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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Seems like Dems are utterly desperate, beginning impeachment without even hearing the complaint. They know that they have no contender in the election that can beat Donald Trump, so this now is the ploy. Keep Trump mired in an impeachment process, let it drag on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      I think polls are showing that Trump has the win. Dems have made their choice, this is the hill they will die on.

    3. Argus


      Judge Napolitano says Trump has admitted crimes that merit impeachment! FOX never lies!


    4. OftenWrong


      They do allow people to have a different opinion. Given that the whistleblower report wasn't even released until about an hour ago, thats what they are, just opinions.

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