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Everything posted by Liberalhippy

  1. You don't have to look further than Harper's recent deal with Saudi Arabia to see that Harper isn't defending us from terrorism. He's actually helping it along. http://www.newsweek.com/saudi-arabia-one-worlds-most-prolific-executioners-365461
  2. I am suggesting that we have to be calculated in our approach. You know that thing called collateral damage? Not only does that open the doors for terrorist activities and recruitment, but it is also known as terrorism to the innocent people that are effected by it on the ground.
  3. I have my own thoughts on our reliance on China and the pollution they spew out to feed our need for byproducts of oil. Separate from any political parties opinion on this election Canada needs a reformed way of producing the tools we use day in and day out. Plastic is not sustainable from a health perspective or an environmental perspective but that's a whole other discussion entirely.
  4. And thus why Canada is no longer a peace keeping nation and now being targeted by terrorist organizations. Our international relations and dealings come at a cost.
  5. Jobs at what and whose cost? Harper signed an 15 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia known for beheading people and engaging in the same terrorist activities we are trying to fight on our own ground. Sure lets give Ontario 3000 workers work for 10 years while feeding this regime. No thanks. Arms deals, and oil pipeline expansion in a flooded market? That's what you believe to be the solution to our economic issues? These are just some of the many reasons I am voting Liberal. I'm not sure where you live but I'd like to see the statistics of that claim. Canada only uses 5% of economy on oil? I question that statement.
  6. A lot of people will toss around witty comments and pictures about how you shouldn't vote for this guy instead of posting why we should vote for that guy. I too am guilty of posting these thing but lets take a step back and dissect this for a minute. 99% of what you see being posted is people slamming another political party. Straight... up... slander. No deeper sense of meaning. No sense of greater good out of the discussions that come out of that. Just straight... up... slander.... We all feel passionate about our future. We all want to ensure that we will survive for as long as we can. It's human nature but you know what we can't survive? The onslaught of negative images, bigotry and hate. Hate for a misunderstood nation or religious practice. We fear what we don't understand. We fear what we do not know and so we allow this fear to manifest itself in hasty uninformed decisions and all of the potential consequences behind those decisions. You will see some of the people voting the Conservative party throw around words like "libtard". That word in and of itself just bleeds of ignorance. "Libtard" come on is that the best you can come up with in support for your party? Libtard? You try and get to the bare bones of some of these people and it's rooted in fear and ignorance. It hasn't been easy coming up with the one on party that I believe will best define my future but I can assure you it is an educated decision. 1. Despite his assistance in passing bill C-51 Trudeau has pledged to revamp the controversial parts of bill c-51. We should take our security seriously but we should also take our freedoms seriously as well. Bill c-51 was a hasty decision based in fear and a call to action. Do we really feel anymore secure with bill c-51? We are talking about a women's choice to wear a niqab at a civil ceremony. If bill c-51 does what it's supposed to, shouldn't we be able to trust any citizen that we allow into our borders and wish ill-will on us? How much does this project cost and why isn't it doing what you said it would do? Isn't it supposed to make us fear our neighbor less, not more? 2. If you have ever taken advantage of a low mortgage or filled up and the pumps because you knew the prices were going to sky rocket? Well this logic is no different than what the liberal party has promised to do for us. There is again a lot of fear behind the debates on this issue. Taking out a loan and a deficit in the low tide of a global economic market is one of the smartest things you can do. This is how you as an individual build equity. What equity do we have today from 8 years ago? Were we in a better position then as we are now? We are sitting on top of a multi-billion dollar oil industry and yet our current government made us no better for the wear by keeping us reliant on a single source of income. If you are in the job market and you only have one skill and that skill gets flooded you will have a problem finding a job. So why are we not investing into what the world wants on a global scale? Renewable resources. 3. Despite your support for or against the legalization of marijuana it has some numbers that you cannot ignore and numbers that add an entirely new set of revue for Canada. The state of Washington has sold $250 million in marijuana in the past year — roughly $62 million of which constitute marijuana excise taxes. Marijuana is not the gateway drug you have been told it is. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why it's called a gateway drug? Let me spell it out for you. It's a gateway drug because of the prohibition of it. People are forced to deal with individuals that are involved in organized crime and will likely sell other drugs. Thus causing you to increase your chances of exposure to harder\tainted drugs. 4. The fair elections act - If you don't know what that is I suggest googling it. With the fair elections act it basically won't allow elections Canada to advertise that an election is going on. You might ask yourself? Well why should we spend money on getting people to vote. They should know that the vote is coming up and just want to vote anyways? Well I can't stress the importance of voting enough. It's the little bit of perceived control we have on this mad planet and we have to keep it. Most people are going to be fed biased fearful opinions about one party or another party, but the fact of the matter is that we need to stress the importance of a vote from an unbiased source. Plan and simple. Trudeau is against the fair elections act, AKA Bill C-23. This is just one of the many reasons why bill c-23 is not right for Canadians. 5. Harper has muzzled our statistics and research into the oils sands and environmental impacts. If you haven't heard the story about Harperman and one Tony turner then I again suggest you spend some time looking into it. This individual, an environmental scientist is being investigated and was sent home from his job because he wrong an anti-tory song. I've provided the link if you wish to take a look. This is one of just many of our muzzled scientists that want to speak out but can't do the Harpers new public servant opinions on elections rule that was sent to all our public servants. The liberals have promised to bring back the voice of the scientists and research. And finally I am open to discussing any of my opinions and or comments. Happy voting.
  7. The taxation of Marijuana. The state of Washington has sold $250 million in marijuana in the past year — roughly $62 million of which constitute marijuana excise taxes.
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