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Wolf Larsen

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Posts posted by Wolf Larsen

  1. The beginning of this thread is very funny: there's a sarcastic joke about Christians being persecuted in America.

    Of course, we all know it's the opposite. Right wing Christians are trying to impose their religion and their hypocritical "morality" on the rest of us. The right wing Christians are persecuting others with their ignorant bigotry.

    People will have far more respect for Christians when most of them start practicing the teachings of Jesus Christ, who was a man who preached tolerance, love, and peace. In contrast, many Christians preach intolerance, hatred, and war.

    But I defend the right of these Christians to worship as they choose. But thou shall not shove your religion down my throat! And keep religion, creationism, and other superstitions out of our schools. The last thing we need is some religious fanatics brainwashing yet another generation!

    One more thing, it disgusts me the way that many Christians disrespect Muslims. Frankly, there's not much difference between a fanatical Christian and a fanatical Muslim.

    However, I do respect moderate Christians and moderate Muslims who are tolerant of others. I am tolerant of them because they are tolerant of others.

  2. People have talked about Iran supposedly sponsoring terrorism. I do not like the government of Iran, and have no idea whether or not it is true.

    However, I can tell you with certainty that the biggest terrorist organization in the world is the United States government, followed by Israel.

    The United States government engaged in a terrorist war against the peoples of Iraq, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. In addition, the US government has terrorized the black people for four centuries of brutal racist terror. In addition, the US government appears to be preparing to engage in a war of terror against the American people, as seen in Congress passing legislation and Obama signing into law a bill that will give the US military the right to indefinitely detain Americans without a trial.

    The Israeli government is also a terrorist state. The Israeli government is currently conducting a terrorist war against the Palestinian peoples.

    Some other posters have correctly pointed out that the Canadian government has joined up with the US government on several occasions to conduct wars of terror against Third World peoples.

    One poster, said that the war in Iraq was a good thing because Saddam Hussein is dead. Saddam Hussein may have been a bloody so-and-so, but so is Obama and so was George Bush.

    Another poster tried to use the Israeli draft to argue that the rich do actually fight in wars. When I was saying that the rich do not fight in wars that they profit from I was referring to the United States.

  3. As at least one other poster pointed out Romney appears to be the least insane of all of the Republican nominees. I saw one of the Republican debates, and as I watched I couldn't help but wonder if these people had just been released from the insane asylum or what?

    Ron Paul would deregulate everything. Can you imagine what the food industry would be like? If Ron Paul wins we'll be calling him "President E. coli"! Anybody who wants to know what America will be like under Ron Paul need only read a book called "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. Ron Paul wants to return us to the 19th century!

    If you want to see a libertarian country just go to any Third World country. You can't drink the water. There's holes in the sidewalk where you can fall in, because there's no "ambulance chasers". You can't even eat in just any restaurant, because you might get some horrible bacteria! That's what libertarianism is. No or few regulations! Libertarianism may sound like a nice idea in theory, but in practice it is a bloody chaotic insane mess! I've been to 51 countries on this planet, and those countries that have a libertarian philosophy in government are like what I just described.

    I'm not saying I like Romney. I don't. Basically Romney will be like a white Obama and Obama is basically a black Romney. The policies of the two men are virtually identical. Both of them are scumbags. But that is what a capitalist politician is: a scumbag.

  4. In the United States of America you can't even smoke a joint without risking getting thrown into jail where you might get raped! As I said before one out of every four persons in jail in the world is in jail in the United States of America.

    With the war on drugs (which is a war on civil liberties), the Patriot Act, and now with the military having the right to disappear Americans without a trial the United States is becoming a police state.

    And of course the propaganda machine keeps turning out endless hysteria about despotic "communism". If you want to see a symbol of repression on the island of Cuba just look at Guantanamo Bay!

  5. The Israeli government is even crazier than the American government! It becomes difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the war crimes of the Israeli government because Israel does not even acknowledge having nuclear weapons, which everybody knows that they have. Israel with nuclear weapons is a scary thought! Well, the USA with nuclear weapons is also a scary thought!

    Anyway, hands off Iran! Leave around alone! Iran has the right to defend itself. Even if Iran is developing a nuclear bomb it has the right to defend itself against the crazy governments of Israel and the USA.

    Besides, we heard all that weapons of mass destruction nonsense before in Iraq. And look how that turned out!

    If the politicians of Israel and the USA want to have more war why don't the politicians go fight the war themselves? Or at least why don't they send their adult children to fight for a change? It seems like the people doing all the fighting and dying are working class people. The only people these wars are good for are the war profiteers.

  6. Freedom of speech in America? Students in Ohio and Mississippi State shot down for practicing their freedom of speech. And currently Occupy Wall Street protesters being terrorized by brutal cops.

    One out of every four persons in jail in the world is in jail in the USA, mostly because of drugs.

    And now Pres. Obama has signed into law a bill giving the military the authority to disappear Americans.

  7. Women must have full birth-control rights! All birth-control should be free! There should be as many different kinds of birth control as there are brands of soda pop at the supermarket.

    I think it's obvious that insurance companies just don't work. The only thing insurance companies are good for is filling their pockets full of money. USA currently has the most expensive medical system in the world, because insurance companies are bleeding the medical system dry.

    It would just be a lot cheaper to provide everyone with free medical care, including birth control. Birth control is a medical care issue, not a moral one.

    Considering all of the rampant child abuse in the Catholic Church, the churches are in no business to talk about morality!

    If you want a moral issue look at the fact that one out of every five children in the USA is growing up in poverty. That's an outrage! While billionaires got their bailouts and eat caviar and drink champagne on the taxpayers dime American children are suffering of poverty. The fact is the religious right only cares about the rights of the unborn, once a child is born the religious right doesn't care that a child grows up in poverty.

    The religious right blames the poor for being poor. But in fact the poor want jobs, but the capitalist economic system just can't seem to provide enough jobs for everyone.

    What we need is socialism. What we need is free quality medical care for everyone, and that includes free birth control. American capitalism is simply incapable of providing decent affordable medical care. The rich in America get the best medical care in the world, and meanwhile the workers are the ones paying the taxes, but they get shafted with inadequate medical care.

    Birth-control should be available everywhere and it should be free because we pay lots of taxes! Instead of our tax money going for war and bailouts for the rich our tax money should be going for free medical care and contraceptives.

  8. It would not surprise me if the nuclear nuts in the White House start World War III one day.

    Homo sapiens has been around for at least 100,000 years. Do you think we can survive another 100,000 years with a nuclear bomb? How about surviving another 1000 years with the nuclear bomb?

    The Republicans are portrayed by the liberals as the evil warmongers. However, it was Harry Truman (a Democrat) who ordered the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it was John F. Kennedy (a Democrat) who brought the world to the brink of a nuclear holocaust during the Cuban missile crisis.

    We cannot trust these politicians Democrat or Republican with the atomic button.

  9. If Obama and Republican politicians in Congress want to fight a war with Iran why don't they put on uniforms and parachute over Iran themselves?

    Why should working class Americans fight and die and get injured in wars that only seem to benefit the rich?

    Why don't we draft the adult children of the wealthiest 1% and send them to fight the wars?

    Anyway, it's completely hypocritical of the US government and Israel to complain about Iran getting nuclear weapons, because the United States and Israel have nuclear weapons. The USA has the biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world! What hypocrisy!

    And all this saber rattling from Israel and the United States government only makes Iran feel more vulnerable and more likely to want a nuclear bomb to defend itself.

    Hands off Iran! Leave Iran alone! They already suffered enough under the USA supported Shaw dictatorship.

  10. I think a winning ticket would be my neighbor's dog and my neighbor's cat. They get along pretty well.

    Polls show that the American people are sick and tired of the politicians, both Democrat and Republican. In most elections about half of the people don't vote, probably because there is not much difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.

    But if the Republican Party were to put up my neighbor's dog and my neighbor's cat up for election I think they would beat Obama. After all, my neighbor's dog is smarter than Rick Perry, George Bush, or Sarah Palin.

    In addition, the American people are sick and tired of Obama. He's kind of like a smart version of George Bush. Well, anything would seem like a smart version of George Bush.

  11. Why not?

    McCain has lots of money, and Mitt Romney has lots of money, and together the two of them could buy the election!

    I don't think that Mitt Romney is going to be much different than Barack Obama, who wasn't much different than George Bush in my opinion.

    And as I understand under McCain we can all buy 9.99 pizza pies! Under a 999 plan the rich will pay even less taxes than they do now, and now the rich people pay so little taxes that of their taxes go any lower we will have to start giving them money! Oh wait we already gave the rich people money - that bailout for nearly $1 trillion went to the rich!

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