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  1. Anyone who believes that CPP and the other like contributions are enough to retire on, is grossly delusional. $12,500 a year is peanuts, PEANUTS! and yet that's what you get if you do not or cannot obtain access to large amounts of money, or the means to save money for your retirement. Wynne's plan isn't a bad idea, research shows that most people (from the far right to the far left) do not have the money, will, knowledge or desire to save for thier retirement properly. The extra pension will help immensley. Sure its going to cost to get it off the ground, but the benefits to anyone under the age of 35 now, will be a huge help by the time they retire, about 15-17K on top of normal CPP at 12K. People have proven that they either cannot afford to save, or (growing trend) they burn it on items they cannot afford. The other day on 1010 Toronto, people making 150,000K per person were calling in crying poor and that they can't seem to save a penny! Really? How big is your mortage? How many mercedes are in your driveway? How much was your premium T.V and sound system in your basement? How many vacations per calender year are you going on? Then the single mom making 45k calls in and says she's grateful for what she has and makes it work. My point? People are stupid and misguided when it comes to retirement savings... Wynne's plan will help people save. I don't see Hudak with any such plan, care or responsibility on retirement savings, just nothing but slash and burn.
  2. When will people realise that the right wing Conservative mindset and backing political funding comes almost exclusively from the big business and corporate CEO's who then push their agenda. The Conservatives (and the Republicans in the U.S) are ultimatley pawns for the big players behind the scences to do thier bidding and to maximize profits. Lowering corporate taxes, giving big business a break, bending over to thier demands, bailout money! This is ALL in favour of big business as the executive team then pocket's it all and leaves the employee's hung out to dry.
  3. It sounds like CPCFTW is actually jealous of what the teacher's, some public servants and Police Officer's have in terms of vacation, sick time and pensions. If he was offered a job with the same pay, pension and benefits would he really say no to it? No. Because people who work in the private sector are usually paid less, with no benefits or pensions and very little if any paid leave time, they often get upset and point the finger at the Public Servants who do have these programs and benefits. The problem with this finger pointing is that it's pointed at the wrong people, it SHOULD be pointed at the corporate manager's and CEO's, who instead of offering their employee's a living wage, health benefits and a pension plan, would rather increase thier own personal income and give themselves bonuses often happening behind closed doors. What I can never understand is how a CEO can allow themself to make $4.5 Million a year (which I don't beleieve any one person is actually physically worth) justify paying his workers minimum wage with no benefits? Where is the moral responsibility in that? There is NONE, it is NO WHERE to be found. There is also no current law that exists that prevents them from not doing so. I think there should be. If you want the massive profits and huge bonuses all for yourself, you SHOULD be made to share the wealth. People need to realise that most Public Service jobs generally require a high level of education, skill and knowledge in order to obtain and maintain. Too often the Public Service is labelled by right wing media (Toronto Sun for example) as a spend happy go lucky organization where every employee has it made. This is far from the truth, in fact much of the Public Service is currently and has been on a pay freeze for years, let alone the amount of jobs that have gone contract-part time is also ridiculously high now and also so is the competition just to obtain a single job. Teacher's don't exactly have a 'cakewalk' in the park as so many Conservatives seem to put it, they have to compete in one of the most competive job markets in Ontario right now, the competition is through the roof for even a temp teaching job with no benefits, pension or leave time ext. Teachers are NOT paid for much of the time they work outside of regular hours. Where do teachers mark tests? Home. Where do teachers often create assignments or the like? Home. Why? Because they are not provided the alloted time in a regular school day. What about the extra curricular activities and free tutoring teachers often offer to students on thier own time with no pay? We forget about that too, or do we still label them as free loaders?
  4. What about the cancellation of the replacement program for the Sea King helicopter's? That decision alone cost 20+ Canadian soldier's their lives. Cut's don't cause risk and create safety hazards leading to possible death? BS, those flying junk yards should have been replaced in 93 when they were initially scheduled to be, instead because of spending restraint, people died. Get the picture? Wynne nailed it with Walkerton too, good on her for providing an example of how how expenditure cuts from the Ministry of Environment cost 7 people their lives and caused serious illness in many more. Walkerton is also a great example of how contracting out services leads to safety concerns, other health hazards and reduced quality in service.
  5. I'm surprised at the amount of occurences I have run into of finding people who seem to be either misguided, lost or completely uneducated when it comes to the PC party and Tim Hudak's budget/agenda. In fact it completely blows my mind when I hear of people who's current economic, physical and or social situation would be benefited most by the NDP or the Liberal's, talk about how they are going to vote Conservative because thats what their friend is doing, or that they like the color Blue for a party, or some other completely misguided or non-sensical justification. Research will show that this is usually common because those who would benefit most from an NDP or Liberal party are more often than not the poor, new-comers to Canada, and those who suffer from mental illness and do not have the benefit, opportunity or means to seek out education to get into a successful job one day or to be knowledgable and understanding of politics in Canada. For Ontarian's (the vast majority in fact) a vote for Tim Hudak and the Conservatives is basically offering, for free! your house, food, or car. Take this for example, I fail to understand how any semi knowledgable parent with children or any person for that matter who makes between 15-75K per year would ever vote for the Conservatives? Not to mention anyone who works in or supports the public sector and government responsibility to the people of Ontario. Historically it isn't hard to realise that those who are educated in business, law or finance tend to hold a high level profile economic status and tend to vote Conservative. Why? Becuase CEO's and top business executives love tax cut's, they love the fact that a government (yes the body that is supposed to stand up to the corrupt big business CEO's and defend our rights) will give in to their every demand in name of huge profits or some other benefit. People need to understand that most private sector employer's are owned by a person or entity, and that person or entity (9 times out of 10) doesn't care about you. In fact, history show's that companies have fired thousand's to outsource good paying jobs to 3rd world countries that use child labour and or violate hundreds if not thousands of human rights. Want proof? Wal-Mart, Superstore, 99% of clothing companies ext and the list goes on. Human worth and life is sacrifced every day in the name of PROFIT. Those who are knowledgable of Ontario's state these past few years will know that Ontario's profits are going up and continue to rise. Yes higher taxes are a reality however they provide much needed revenue for the government to put back into Ontario. Tim Hudak's plan to cut and slash taxes would desimate this much needed revenue in times of economic hardship. His million jobs claim (which is grossly false and misleading) primarily will consist of low paying, temporary contract or seasonal jobs. His plan to slash the public service by 100,000 doesn't create jobs, it reduces them... That puts 100,000 well educated and smart people who committ there lives to providing Ontarian's with a safe, healthy and prosperous place to live essentially out on the street. Those brilliant minds will be lost to private organizations that only care for profit, profit and more profit. When I graduated and made my way into the workforce, I made the choice to work in the public sector, I made the choice to give up the opportunity to make larger gaines in the private sector in the name of social equiallity and to do my part to provide our citizens with fast, effective service and dedicated committment to bettering our lives. For example, the Ministry of Environment exists to monitor, record and ensure that Ontarian's stay healthy and that our environment maintains healthy and safe from those in the private sectore who would harm it and Ontarian's in the name of profit (Dofasco, Shell, Sunshine Oil to name a few). By cutting this workforce and budgets to ministires Hudak is directly willing to openly sacrifce your safety, your families safety, his own safety and the safety of his children and future grand children. A vote for Hudak is a vote for Wal-Mart, with low wages, no benefits, no sick time, human rights violations, and right wing big business profits, just so they can close up shop to save $10 per employee to move to Bangledesh in favour of slave labour.
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