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Posts posted by notca

  1. Horse apples.

    The opposition is coming from the same old opponents who oppose everything about everybody brown, black, Muslim, ... etc.

    Better chance here than in overcrowded refugee camps. Most immigrants do well here.

    That is the problem of those bigoted Canadians. They need to stfu.

    That's pretty common for immigrants.

    Has been for all of our history.

    You need to look into settlement support. They will have help.

    You are suddenly an advocate for them? Don't make me laugh!

    No, it's hate rhetoric.


    What you are posting seems to me like 'hate' rhetoric!

    I think your mind is closed to any opposition to your way of thinking. Whereas those who oppose the immigration of hordes of Muslims are not opposed to other races, religions and cultures. There are reasons for anti-Muslim sentiments that you just will not consider even though it is based on historical fact.

    It might surprise you if you knew that other immigrants to Canada also have serious misgivings about Muslims. It is not just a small group of haters in Canada.

    Don't you wonder why there is no flood of refugees to Russia, China, India, Japan, South America, Australia, New , Zealand, Taiwan, Korea, Mexico, to name a few? Or why the more civilized Islamic countries like Jordan are not taking them in by the millions? Are all of those countries also racist?

    I have listened carefully to the glowing hopes that people are talking about, the boost to the economy, doing the right thing, etc., none of which seem to be anything other than blind justification. There are no facts to back up such claims.

    Other races, cultures, religions have been welcomed into Canada and rightly so. They have assimilated and are largely a boon to our society. So don't try to tell me that Muslims are singled out for opposition for no good reason.

    There are several 'mixed culture' marriages within my own family so I get first hand feed back from these culturally diverse families regarding their impression of Muslims. So don't try to tell me I am making up stories either. We don't hear from a lot of people who are opposed to Muslim immigration because society does not welcome their opinions so they keep quiet because they don't want to be attacked by opinionated people like you. I am not afraid of attacks like that. I just consider where they are coming from.

  2. I don't understand how you can say this. Are people being reasonable when they claim that pedophilia is a 'tradition' in Muslim, based on a custom that was practiced not just by Muslims, but all the world 700 years ago? Or that pedophilia wasn't a problem among Catholic clergy even within the last 50 years? Or that Christian-based religions don't still marry young girls to very old men - right here in beautiful BC! Or that "FGM" isn't done by Christians or Jews, as well as Muslims - despite the provable fact that it was and still is, in some more rural areas? There is this claim that somehow Christianity has moved beyond all that, and any time it's pointed out how untrue that is around the world, the response is "They aren't really Christians, because that's not what Christianity teaches".

    At the same time, try to point out that the extremes of Daesh, or even Saudi are a pretty small minority of all Muslims worldwide, and that is completely disregarded - instead, we have non-Muslims proclaim their 'expertise' on the Koran because they've read it and insist that these horrifically extreme practices are "requirements" of Islam. Why are the true experts of Islam "wrong" when they say that the extremes are not part of Islam while a conservative (christian) white guy from a Western country insists he's right? That makes no sense, yet it gets repeated over and over and over. Who, exactly, can't even contemplate another point of view?

    Muslims are people, first and foremost. Just as are Christians. Most people, Muslim or Christian, are quite happy to let other people live however they want, believe what they want.

    Some people, Muslim or Christian, would like everyone to believe exactly as they do - and they take steps to make that happen. Sometimes the steps are relatively mild - JW or Mormons going from door-to-door, Muslims talking to non-believers about Islam.

    Sometimes, they become a little more determined - like the guys who've attacked Muslim women in Canada, or people in Cairo pushing and shoving women who don't have their hair covered. One side is 'Christian', the other side is Islam - but both of them are expressing their absolute disdain for someone who believes differently than they do.

    Violence comes next: An American man shooting up a Planned Parenthood office, and killing two people because abortions aren't "Christian"; a Muslim man raping a woman because "She's not Muslim".

    And the extremism continues - Boko Haram on the Muslim side, killing, kidnapping, raping and enslaving; the Lord's Resistance Army on the Christian side, using the bible to support their kidnapping, killing, raping and enslaving.

    Islam is not worse than Christianity. It's true Muslims are conservative, and most of them are no more or less conservative than Christians. We in Canada have laws against extreme actions such as rape, murder, enslavement, whether committed by a Muslim, Christian or someone who claims no religion.

    In Canada, there are Christians who are just as interested in eliminating the rights of homosexuals or banning abortions as are Muslims, who like to blame women who dress skimpily for getting raped - these 'conservative' things that you don't like with Islam, but seem ok to accept from Christians. In Canada, it's really hard for a woman to prove she's been sexually assaulted, something like 97% of cases tried result in the man being acquitted. Yet, we think we're so much better than Islam because Islam requires the testimony of two women, but only the testimony of one man. Different practice, same outcome: women's words are 'lesser' than men's words.

    You know, 30% of men say if they thought they'd not get caught, they'd rape. Around 10% of all men have forced a woman to have sex, even if it's something as mild as 'date rape'. Those statistics have inspired some women to accuse all men of being rapists, and men really resent this, and rightly so. They point out that MOST men don't rape - and it's true, most men don't and all men should not be defined by the actions of the minority.

    You, and some others here, want to do the same thing to Muslims: use the minority to define the majority. It's not this side of the debate who is lacking in the ability to hold a civilized discussion, in my opinion, its the side who rejects fact, makes assumptions and blames an entire group of people for the actions of a few. This inability to see people as 'individuals', but instead define them as a 'group' is what makes things like genocide or holocausts and holy wars possible - instead of seeing people as individuals, they see a Jew or a Rwandan, or a 'non-believer' or a Muslim. Anything will suffice to make them different enough to 'attack'.

    Many points you make are not relevant to the Muslim situation.

    You seem to be saying that because Christians were savages centuries ago it is alright for Muslims to be savages now.

    You say that there are Christians in our society who oppose gay marriage. Yes but they aren't killing them, are they?

    Radicals of religions other than Muslims complain and oppose but they do not go outside the law over it.

    The shooter in Colorado is a crazy person. We have crazy persons here who do these things, not a whole nation of them.

    You talk about rapes committed here in this country. Again, it is against the law and punishable when the perpetrator is caught. In Muslim culture it is fine to rape. Women are not worthy of respect or protection.

    People are not singling Muslims out from every other religion. They are simply noting the Muslim culture that is not compatible with our society and which they refuse to abandon in accordance with our laws. It is more likely this refusal to compromise and assimilate that makes things like the holocaust and genocide possible.

    I do not hate Muslims. If they want to be Muslims that is their business - in their own countries. I just don't see how they will be good for Canada as long as they continue to bring their religion and their culture here. I love our laws and our freedoms and any influence that opposes those laws and freedoms is not something I will welcome.

    You think we are ignorant and intolerant? We have researched, at least I have and I have found that throughout history Muslims have been troublemakers everywhere they go. Have you read any of the books written by Muslims who have immigrated to western countries and told of their lives under Islamic law? Those people are not lying. You don't see books published by Canadians who emigrate and write about how cruel and barbaric Canada is. People don't make up things like that.

    So don't preach at me about 'facts'. Take a look at the facts yourself.

  3. I think it is short sighted of people to say that all opposition to the refugees is racism. Racism has nothing to do with it. It is concern for the many other issues that will almost certainly arise.

    Will the refugees be any better off if they cannot get employment, if they are under suspicious from a good many Canadians amongst whom they will be living, If the do not speak the language even well enough to see to their everyday needs?

    Will our society be better off if our deficit rises to unsustainable levels, if our unemployment rate keeps rising, if the conditions of aboriginals, the homeless and the disadvantage, the mentally ill are not addressed?

    There was a panel on 'The National' tonight discussing the glowing hopes for all the good things the refugees will bring to Canada. When asked about the 'hate' rhetoric, they didn't want to talk about that. they dismissed it as 'minimal' and 'unfounded'.

    The very fact that the opposition was called 'hate' is inflammatory. It is NOT hate; it is caution and concern and ought to be explained and addressed, not ignored and brushed aside. The concerns that many people have are real.

  4. Take the blinders off Michael, go back as far as you want, yesterday, 200 years ago does it really matter.....and with an open mind and compare western culture with middle eastern culture.....line by line.....ask your self which one is more tolerant....which one is constantly changing, which one is moving forward.....ask your self where you would prefer to live and why? ....I'd would go even further and say it is less about culture, and more about religion.....Islam controls almost every aspect of a muslim's life....it forms the building blocks for everything they do....and it has not changed or been updated , or modernized since it's inception.....Because it is forbidden to do so....it will never grow, it will never be modernized...

    So how do we expect to have them grow, when it is forbidden to. It's not me how is looking down my nose at them....it's me looking at the rpoblem and saying there it is.....how do you fix it.....

    Some my ask why do they need to fix it....just because i don't like it.....because they are no longer just in another country doing this to each other ....they are in my neighborhood and it concerns me....and many more Canadians....

    You might as well shout down a black hole as try to have a civilized, focused debate with people who cannot tolerate any view that they don't agree with.

    They act like ISIS, insisting everyone 'convert' to their way of thinking or else shut the hell up!

  5. The people who aren't behaving themselves are the likes of the murderers Assad and ISIL, and I don't think we will be bringing any of them over here anytime soon. And btw if you look at current day ISIL and backtrack you find clear evidence that their emergence was caused by the illegal invasion of Iraq by the US in '03. (At least we had the good sense to stay out of that).And I suspect if you ever actually saw the hell pit that Syria has become you would be running as fast as anyone else to get out of it. A taste of reality can be a great cure for smugness.

    So you're entitled to your opinion but so am I. I think people like you are as bad as the terrorists when you insult everyone who disagrees with you and tries to shut them up. You sure don't show any respect for the freedoms we all have; only those who share YOUR opinions should have rights, is that it?

    There's a huge difference between debating, sharing differing opinions and trying to belittle and gag those who don't hold YOUR views.

    I don't believe I have ever attacked any poster here with whom I disagree personally. What the hell gives you the right to be so righteous?

  6. How recent does a change have to have happened for us to look down our noses at other cultures who aren't there yet ?

    Does the fact that we have seen gay marriage come into our culture in the last 5 years makes us that much more evolved ?

    It isn't the time frame that matters. What matters is that changes to more tolerant and peaceful ways have happened. It is irresponsible to let those have not changed pull us back.

    Yes, accepting gay marriages into our culture does make us more evolved. Killing people for their lifestyles is no longer acceptable to civilized cultures.

  7. I don't think anybody is going to ask you to sacrifice your livelihood, your tradition. That's your right. As for laws, the constitution won't be changed - it's difficult to do that anyway - but if you have a lot of people paying taxes then you need to recognize the reality of accommodating those people.

    They're not going to relinquish political power because your ancestors were here first, nor should they. Your culture will ALWAYS have the advantage of being elementary to the foundation of Canada, so relax.

    Nobody has a 'duty' to do anything. Cultures work best when people are prosperous and civil, and that will get us through it. Immigrants have and will continue to blend in, and if you see somebody with a turban keep in mind that it doesn't signify anything.

    This is happening all over the world, btw.

    BS! The government is asking us all to sacrifice everything we have to accommodate refugees. We pay the cost, we accommodate whatever weird cultural and religious beliefs they bring with them. Average Canadian families are now struggling to survive; how will they cope with the costs that are soon to rise due to the impending deficit?

    How many refugees are YOU sponsoring? How many are the politicians sponsoring privately?

    Huh! Our culture will always have the advantage of being elementary to the foundation of Canada? That didn't happen for the aboriginals, did it? What's the guarantee it will be that way for us?

    People certainly do have duties. When culture is what prevents people from being prosperous and civil it is their DUTY to change that culture if they want to become prosperous and civil.

    I see some immigrants blending in and others not. The present situations in Europe don't seem to be doing so well.

  8. Isn't the point of helping these people is what Powell told to GW about Iraq..if u break it, uhave to fix it and since Canada is involved in the war over there we have to help those people? Many may not stay after the war is over, so some Canadians should have an open mind and put yourself in THEIR place.

    Helping 'those people' does not necessarily mean bring them all over here. And there is no reason why being involved in a war anywhere means you have to help them. If they behaved themselves there wouldn't be a war in the first place so if they suffer from a war that we didn't start it is their responsibility to help themselves.

    I don't want to be in their place, not even in my mind. But if Canada became the hell pit than Syria is I wouldn't consider running away and asking foreigners to help me. The numbers of Syrians who have stayed plus the numbers who have fled could make quite a considerable army to fight for their country.

    And I wouldn't keep having babies in a country where they will have no safety and security. The sight of people putting little kids into those overloaded rafts makes me sick.

  9. No, I don't think that all people who celebrate Christmas are Christians, so what does it matter if someone says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"? Or if a concert is called Winter Festival instead of Christmas Concert? If people want to view it as an imposition, they're looking for reason to be offended, and honestly I have little compassion for them. If there were a concerted move - say, legislation being pushed - to eliminate the words "Merry Christmas" from the English language, that I would have a problem with.

    I like the Christmas season as well; I also like Ramadan because of the celebration that takes place every night when eating is allowed again. I like the festival I ran across by accident one year, where the purpose was to let go of the old, and accept the new into one's life. I think it was in February or March, and I really have no idea where it originated or the name of it.

    There's a lot more to celebrate and enjoy about life than just one religion's particular special days, which being an agnostic and not worried about what I think I'm "losing". :)

    It matters because it is tradition. If you don't care if traditions change or die out, then it won't matter to you. But I feel that we should be allowed to keep at least some of our traditions. The other ethnic groups coming here are adamant about keeping theirs. Maybe the desire some of have to keep Christmas as a tradition is just a desire to avoid the straw that broke the camel's back that being abandoning everything that has been dear to us for many years.

    Are we to be pressured to rename Thanksgiving too? Or Easter? If it doesn't make any difference, they why does it have to change? Will we at some future time take up wearing head coverings because our immigrants like them? Or give up our casual summer attire of shorts and halter tops? Will we someday ban certain foods from our supermarkets because other people find them offensive? Will we have to close our beer and liquor outlets?

    If we give in on one thing it isn't long until we are pressured to give in on another. Like the old fable about the Arab and The Camel, we will someday be right out in the cold to make the newcomers more comfortable.

  10. Yeah, I keep hearing how Christmas and "Christianity" is being eliminated to accommodate other religions - but I still see trees, and lights and decorations - all taken from the pagan Saturnalia festival, to mark our biggest Christian festival. I still hear Christmas Carols from mid-November till the end of January, I still hear and say Merry Christmas and so far, I haven't been arrested or fined. The Easter Bunny still comes along every Spring with Chocolate, to mark the return of Christ - another huge Christian festival. And we get days off work for this!

    Yes, we now know about Ramadan, and we have special parades and festivals in the park for the South Asians round these parts - I forget the name of those festivals. And there's the Chinese New Year, a bright spot in the middle of Winter! But I still don't get a day off for these If only these other religions were provided the same respect Christians have for their festivals, I'd have at least two additional stat holidays a year, maybe as many as five!

    Bring on the Festival Equality! :)

    But do you really think that all people who celebrate Christmas are Christians? Christmas is to many just a festive season, a tradition that usually brings goodwill toward mankind into reality for at least a day or two.

    It is more the belief that Christmas is widely celebrated a a religious holiday that gets non-Christians dander up. It ain't necessarily so! :)

    If I were going to celebrate Christmas in a religious sense, I would do so privately in my own home. I love Christmas carols because they are traditional, not because of their lyrics. I love Christmas because traffic slows down and people stay home and keep quiet for a few hours. On Christmas Eve there is no traffic and never a peep out of anyone on our street. The silence is wonderful!

  11. It seems that Justin Trudeau is subject to "flights of fancy" and then he "comes back to reality".

    For the last few months, we have seen him in campaign/selfie/the "exuberant phase". What happens when he goes down? Is he always a "sunny guy"?

    I wonder too whether he takes medication. His mother does.

    Your description of Justin Trudeau more accurately describes a psychotic, not bi-polar.

    As for medication, he admits he smokes pot. Perhaps that explains why his mind is not always clear.

    What bothers me most about Trudeau/Liberals is that they go about things backwards. They did it with the refugee plan and they are doing it with the environmental issue; that is, having made promises without a plan for carrying out their plan.

    If you are to make a promise you need to consider if and how you are going to keep that promise before you make it. The Liberals did not do that. They made all kinds of promises and when elected, began formulating plans. That doesn't seem to me a responsible way to go about things. It seems to me they should have been researching the issues while they were campaigning to know whether their promises were in fact doable and how they could make them doable. Now they are asked repeatedly, "How will you get this done", and their response is always the same, "We are working on a plan".

  12. We are not 'a nation of immigrants'! We are a nation of descendants of immigrants. New immigrants are given Canadian citizenship and the same rights and privileges as the descendants of immigrants who were born here generations ago and for whom their immigrant ancestors worked and sacrificed to make those rights and privileges available.

    Anyone born in this country is NOT an immigrant! I don't care who says it, it is wrong.

  13. We don't need any more religious people in Canada - Christian, Islam, Sikh, Hindu - any of them. They have their own belief systems and they usually want to force them onto other people, or have us Canadians make special allowances for them - like wearing special clothes or acknowledging their festival days. They also want to build their religious buildings, and take over neighborhoods with their 'own kind'. Most of them are anti-gay, and a lot of the men think they should be allowed to have sex with women of any age, and any time they want - whether she wants to or not. Even the moderate ones judge the rest of us, telling us we aren't good enough to go to heaven, that God disapproves of us.

    I think Trudeau should just let non-religious people in as refugees; they are the ones who are truly at risk in these other countries; the rest are just faking. If he doesn't do that, it means he is racist against non-religious people. That is not the Canada I want!


    Canada is supposed to be a secular country - Church and State separate. I think that needs to be enforced.

    People can practice their personal religion privately as long as it does not run afoul of the law, but their religious practices should not be allowed to appear anywhere publicly. Only on their own property.

    We can hardly prevent religious groups from building places of worship if that what they want to do but promoting and flaunting religion in any manner could certainly be prevented.

    As it stands now, any religion but Christianity is allowed to take liberties that Christians are not allowed. As in the abolishment of Christmas carols in what they now call 'Winter Festivals' which used to be Christmas concerts. We are encouraged to acknowledge holidays like Ramadan and allow Muslims time off with pay from their professions to make their pilgrimage to Mecca. But Orthodox Jews whose Sabbath begins Friday evening don't disrupt the workplace to accommodate their religion.

  14. This frenzy to bring in Syrian refugees en masse is an emotional response to the picture of the drowned little boy washed up on the beach. When people allow their emotions to do their thinking they develop tunnel vision and focus only on that one issue.

    I think the Trudeau government has grasped this as a means of gaining even more popularity, extending the 'honeymoon', so to speak. I agree completely that they are demonstrating discrimination and racism by going all out for Syrian refugees while ignoring the desperate plight of others.

    I also agree that Harper was more realistic and much less willing to sacrifice principles to gain public approval. That is what defeated him. Politics does not agree with principled people.

  15. Perhaps you can explain to me what this means in more detail.....I'm not sure i understand your meaning.

    Yes, fair question.

    What is 'right' or 'wrong' is basically a moral issue. There are those who think that we must do everything we possibly can to welcome and make newcomers to Canada as comfortable and easy as possible, even to the point of sacrificing our own livelihoods, our traditions, even changing our laws to accommodate.

    Those who think that way are very critical and insulting toward those who disagree. I don't understand what makes them think that attitude is 'right' or what it will accomplish.

    Perhaps those who are focused intently on doing what they believe is 'right' have some kind of guilt complex. I really don't know what drives them. But they think that to do other than what they do is 'wrong'.

    The other side is not so driven by what is 'right' or 'wrong' but mindful instead of what is reasonable. These ones seem to believe that it takes two sides to reach a compromise and while they are willing to make some concessions, the newcomers have a duty too to make concessions in order to 'fit in'; If the newcomers are not willing to change any aspect of their lives to adapt to our Canadian lifestyles, then they don't deserve cooperation. These people believe it is 'wrong' to completely abandon the traditions and lifestyles we are accustomed to in order to satisfy newcomers. Just as it is in everyday life, it is not always wise to insist on and demand what we want to do just because we have the right to do it. If we want to live peacefully with our fellow Canadians we have to consider the impact our actions will have on others.

    I hope this clarifies the point I was trying to make. In reality there is no absolute right or wrong. What is right for some may be wrong for others and vice versa, and I think both sides of the controversy have to recognize that and cut each other some slack.

    To continue to throw barbs at one another only escalates the discord and hardens the resolve of each side to express their personal beliefs.

  16. I agree. But what it is, is immigration with no signs of abating in my community. It doesn't sound like your community is the same.

    I expect the community I live in will accept its share of refugees. We already have large numbers of immigrants who have changed the face of the community dramtically.

    But my post was intended to address the problems that these newcomers are facing and will continue to face with regard to being accepted and getting employment.

    I believe that the average Canadians have gone above and beyond to make the newcomers feel welcome. We have accepted many of their cultural ways which are vastly different from ours without much comment. However, I feel that the newcomers could make more of an effort on their part to learn about and accept Canadian culture and traditions and could work harder to make themselves 'fit in'.

    There is no reason why they could not adopt western dress codes, keep working to improve their language skills, be more amicable in their interactions with the residents of the community in which they are living.

    I am thinking in terms of what I would do if I were, for some reason, transported to one of their countries and trying to establish myself there. I know it would not be easy to give up the way of life I am used to but 'when in Rome we must do as the Romans do'. To do differently is to invite resentment, even hostility.

  17. What we consider to be 'right' or 'wrong' might seem important but in reality it just is what it is.

    About the employability of immigrants/refugees, right or wrong is not a factor. There are just jobs that it is not wise to hire an immigrant/refugee for.

    A business is about serving the public and making a profit. If a community does not like to be served by a woman in a hijab or a head scarf, they will not patronize that business. Likewise, immigrants have been hired for warehouse work that involves filling customer orders but they couldn't read or speak English well enough and consequently screwed up the orders so badly that the customers lost patience and took their business elsewhere.

    I'm not saying this kind of thing is right but that's the reality of it.

    A Pakistani family took over an Esso station in my community and people stopped doing business there. Maybe it was wrong but the fact is they didn't like being served by 'turbans' and the stern, humourlessness of the Pakistanis. The station soon went out of business.

    I recently had occasion to change my veterinary service. I took my animal to a new establishment and found that the place was well equipped and clean and the vet seemed quite gentle and knowledgable but I could not understand a word he said. I couldn't deal with the lack of communication, my animal's health care is too important to me so I had to change again. That service didn't survive very long either. I suspect the lack of English skill was the cause of it's failure.

    People can't be forced to like what they do not like. You can call them 'bigots', 'xenophobes', harass them for being unfair but you just can not change them. In fact trying to change them only seems to strengthen their resolve.

  18. As for things like cell phone pics and hackers... That actually has nothing to do with your 'rights'. Your constitutional rights only define what the government can and can't do. It says nothing about what a private citizen can do to another citizen.

    I am not an expert on what our Constitutional rights define. But private citizens are doing a lot of things to other private citizens that if not defined, certainly should be.

    And the government does things to private citizens that they should not be able to do. They curb free speech for one thing and for another thing they allow inequality where there should be none under the Constitution.

    I'm sorry, but I think people are paranoid about their 'rights'. Living within the law is the best way to guarantee that our 'rights' won't be violated. The RCMP can monitor my internet activities until they fall asleep from boredom and they wont find anything posted anywhere that would trigger the need for a warrant. If they do find something that is a potential threat to our security, they should have the power to do whatever it takes to investigate it thoroughly.

  19. At least JT has indicated some intention to help Canadians who live in poverty, and the mandate letter to the Minister of Families/Children is very specific about the goal of reducing poverty. Interestingly, this Minister is an economists who specialized in poverty so perhaps things really will improve for those in need. We shall see.

    I think they could have done this a lot more cheaply if they wanted to.

    Chartering jets? If they wanted to involve the military why not use troop carriers to transport the refugees? We have ships that could transport more than a jetliner and we're already paying their crews.

    Health care? Why don't they set up temporary clinics for the refugees? Maybe hire back some of the nurses that have been previously laid off? (I'm speaking here about Ontario). Our facilities here are already bursting at the seams. My husband became paralysed and almost died 2 years ago because of lack of care.

    It isn't the refugees themselves or even helping them that upsets me. It is the way it is being done and the strain it will put on our services and our economy and problems that will arise that haven't even been considered yet by the majority of people.

    Maybe they could have done it more cheaply, but who knows? Its pretty easy to be critical when one doesn't actually have to make the decisions. One member on here thinks its too much that they are winterizing barracks to avoid displacing military personnel already living on the base; another (or maybe the same one, I don't know) thinks it's terrible that military personnel might be displaced. So, what's the solution - save money and displace some military (which has costs of its own, I'm sure), or winterize summer-only barracks? Is it perhaps cheaper to charter planes than use military equipment? Without actually seeing the costs in front of me, I can't make that determination.

    In any case the refugees are expected to repay the government for the cost of bringing them to Canada - transportation and health screening, and interest is charged on outstanding debt. Repayment is expected to start within 30 days of arrival. And, according to the news story I saw, 91% of all refugees do eventually pay the government back.

    I agree with you that things are going to get worse before they get better, and I don't think it would matter who was at the helm - Trudeau, Mulcair, Harper - though they'll get blamed. I don't know that bringing or not bringing refugees would make a lot of difference, really.

    I must say that I appreciate your thoughtful and respectful way of debating :)

    True, we don't have the costs in front of us but we haven't heard any details of why and how the decisions were arrived at either and I think the public has a right to know. I do know it is always easy to spend someone else's money!

    How will the refugees be able to pay back their costs? Not even the crooked politicians and bureaucrats who have cheated the taxpayers out of Millions of dollars have ever paid back what they owe. Refugees will have a hard time finding employment at anything but low paying jobs when the unemployment rate is rising. And when the tax rate of Corporations gets raised, more industries will go offshore creating more unemployment

    Once government monies are spent you can kiss them good bye!

    I agree that it wouldn't matter what government was in power, matters will get worse but it is the one in power at the time that will take the heat. If there is a major terrorist attack in Canada, a real possibility, and there is any link to even one refugee, Trudeau and his crew will have to take the responsibility for it.

    Oh and about winterizing the barracks, I'm not so sure that is necessary. Lots of people have survived in shacks with no insulation - the aboriginal people in the far northern areas still do.

  20. I am all for it.

    It is well known that the internet is used widely for terrorist recruitment and for other incitement to hate by other groups as well (Neo-Nazis, KKK, etc.

    I don't think it would be a deterrent for child predators though, they are very slick and sneaky. You can restrict your child's access only to a degree. They can always gain internet access through a friend's computer or with their smart phones.

    What are you who oppose the idea putting on the internet that you don't want monitored?

    Keeping the RCMP from warrantless access would more likely help their policing efforts for they already monitor sites. A lot of arrest have been made by tracing criminals through the internet.

    I find it ironic that so many people are concerned about their 'human right to privacy'. There is no such thing as privacy any more; we all ought to know that. There are security cameras everywhere, everyone is snapping pictures with their phones, hackers are able to get just about any information they want. There is no such thing as a 100% 'secure' site. Our credit card and social security numbers could be floating around all over cyberspace and there is nothing we can do about it.

    And still we balk at any kind of legislation that will help to weed out terrorist activities.

    I doubt if the Liberals will go for it. They are an anti-police. anti-military, anything goes group that is afraid to be tough on anybody in case they lose votes. With only the dwindling number of voters who still respect law and order and national security voting for their opposition, they will reign supreme forever.

  21. Trudeau had better 'flip-flop' his arrogant attitude toward the lowly Canadian people if he wants to hold on to his popularity. He is showing signs of the same kind of disdain that his father showed to the commoners.

    By one way and another it is the Canadian people who have formed our way of life. Now Trudeau's determination to change everything for the better certainly indicates what he thinks of the Canada we, the common people have created.

  22. Here's another thing to ponder on. If Muslim men are aroused by a woman's uncovered hair, how do you think they react to Western girls who wear short shorts, halter tops, bikinis, and Heaven Help Them, a woman baring her breasts publicly?

    Woman are held in such low regard in Islamic countries that the men have never been taught to control their biological urges. They most likely think that the skimpy way Western women dress is an invitation to sexual activity or even that those women deserve it.

    This might account for the high number of reports of rape committed by Muslims.

  23. That's simply not the case. Thirty five percent of immigrants come in under the family reunification program or humanitarian reasons.

    I worked with Muslims for years, mostly Somali, Iranian and Lebanese. The main things I took from it were they didn't like Jews, and were particularly fond of conspiracy theories involving Jewish bankers, were suspicious of, yet admiring of the United States, and were as misogynistic as anyone I ever met. They are all also very religious, though they could be hypocritical about it in the sense of fornication outside marriage and the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

    Public opinion polls have demonstrated, however, that the social views of the population of the middle east, and most Muslim countries, are indeed highly reflective of government laws in terms of women and gays.

    Hey, I like my Canadian born Egyptian neighbour. He seems pretty cool. He is adamant, though that women must cover their hair at all times so as to not arouse men, because that's in the Koran, you see. Don't know any Pakistanis at the moment. Why do you suppose they would be so different from all the ones being arrested for child rape in the UK?

    You cannot be a Muslim and have a wide variety of views on what the Koran says. Islam is pretty clear on the inferiority of women and what is to be done to gay people. It even codifies these in law. It's pretty clear about how nasty Jews are too.I realize people like you don't get that some people actually believe in their religion, because you don't believe in yours. But in the Muslim world that's the norm, not the exception.

    Everything you say here is true. I have found the Koran contradictory on many matters. It does say in some places to treat people of other religions kindly and in other places instructs Muslims to kill them.

    But on the matters of the inferiority of women, homosexuality, adultery, marriage laws and many other issues, I found no contradictions.

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