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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Diamond Princess a veritable plague ship from days of old, now a floating death-trap.

    1. OftenWrong


      Canada, US and a few other first-world nations get their citizens out. The rest must remain on board. Remain in your quarters. Under no circumstances should you attempt leave without permission. Anyone else who tries to jump overboard, will be arrested. Apparently not a health issue, but political.

    2. Argus


      I've been wondering if they've simply been pumping the air around from cabin to cabin through the ship's ventilation system, and that's how everyone's catching it.

    3. OftenWrong


      I can't imagine it could meet anything like reasonable standards for quarantine. Whole thing seems absurd, even to an ordinary lay-person such as me. And I mean ordinary.

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