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Israel Defends Itself

Craig Read

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Make a long story short--it’s not the hate for the Jews but the Jewish occupation with an agenda to annex more land without its native people that holds Palestinians back--but oh well carry on with the Jewish love thy master propaganda.

And the dictator Arafat who lurks in the wings unwilling to let personal control go to the people. Lord knows, they are too dumb to be able to make a choice.

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Again Arafat is not the root cause of this problem--its occupation—Arafat is incompetent, inept and lacks the ability to lead. That is exactly the reason why Israel is letting him stay and not exiling him, but all the chaos in the Middle East is not because of Arafat nomatter how many pa funds he gobbles up. We have Zionist ideology to thank for all the bloodshed. If Arafat’s leadership makes Palestinians dumb--what does it say about Jews for choosing war criminal Sharon? Why did he had to resign as the defense minister?? Answer. Genocide in sabra and shetila refugee camps (2000 people died). What kinds of people pick a person like that to lead?

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Again Arafat is not the root cause of this problem--its occupation—Arafat is incompetent, inept and lacks the ability to lead. That is exactly the reason why Israel is letting him stay and not exiling him, but all the chaos in the Middle East is not because of Arafat nomatter how many pa funds he gobbles up. We have Zionist ideology to thank for all the bloodshed. If Arafat’s leadership makes Palestinians dumb--what does it say about Jews for choosing war criminal Sharon? Why did he had to resign as the defense minister?? Answer. Genocide in sabra and shetila refugee camps (2000 people died). What kinds of people pick a person like that to lead?

CK!!!!! You actually said somthing that I agree with! Actually two things, Arafat is not the root cause and the point that Israel likes him. Yes, there could be worse and somebody more effectual. I read a book, I think it was "Way of Deception" and in it the Ex Mossad guy said that they liked him for that reason and also that he wasn't a flamboyant type of leader. Slept with the troops - that kind of thing.

Anyhow, at this moment in time Arafat is a liability to the Peace Process. If terrorism stops the Zionist scum has to respond or face censure from the US.

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Krusty Kidd,

Israel likes Arafat to be leader of the Palestinians?

I'm sorry but that's sheer lunacy. If you read that in some book, then the author is a nutbar, IMHO.

Israel has been chomping at the bit to send Arafat to Allah and the 27 virgins as of yesterday.

But Sharon has given Bush his word that Arafat will not meet with a sudden unavoidable "eventuality" which the Americans fear would cause a conflagration in the ME and turn that corrupt, terrorist enabling slimeball into a "martyr."

Arafat is not flamboyant? Now that's an understatement. It might help his image if he took a bath and changed his military garb and head sheet once in a while. As for sleeping with his troops? oh, right, after getting tired out from distributing bomb loaded vests to Palestinian teenagers...

Arafat is not the root cause of violence in the ME, I'd agree, but he sure enables it by keeping Palestinians poor and angry, by keeping terrorist groups on retainers, all the while accumulating a personal fortune for himself.

As I've said before, Palestinians are going NOWHERE by listening to their Arab brothers and hating Israel. They are pawns and pawns they will remain unless they get a clue to dump the creeps that manipulate them, swallow their bile for Israel, and co-operate with Israel.

Israel has turned a barren bunch of sand into a thriving metropolis. If the Israelis used their ingenuity and drive to do that for themselves, they could help the Palestinians do the same for themselves. It's a win, win.

On the otherhand, the Arab brethern have done zilch for the Palestinians, because most haven't done that much for their own countries quite frankly and because it's not in their best interests that Palestinians be anything but destitute. A failed Palestinian state serves as a rallying point for all Muslims to continue their dreams of destroying Israel.

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Israel likes Arafat to be leader of the Palestinians?

It was "By Way Of Deception." by that ex Mossad agent who imigrated to Canada. He told of how they had plenty of opportunities to whack the Rat but didn't for the simple reason that he is relatively harmless compared to what could take his place. Sorry if I said the word "like" as it is very inappropriate here. BTW, that book is about fifteen years old now. I don't get out much.

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I disagree, Arafat represents the most significant roadblock to peace. Regardless of whether the Palestinian Authority pretends to be a functioning republic, Arafat retains complete contol over the centers of power in that government.

Arafat Controls Palestinian Cabinet

The new Palestinian cabinet had been entirely chosen by Arafat who refuses to relinquish control of the security forces to puppet Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia, who himself was essentially chosen by Arafat. The previous Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas resigned over the same conflicts regarding control of security forces.

The only reason Arafat is not dead or exiled is because Washington wants it that way. They fear such an action would create a martyr of Arafat and further embroil the region. My view is that the situation could not deteriorate any further than is already has and that both sides are better off with him gone one way or another.

The Palestinian Authority must be truly reformed and militant groups must be destroyed from within before any progress on the Road Map can take place.

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Israel is a failed country that is running its economy with us taxpayer’s handout of 10 billion a year. All the credit of turning the desert green goes to us tax payers. It has been 50 years since Israel got its freedom but its economy is still in a shape where without us tax payer charities it would be no different than any third world country if not even worse. Israel has also been in bed with Arafat for a very long time. Israel has Arafat open secret bank accounts in Israel for a very long time in which billions are deposited. Arafat is supposed to use that cash to ease the suffering in west bank and Gaza and also to stop the flow of suicide bombers by paying people off. That all looks good on paper but in reality Arafat, his henchmen and the Israeli establishment are all corrupt money hungry weasels that have helped themselves with the loot. So all the news about doing this and that Arafat is nothing more than a good old act of drama.

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Why are you skipping around what he really has to say? Anyways, here is an article that I think proficiently explains the situation in Israel and Palestine:


I like to equate it with two kids fighting over the remote and then the mother lets the one kid play Sony Station while the other cries incessantly waiting for his turn, but it's much worse. The tantrum has escalated to a point that I can only categorize in one word, nastiest divorce in history. Puts "War of the Roses" to shame. Talkin' Israel vs. Palestine obviously and quite frankly at this point, I don't even know who's right.

Thinkin' they don't know either, which is why we need to step in and put our foot down, like the attorneys if you will. Seems like they just want to destroy each other no matter what the consequences. There's such a deep seeded bitterness and hatred that's been festering for years (dare I say thousands) there's no amicable solution to the crisis at hand. Yet, not unlike divorce, somehow when you least expect it, treaties/papers are drawn up in the midst of the massive irreconciliable differences. That, even though you hate your spouse with all your heart and soul and can't understand why you ever married them in the first place and wish them a horrible demise on an hourly basis, agreements can be hammered out in the 25th hour. Very painful at first, but eventually Bogart breath, you see the light at the end of the infamous tunnel. Both factions have to compromise and make life altering sacrifices in order to co-exist in peace.

Israel has to give back some, if not all of the land gained in the '67/'73 Yom Kippur War (really wasn't a good idea to attack on their holiest day of the year) and Palestine has to stop the lunacy of killing innocent people with their insane suicide bombers.

What does Bush call that, yeah terrorism that's right. Don't think you have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that both sides have to come to the table in earnest, swallow their pride, forget about past grudges and move on together in harmony. Easier said then done sports fans. Definitely need new blood leading the negotiations, little tired of Jesse Jackson, Clinton, Jimmy Carter.

Like to see Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jerry Garcia, maybe the ganja king Bob Marley or George Harrison in command, but they're all dead. And I'm thinking at this point it's way over the head of Colin Powell, just too big in scope, beyond confrontational, no win situation. Course there's always that stellar group the United Nations, but what do they do at crunch time? And when ya get right down to it, who really listens to their enactments? Let's ask Iraq, they've been shakin' in their boots for years. Initially my picks were going to be Mario Cuomo and none other then the Tea for the Tillerman, Cat Stevens. Everyone Islamic loves the Catman. And Cuomo's been a hit since the convention yadda years ago. What politician do you trust more then Mario? But then, it finally dawned on me. And I nominate this savior in all candor, truly from the bottom of my heart. None other then (don't laugh) the head guru himself, the Dalai Lama. Thank you. If ya can name me a better candidate, just do it Nike heads. Imagine being alone in a room with the Dalai Lama, pin drop silence, talking about whatever's on your mind from the serious to the sublime. Who's cooler, hipper, wiser, more tranquil, spiritual, enlightening, compassionate, impartial, patient, the list is endless. Not sure he's available, may be booked already, but he'd be my selection to turn the dream into reality. Fly them all to Geneva, always a good vibe summit.

Can't see Sharon and Arafat arm in arm traipsing through the mountains of Tibet, although the exercise would do Ariel good. One too many corned beef specials smothered in schmaltz. And if his friend Yasser could go on a Beatle free diet and look a little less like Ringo, might all just come together. Right now.

-Barry Mitch


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Why are you skipping around what he really has to say? Anyways, here is an article that I think proficiently explains the situation in Israel and Palestine:

CK posts things without proof. He has told us that there is a global conspiracy by Jews to keep Muslims down and did not provide any proof of such, not even enough to counter or start a discussion, now he is saying there is secret bank accounts set up by Israel for their enemy - Arafat. I would be interested to learn about this as would we all. Either provide some details or shut it down.

As for your comment that you don't even know who is right, yes that's it! Who is and who is not is not the point. You have four million people entrenched in a land and a few million others who want that land. Neither side is going anywhere. Time to get together and figure it out.

However, on both sides you have the ultra right working against the peace process. The difference being is that on the Palestinian side you have leadership working against it.

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Israel is a failed country that is running its economy with us taxpayer’s handout of 10 billion a year

You're insane if you think Isreal is the recipient of that much foreign aid. The actual number is closer to $720 million per year (2001 est.) Although about half of Isreal's external debt is owed to the US. You're also fooling yourself if you think Isreal's ecomony is completely dependant on US foreign aid. In addition, Isreal purchases millitary equipment from the US, it does not receive it for free.

Military expenditures - dollar figure:$8.97 billion (FY02)

Military expenditures - percent of GDP:8.75% (FY02)

CIA World Factbook

Hint: Palestinian and other radical activist websites are not reliable sources of infomation.

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Israel furnishing Arafat with a secret account with 1 billion dollar in it--check this weeks cbs "60 minutes'. You can purchase a copy from their website. All the proof you need in black and white.

Missed the show CK. I have proof that you are wrong but you must pay a $50 fee to the site to see it.

Guess I won this round.

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If you watch 60 minutes you will see that Israel provided Arafat with a personal account in his name in a Jerusalem bank with $1 billion of pa funds in it. I forgot the name of the bank with i recall it was luavs or something that sounded like that. There is no dispute about that. He could withdraw money from it and did, anyhow he pleased. It was his hand-on spending money to get Gaza and west bank under his control. If this is not enough for you than you are pretty fair and balanced.

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Cknykid, let's just keep the record straight without the BS. As you well know, the slaughter in the Lebanese Camps was done by Lebanese Christian Militias which had their own bone to pick with the Palestinians. Sharon took the rap because he was the top of the Chain of Command. Not to excuse Sharon for anything for which he was responsible anywhere else but in this case, he took the heat because it occurred on his Watch.

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Others in the Israeli government knew Sharon was responsible for the massacre in the refugee camps that is the reason why he was fired as the defense Minster, after he refused to resign voluntarily. Sabra and shitla was not the only massacres he had his dirty hands in. Qablya was another massacre he had his hand in and it happened way before the other too. Feel free to look it up.

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What are your views about the bombing of King David hotel in Jerusalem 50 years ago. Jerusalem is the birth place of modern day terrorism. King David hotel was a civilian target that had two of its floor being used by the colonizing British forces as there headquarter. The rest of the hotel was being used by civilians, it had a bar, restaurants and African waiters with colorful uniforms. It was the symbol of power of an empire. Zionist Jews used six different bombs to blow up the hotel and as a result of the explosion 94 people died, most of which were civilians. The leader of that Zionist group Mr. Begin later became a prime Minster of Israel. Was this an act of terror?. And is Mr. Begin a murdering terrorist or a freedom fighter fighting for occupation?.

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I presume everybody has heard the report of Arafat and his greedy paws using palestinian aid money to build up his contingency/retirement fund and $100k/month to keep his wife in the lap of luxury. This is too bad. Though not a fan of all he has done, there is sympathy for his cause. Now, all I see is the typical political greed and corruption.

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The same cbs report you are talking about shows Israel furnished the "terrorist” Arafat with a personal account in a Jerusalem bank with 1 billion $ in it. He could withdraw money at any amount at his discretion, which he did freely. Also the current and previous Israeli prime Minster’s have been target of corruption probes. What does that have to do with an average Israeli citizen? What Bush, dick Chaney and Blair are doing in Iraq is a robbery and what does that have to do with an average British or American citizen. Anywhere and anyplace where you have power with no checks on it. There would be corruption. When a bank robber was asked “why did you rob the bank"? He replied" well that’s where the money is".

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Israel has also been in bed with Arafat for a very long time. Israel has Arafat open secret bank accounts in Israel for a very long time in which billions are deposited. Arafat is supposed to use that cash to ease the suffering in west bank and Gaza and also to stop the flow of suicide bombers by paying people off. That all looks good on paper but in reality Arafat, his henchmen and the Israeli establishment are all corrupt money hungry weasels that have helped themselves with the loot. So all the news about doing this and that Arafat is nothing more than a good old act of drama.

Right Turn On Red found your link.

Arafat's Money

It's a little different than what you were presenting but interesting for sure. Sorry for doubting you but you really have to supply links with claims when questioned CK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Arafat is not supported by Israel. That is such garbage. That would be akin to AQ being financed by the State Dept. No chance. Arafat is funded by Europe. The chattering EU elite hands over to the world's ugliest man, U$300 mn per annum. The greedy little Egyptian is supposed to use the money to rebuild his little empire, but instead, after creaming off a few millions for himself, and making sure the NY times and the liberal rags of Europe write glowing accounts of his struggle, he uses the cash to foment a terror campaign.

The Fence is a necessary barrier against such a madman and where the fence is in place, no homicide bombers have entered.

This fact speaks plainly as to the usefulness and security potential of the fence. The only debating point is the actual line of the fence. The PLA and their friends of terror the UNO and the EU moan that it takes the best land and that Israel is building on palestinian land.

My response; you are damn right it and Israel should. This is your payback for 50 years of terrorism.

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Dear Mr. Read,

Arafat should have been eliminated when Israel had him holed up in his compound. They didn't, however, an that can only mean one of two things. They are spineless and lacked the conviction to do so, or saw that they would reap greater profit in not doing so.

I do not personally think that the Israelis are spineless.

He is also not funded mainly by the EU. Even you know this. If you have done any research, you would know that he does not even control the actions of the palestinians, but rather takes the 'credit' where the opportunity presents itself.

The Fence? An abomination in the eyes of whatever deity contrived the notion of a garden.

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Flea the EU sends DIRECTLY to the PLA which the world's ugliest man, Arafat, DIRECTLY controls $300mn per year.

But of course that is not called funding it is called 'charitable donations' and written off the income statement.

Arafat is worth millions and pray tell where did this wealth come from ? Of course the UN and EU fund his war on terror, the UN through aid to the PLA and its maintenance of terror er i mean refugee camps that were supposed to be shut down in the early 50s. The EU geniuses fund terror worldwide. A mere $300 mn is pocket change to have a say in the middle east and to appease the masses at home that the noble Europeans are dedicated to stopping the fascist Jewish state from eradicating the principled and cultured Arabs from the Near East.

It makes good political points at home, especially when EU polls indicate that Israel -not Al Qaeda, Hamas, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Hussein, Abu Nidal, or assorted criminals and criminalities - is the #1 threat to world peace.

Too many left wing and Muslim votes to buy off domestically.

The EU wants to have a role in the ME - price they will pay - the funding of terror.

Welcome to paradise.

This is post i made a while ago - not even the most tree hugging of EU philes would deny its importance.

Great article in WSJ Sept 26th on what I have mentioned many times - the EU funds terror in the Middle East. Here is someone who is both affected and knowledgeable about death due to terror. For the Lie-berals and apologists, read it and refute it.


Mr. Roth is CEO of VirTouch Ltd, a developer of tactile computer devices for the blind. He and his wife established the Malki Foundation (www.kerenmalki.org) in their murdered daughter's memory.

The European Commission is abuzz with financial scandals involving significant sums and the EU's statistical agency. They pale, however, compared with the consequences and scale of EU mismanagement in an area that affects my family and me.

Last December, I traveled to Brussels as a member of a small contingent of Israelis. Each of us had experienced the loss of a family member by terrorism in the past two years. My daughter, Malka Chana, 15, was killed by a Hamas terrorist cell. She was a high school student, a talented musician, a volunteer passionately dedicated to the care of disabled children. When her murderer exploded himself in a Jerusalem restaurant in August 2001, he massacred 15 innocent civilians, mainly children and teenagers. Hundreds were injured.

Chris Patten, the EU's Commissioner for External Relations, plays a central role in the provision of EU financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. I intended to ask him in that visit whether he was aware of evidence that EU money, channeled through his office to the PA and so necessary to improving Palestinian lives, was being diverted to fund terrorism. Did he believe a just peace could be achieved when teachers paid from EU grants to UNRWA (U.N. Relief and Works Agency) teach Palestinian children that Israel has no right to exist and that their martyrdom is a glorious part of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Middle East?

Unlike the other senior EU figures we approached, Mr. Patten declined to meet us. We met his deputy instead. I referred him to evidence uncovered by Israeli forces in 2002 showing that the PA's top managers skim money off the payroll and that secret bank accounts are a routine part of corruption in the PA. My concerns were misplaced, he said, since all payments made via Mr. Patten's office to the PA are closely supervised by the International Monetary Fund. Immediately after our meeting, I checked the record and learned that some months before, the IMF had published a report denying this. The IMF report confirmed budgetary abuse by the PA.

Earlier this month, my family and I again lost friends to terrorism. One of the victims of another massacre in a Jerusalem café was an emergency room doctor, David Appelbaum, who had dedicated his life to caring for terror victims -- Jews and Arabs alike. His daughter, killed with him, was to be married the next evening. Their tragic murders led me to reflect again on what it would take to stop the hate-filled education of Palestinian children that turns them into walking grenades.

Checking the EU's Web site, I found a Dutch MEP had just asked some questions to Mr. Patten on this theme. Mr. Patten's written answer said that the Commission "has no evidence of Community funding to the Palestinian Authority being misused for anything other than its agreed purpose. Should such evidence come to light, immediate action would be taken."

This was strikingly similar to his response to charges about the misuse of EU money by the PA. The refrain was repeated after Human Rights Watch's report into Palestinian terrorism noted that "The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades appear to have benefited from the routine misuse of PA funds."

Some 55% of all Palestinian Arabs are under the age of 20. Addressing their needs is critical to the building of bridges of peace between our two peoples. Around €3.5 billion in the form of EU aid reached the Palestinian leadership between 1994 and 2001. Wherever it went, it has failed to benefit their education or bring peace. The hateful messages that permeate their education, including EU-funded textbooks, guarantee another generation incapable of reconciling itself to peace with Israelis. In fact, there is internal Palestinian correspondence verifying that Hamas has taken control of the Palestinian Ministry of Education, ensuring the children continue to be taught to admire and emulate suicide bombers.

Mr. Patten promised immediate action when concrete evidence comes to light. I have now written to him, pointing to two specific sources.

First, the San Francisco Chronicle, in an interview last week with Mahmoud Abbas, the PA prime minister who just resigned, quotes him as confirming what Israeli documents proved 18 months ago: that the PA's top managers skim money off the payroll and that secret bank accounts are routine.

The story quoted Mr. Abbas as saying that Arafat blocked financial reforms because they threatened illegal slush funds Arafat was using to pay for the intifada. PA officials' salaries are paid by the EU, "but Arafat or his cronies were skimming off up to 15% in income taxes and using it for their own causes," said the story.

It then quoted Mr. Abbas as saying "Personally, I don't know where those funds go. When we wanted to cancel them, they said: 'You're harming the intifada'."

A second source is a report on the Palestinian economy released last week by the IMF. This reveals that $900 million was "diverted" by Arafat from tax receipts alone over the past several years. Most of it possibly ended up in Palestinian public assets. But the IMF adds that not all the missing money can be accounted for and points to additional specific problems in internal PA budget control practices. Published Israeli military intelligence reports said exactly this last year. Mr. Patten dismissed them.

The Commission has stubbornly denied the existence of such corruption even while serving as one of its principal feeders. Innocents like my daughter die because money is available to lubricate the wheels of evil and corruption and for hate-filled education.

My letter reminds Mr. Patten that the EU-sponsored road map demands an immediate end to Palestinian terrorism. He can choose to exercise the funding power already in his control, and condition future PA grants on unambiguous prior evidence that Palestinian education has become peace-directed and positive. Or he can continue denying the price of EU blood money.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now it is good to finally see Sharon do the obvious once the wall is nearly completed. The PLA must comply with a peace process, dismantle its terror regime, stop its funding of homicide bombers and begin to rebuild its areas of control.

Otherwise Israel i believe should invade the PLA territory and wage war until it is won. I believe thisis what Sharon is basically stating in diplomatic double speak.

Washington Post Dec 18:  Sharon proposed what he described as a "disengagement plan" in which Israel would evacuate some Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories and draw a new "security line," largely along the route of the massive fence and wall currently being built by Israel around much of the West Bank.

In a nationally televised speech before a security conference in the coastal town of Herzliya, Sharon also threatened to unilaterally annex Palestinian land in several locations, saying, "Israel will strengthen its control" over areas that it wants to include as "an inseparable part of the state of Israel in any future agreement."

Sharon's 19-minute speech was short on specifics, but if he follows through, it would mark a significant turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His warning that Israel was prepared to take unilateral actions was immediately criticized by Palestinian officials. The plan could effectively end years of talks aimed at achieving a negotiated peace settlement leading to the side-by-side existence of two states -- Israel and Palestine. It would contradict demands by the Bush administration that the Israeli and Palestinian governments continue trying to resolve their differences at the bargaining table.

"We are pleased to hear Prime Minister Sharon's strong reiteration of his support for the 'road map' as the way forward," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said in Washington, referring to the U.S.-backed peace process that has been sidelined because of continuing violence.

Arafat is not only the world's ugliest man, but one of the most dangerous.

Time to wipe out the PLA and rebuild Palestine under Israeli occupation and control with international safeguards and monitoring.

Game over.

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