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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Keep investigating and you'll find things that maybe you don't want to find.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. hot enough

      hot enough

      So much for the arrant nonsense that western nations/western religions are the good guys. 


    3. OftenWrong


      Don't forget to include the brown and yellow man. They would happily slit your throat for a cigarette.

    4. hot enough

      hot enough

      If you know any history you know that is utter bullshit. Not that there isn't always that potential but when you consider [this will require you to think so prepare yourself] all the whiteys that have been traipsing around the planet having fun while their governments murdered, raped and pillaged, there really wasn't a whole lot of that going on by your "yellow and brown man". 

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