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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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  1. Well Mr. Bloomberg dropped out, a mere $500 million dollars later. Hee Haw.

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    2. Argus


      Chump change to him. He entered late for one reason only; it looked like the left wing of the Democrats was running away with things. Now that Biden appears heading for victory the only thing he can do by remaining in is to divide the moderate vote between them and let Sanders come up the middle. He's not about to do that.

    3. OftenWrong


      Apparently real cost could be $1B, as the number I quoted earlier was only the amount spent for advertising. Argus you are right that it would hardly put a dent in his lifestyle. But you make it sound like Bloomberg is some kind of hero who fell on his sword to save democracy. I doubt that his motivations were so noble.

      Some say it is Warren who is costing Bernie Sanders the most political damage by staying in. She represents the softer position on socialism. Not by screaming for revolution into the microphone.

      No doubt Donald Trump is having great fun with it.

    4. Argus


      Bloomberg has never made any secret of how much he loathes Trump. He warned Democrats in the 2016 primary of how horrible he would be as president. And he never showed any sign of looking to be president until very late in the game, when it looked like Sanders and Warren were running neck and neck while Biden was collapsing.

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