioned was of the Obama Administration’s approval of an increase in the ethanol concentration in the nation’s fuel supply, and how the current program has been a “raging success.” I guess if you consider causing all gasoline powered vehicles and devices endless problems, increasing the cost of both fuel and food, causing people in other countries to starve, and actually using more oil in the production of ethanol than the supposed savings a success then hip hip hooray!

  3. I think the video speaks volumes about people like you and sharkman: as kimmy has already stated the only evidence that is acceptable is anything that could possibly justify whatever preconceived notion is already in your head.

    I have watched the video and I admit that I am no doctor, don't even play one on the internet, but I really do not see whatever it is you see.

    As US Secretary of State, Hillary arranged to have a seedy subprime education provider ripping off indebted students worldwide called Laureate Education (that was paying Bill Clinton huge fees) part of the US State Department’s Global Partnership.

  4. The traditional American work ethic? You mean where companies invest in their employees, they take them in, train them, establish a career path for those that succeed, and take care of them in retirement?

    ....or do you mean where the companies want free interns, minimum wage, outsourcing to Asia, no job security, and screw you when you get old?

    I am pleased that you took issue with my blanket characterization of millenials. Not all millenials live in their parents basement, this is true. But to those of you who do.

    Could you at least keep it clean!

  5. If you stop and think about it, Millenials come in two flavors. The first flavor are those who avoid work altogether and live in their parents basement. The second flavor are those who do not feel the need or see it as at all appropriate that they start out working in the warehouse. These millenials are entitled and feel they are destined for upper management and they think they deserve to be made into upper management their first day on the job. Consequently they would quit after their first day before they could learn the difference.

    In other words you won’t find a millenial caught dead working in a warehouse or on a loading dock so they have no need to know the difference between a crate and a pallet. Having no need to know the difference they never learn the difference and since they don’t work they certainly have no need to learn the difference.

    My apologies to all millennials who work hard and embrace the traditional American work ethic. That would be both of you.

  6. He is a political whore and obviously became convinced that it would be better for his ambitions to support the guy who mocked and ridiculed him as well as his father and wife. Cruz has been called the most ambitious politicians in Washington, and as venal and self-serving as that city has ever seen. This just proves it.

    Interesting take, Argus, but.............

    Re enter the generals again

    I’m like a metronome on this, tick-tocking first this way, then that way, tick-tock, tick-tock.

    Hillary does personify the horror of these coiled consequences and much more besides. She personifies the horror of someone who is famous for demonstrations of monumentally bad judgment now vying for the corner suite where consequences get magnified.

    Maybe bad judgment is seen as a plus in the world that Hillary lives in. After all, what have we seen in Wall Street besides defiance of reality, a disregard for easily foreseeable consequences. In that world, if you give consideration to such things, you’re a wimp, unfit for the world of the big, swinging dicks. Or at the highest levels of the policy-making where delusion prevails and country-wrecking decisions are made. In both places, bad judgment. And if Hillary isn’t about that then what is she about?

    There’s many examples. The tech industry witlessly developed weapons of mass surveillance without a thought. Didn’t the billionaire geeks who made these things ever think that such devices could be deployed against the makers themselves? Didn’t they ever think that they could become targets, being in such positions of power, with so much wealth?

    Anyway, back to the generals. Let’s assume the two parties go up in a vapor. Hillary wins the election and then pulls such howlers that even the most most craven supporters can’t swallow. Can’t happen? It sure as hell can. To date, for a number of reasons, she’s gotten away with idiocies that would have sunk other people in other historical circumstances. But such good luck can’t last. Or let’s say the Donald wins and in confrontations with foreign rivals can’t control his blow-hole. In either case, the boys in the pentagon may say enough is enough.

    What would such a regime look like? Would it be temporary or would it become entrenched? Would the generals be status-quo-ists where nothing much changes and Wall Street continues with its degeneracies and policy-makers blunder into one sink-hole after another?

    Or will the generals re-set the clocks and depose the malefactors? Right now I’m thinking maybe the first is more likely, that the generals won’t be the solution but rather stand in opposition to it. But, like I said, I’m like a metronome on this. Or maybe they’ll inadvertently be so disruptive that they set in motion events they can’t control.

  7. I am currently half-way through the new Netflix miniseries Stranger Things.

    I am really enjoying this!

    The story is set in 1983, and in many ways is a lovingly-created homage to science-fiction and horror movies of that era. Just watching the opening credits sequence-- with its vintage look, the droning synth soundtrack, and a celluloid "speckle" effect added-- is like stepping into a time machine.

    Stranger Things borrows many story elements from era movies you've seen before-- E.T, Poltergeist, It, Star Man, Close Encounters, The Goonies, The Lost Boys, and others. But it stands on its own as a really enjoyable, suspenseful, entertaining show in its own right. Like some of those shows, it's not just a suspense story, but also a coming of age story as the main characters are adolescents and teenagers who have enough scary things going on in their lives even without a creepy monster lurking close by.

    Wynona Ryder and Matthew Modine are the most recognizable names on the credits, but the real stars of this show are definitely the unknown young actors. I don't think I've ever seen a show with such uniformly great performances from such a young cast. They're outstanding, especially the Dungeons and Dragons kids, our dorky but courageous heroes, and Eleven, the mysterious girl who arrives in their midst. She is nearly mute, but watching her emotions play across her face and in her body language makes words completely unnecessary.

    This is sometimes scary, but not really terrifying. I am a horror film wimp, and I can watch this with the lights off, so most people should be fine. It's also not gory (so far, at least.) The scares come from suspense, not violence and blood.


    I was reminded of how we entertained ourselves as children in the early 1950’s in Ohio.

    Sure, there was a few minutes of “Howdy Doody” in the morning, but after that, one of our favorite activities was to put on plays for the neighborhood. (I was the writer/director, of course)

    Having each child go home and collect their mom’s and dad’s old shoes, jewelry, clothes etc. so we could “play grown-ups” was fun!!!

    Selling tickets to the play was fun! Going to get ice cream cones with our profits was fun!

    There were lots of “Little Rascals” running around the streets of America in the 1950’s prior to the age of the Internet.

    And I believe we boomers are now happier people for having lived childhoods creating, dreaming, communicating, learning and loving.

    I pity my grandchildren as they sit and “watch” anything on TV or their parents iPhones.

  8. America proceeds upon the natural path. All is well. Why would you want to interfere with Natural Laws? Why would you think you would succeed?

    The reason why economic growth has been so popular for going on three centuries is because it feels like a positive-sum game where everyone can win. That proposition was always dubious, and we can all see for ourselves that late-stage capitalism is a winner-take-all charade. But growth was never solely a matter of what people produced through work and ingenuity — it largely came from appropriating the value that was already there, namely the natural world, and consuming it. There was cake; we ate the cake; now there’s no more cake, and so zero-sum rules are about to reassert themselves with a vengeance.

  9. I've been told several times that this guy is helping out the Clintons get back in the White House. That he is also paying people to create the unrest with the Black communities. IF Trudeau is for One World Order, then we are in trouble.

    Sadly, Canadians have no idea what George Soros is up to or what he has done. Most Canadians haven't heard of Soros.

  10. Maybe have someone read the thread title to you,

    You see it as a perilous moment as do I; but from the top to the bottom of America denial that we are in peril is great; so great thoughts of imminent peril are not thought at all. Your roster of delusions is interesting but for most Americans the simple faith of thinking positive is all that is needed. Only busy minds need your roster. The biggest thought-crime in America is to think negative thoughts and this pervasive spirit which coats all in a toxic goo of mindless obedience is all anyone needs to altogether and completely avoid reality. No other delusions are needed.

    Only depressed people and losers think negative don’t you know. Negative thoughts always lead to a bad end and keeps one from being invited over for BBQ.

    From top to bottom America is distracted with a new game of social musical chairs. Dancing to the music of economic upheaval all now twitch and jerk in a St. Vitus’ Dance to a tune of confusion of lost wages and broken dreams. All the while hoping things will work out. If their personal choreomania is fast and sincere enough they will sit down on positive cash flows and happy endings. They are sure of it.

    Anything else is unthinkable for when the going gets tough everybody gets stupid. Don’t worry be happy; that’s what is expected of you.

  11. What an outstanding endorsement, almost up there with David Duke. Much better to seek the support of The Boss.

    You really think Hillary has solutions? What a crock! In order to have solutions, one must acknowledge the problem. Neither Hillary nor Trump acknowledges the fact that the perpetual growth model of prosperity is and always has been doomed to fail. It’s an attempt to print wealth into existence by stealing the anticipated wealth of our progeny to spend on endless wars and give-aways for ourselves. When the cornucopian fools finally figure out what’s happening, it will be far too late for top-down solutions. I suggest you prepare yourself for a future with less. Less energy, less stuff, less complexity.

  12. There are occasions where intellect is of no value other than entertainment. Those of us who excelled at physics realize that the laws of our world govern all things and all actions and while they may from time to time be ignored, in the end the laws hold true. Look around you at the planet on which we live, there is a system that exists that is everywhere and rules all things. Entities start out as tiny little object like seeds and embryos and then grow. They continue to grow until are mature. They live or exist until they reach their maximum span then they fall over and die. This is why there are no three mile tall trees or no 200 year old men. Everything has its lifespan including all of the works of man and the systems and things he “creates”. The system of “endless growth” as our wise host always points out may have gone on for quite a long time and has even dragged it’s rotting carcass down the road for far longer than many of us have been able to believe, but in the end, well it will find it’s end and die. It is not gloom nor is it doom, it is just the way that physics works.

    In the olden days when men were men and led from the front, a change of course could have been made and the end would have been averted. Good men, wise men can make such choices and changes. Unfortunately those who lead us today are slackers and cowards who hide in the back or under the surface and direct their mindless minions in whatever direction it is that will buy them more time at the top. This inevitably leads to collapse, usually from without as well as from within. There is only one solution to the dilemma which America faces today and that is collapse. It is natural, it will be cathartic, and the longer things go on until it happens the more devastating it will be.

    What, do you want to live forever?

  13. If it turns out that she has some debilitating neurological illness, then yeah, I'll be surprised.

    Still wouldn't change which side I support, though.


    While we’re into quibble points, it’s really the Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen bubble. The occupants of the white house just went along for the ride.

    I’ll bet none of the presidents during this period had the least understanding of the damage bubble economics would do or has done. They only understood that if things looked good they would get re-elected and the party could continue.

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