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  1. As a avid rider and Paramedic, I have no clue why this is being talked about. Plain and simple if you ride a motor cycle you wear a helmet, no questions. We as Canadian need to start to stad up for are laws and regulation that we have to live by. If you come to this country to stay you are now Canadian and must live and follow the rules and regulation of your new country. Yes I do believe that your have the right to have your religen, but don't try to change the rules and regulation of your new country claiming its your relgios rights. There is no way I could move to an different country and start chaging your rules and regulation based on my beliefs, it just wouldnt happen and myself as a person would not be that selfish to try to do it. Case and point of faith based changes that have been changed or removed from Canadian's 1) Removal of Lords Prayr from Puplic School (I still remember while being in school when this happened) 2) Members of RCMP do not have to wear the full RCMP uniform based on religious beleifs 3) Can not say Merry Christmas in Goverments Building in fear of offending some one 4) Now no helmets Just to state i am not raciest in any way I have many friends from different countries and faith. This is just starting to become a bit much. If this goes through in Ontario as it has in other prov if you get hurt you pay the bill plain and simple. No health care cost should be covered based it was your choice not to wear a helmet. If you diecide to leave your country to come to Canada for a better life, I think that is great and very brave of you as thats a huge step. But do not come here and try to change the rules and regulation of your new home country. You are now a Canadian and must live by those rules.
  2. It should be intresting to see whaqt is promised and then done
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