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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Far-Right rally in Poland draws 60,000 -



    Marchers chanted religious slogans such as "God, honour, country" and some called out racist chants including "Pure Poland, white Poland".

    An "anti-fascist" counter-protest attracted about 2,000 people.

    Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak called the event a "beautiful sight".

    Andy Eddles, a British language teacher who has been living in Poland for 27 years, said he was "shocked that they're allowed to demonstrate on this day. It's 50,000 to 100,000 mostly football hooligans hijacking patriotism".

    Pawel, 21, from the southern city of Rzeszow told AFP it was "important because religion is important in our country and we don't want Islamisation, of Europe or especially Poland".


    It's the beginning of a new rise of extremism, in reaction to other forms of extremism. :unsure:

    1. OftenWrong


      I know. What concerns me is how popular this is getting in some places. People are not thinking clearly. The rise of extremism began with a couple of planes hitting the WTC, and we have reacted in kind. Extremists are affecting us, by making us react emotionally. Culturally, we are ripe for it.

      This seems to be gaining ground in Europe faster than it is here, which makes sense given their past antisemitic history. Problems are appearing in pockets throughout central Europe. Here's a clip from Italy-


      Just one guy, but the attitude shines through.

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