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David Wilkins, diplomat that he is, said after the meeting that keeping American guns out of Canada is a "shared responsibility". The ambassador added that according to his information is that most American guns that make their way to Canada are brought into the country by Canadians. Hmm. It is doubtful that either McGuinty or Miller ever even thought of who is actually bringing these guns into the country.

Or that in the vast majority of the cases, those that are using the guns are those that the blame crowd let into the country in the first place against the wishes of most rational sane thinking people. To now turn around and try to cover their butts by blaming the americans shows just what a despicable bunch they are.


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David Wilkins, diplomat that he is, said after the meeting that keeping American guns out of Canada is a "shared responsibility". The ambassador added that according to his information is that most American guns that make their way to Canada are brought into the country by Canadians. Hmm. It is doubtful that either McGuinty or Miller ever even thought of who is actually bringing these guns into the country.

Or that in the vast majority of the cases, those that are using the guns are those that the blame crowd let into the country in the first place against the wishes of most rational sane thinking people. To now turn around and try to cover their butts by blaming the americans shows just what a despicable bunch they are.


The problem is that you can't address gun violence in Canada because it's not politically correct to point out the sad fact that most of it is being committed by Blacks against Blacks. What's left is mostly being commited by Asians against Asians. Also, most of the guns coming into Canada cross through the native reservations, and all levels of government have long-since abandoned any effort at maintaining law and order on them. Curtailing gun violence is fairly easy. First you shut down the border smuggling through the reservations, even if you have to set up border checks on the edge of the reservations because you're afraid of going onto "indian land". Next you put more customs people at the crossings, and more police at the borders (the rcmp has withdrawn border patrols in many parts of Ontario and Quebec because of a lack of money). Then you set up police stings to try to buy illegal guns. It ain't hard. You can buy a 9mm hand gun in any city in Canada by going from bar to bar downtown and asking around. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. And finally, there should be, like, laws against smuggling, selling, buying, having, carrying and using a restricted weapon. Let me rephrase. There should be laws which are enforced.

So to really tackle gun violence the politicans have to confront: Black crime, Native smuggling, bleeding heart judges, and underfunded federal policing agencies.

Not going to happen. Putting more money into after school basketball programs and blaming the americans is a whole lot safer, politically speaking.

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This issue does make a nice quid pro quo argument to bring up when the Americans complain about our drug laws though. How can they complain about Canada legalizing pot (which they fear will lead to an increase in smuggling into the States) when they in turn threaten our culture of restrictive gun laws with their relatively liberal gun culture?

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The problem is that you can't address gun violence in Canada because it's not politically correct to point out the sad fact that most of it is being committed by Blacks against Blacks. What's left is mostly being commited by Asians against Asians. Also, most of the guns coming into Canada cross through the native reservations, and all levels of government have long-since abandoned any effort at maintaining law and order on them.

These are serious claims. Please cite a site to back up all three.

Another problem is mail-order sales via internet.

Perhaps we should be asking the FBI to arrest gun dealers who sell via internet, and then request extradition to Canada to be tried here.

If it's good enough for Marc Emery..... <_<

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This issue does make a nice quid pro quo argument to bring up when the Americans complain about our drug laws though. How can they complain about Canada legalizing pot (which they fear will lead to an increase in smuggling into the States) when they in turn threaten our culture of restrictive gun laws with their relatively liberal gun culture?

Culture of restictive gun laws. Restrictive gun laws threaten our real culture. The johny come lately liberal curltural marxism is not our culture.

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This issue does make a nice quid pro quo argument to bring up when the Americans complain about our drug laws though. How can they complain about Canada legalizing pot (which they fear will lead to an increase in smuggling into the States) when they in turn threaten our culture of restrictive gun laws with their relatively liberal gun culture?

Culture of restictive gun laws. Restrictive gun laws threaten our real culture. The johny come lately liberal curltural marxism is not our culture.

Hand gun ownership has been restricted in Canada since 1934, or to put it into perspective, about half as long as Canada has been Canada. That's hardly johnny come lately.

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One of the most interesting aspects of gun discussions is the fact that on a per capita basis, Canada has just as many firearms as does the USA.

So why do Americans accidentially kill their own children so often - a situation that is quite rare in Canada.

Likewise with the gun violence rates. US rates for gun violence in every category is way higher than Canada.

Actual crime rates are generally quite similar across a wide variety of crime categories (except the US murder rate is insanely high).

Without a doubt, guns don't kill people, people kill people. So why do Americans seem to like killing people more than Canadians are want to do so?

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This issue does make a nice quid pro quo argument to bring up when the Americans complain about our drug laws though. How can they complain about Canada legalizing pot (which they fear will lead to an increase in smuggling into the States) when they in turn threaten our culture of restrictive gun laws with their relatively liberal gun culture?

Culture of restictive gun laws. Restrictive gun laws threaten our real culture. The johny come lately liberal curltural marxism is not our culture.

Hand gun ownership has been restricted in Canada since 1934, or to put it into perspective, about half as long as Canada has been Canada. That's hardly johnny come lately.

Yup and has proven over and over agian to be useless for the most part, as has the even more useless and waste of money c68, war again duck hunters and collectors.

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Yup and has proven over and over agian to be useless for the most part, as has the even more useless and waste of money c68, war again duck hunters and collectors.

I'm not arguing. There's no doubt in my mind that the gun registry(s) will eventually be used to confiscate firearms, which will have zero impact on gun crime but will make liberal ninnies feel like they're doing something positive.

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Its nice to know that whatever changes, I can always count on Argus searching for ever new ways to justify his racist and bigoted views.


I've been meaning to ask... what does your signature mean, when it refers to Austrians? I've never been able to figure it out, as it appears to be taken out of context.

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Dear Argus,

because it's not politically correct to point out the sad fact that most of it is being committed by Blacks against Blacks. What's left is mostly being commited by Asians against Asians. Also, most of the guns coming into Canada cross through the native reservations, and all levels of government have long-since abandoned any effort at maintaining law and order on them.
I am not sure what part of the country you are from, but in Calgary, most of these are not true. Asian gang crime is probably #1 for gun crimes, to be sure, but the rest is fairly 'racially mixed'. None of the reserves cross the border in AB, so there is no smuggling, and if there is, I guarantee it isn't "Natives'. Also, the RCMP has jurisdiction on reserve land (for now), so they haven't 'given up'. I also know some Tribal Police officers, and they are quite decent guys.
I'm not arguing. There's no doubt in my mind that the gun registry(s) will eventually be used to confiscate firearms, which will have zero impact on gun crime but will make liberal ninnies feel like they're doing something positive.
I have to agree with BHS on this one. The registry will do nothing, and cost billions, for the sake of making it look like something is being done. Canadians are much more easygoing, by and large, than most, so guns aren't used to solve problems, beer is.

An interesting bit from Micheal Moore's "Bowling For Columbine" was the Chris Rock bit about gun control. "We don't need gun control, we need bullet control! ...If bullets cost $5,000 dollars, there would be no 'innocent bystanders'!".

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Do a search on Austrian economics. You may disagree with the quote, but its not taken out of contect at all.

I see you've changed your signature again, and I hadn't written the old one down. Your new signature ignores the fact that all "economics" is theoretical, so not only is Austrian economics similar to Creation "science" but so are all other forms of economics.

Your advice was appreciated. It reminded me of some reading I have to catch up on.

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Its nice to know that whatever changes, I can always count on Argus searching for ever new ways to justify his racist and bigoted views.


Racist? Bigoted? Or just realistic?

No doubt there are complex sociological reasons behind it, but for whatever reason, the trend between ethnicity and violent crime is pretty strong. Asian gangs and all the violent crime that results, in major urban centers. Natives and native gangs here on the prairies.

But of course it's not polite to make reference to any of this. Fault Argus for being impolite, perhaps, but not for being wrong.


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Yup and has proven over and over agian to be useless for the most part, as has the even more useless and waste of money c68, war again duck hunters and collectors.

I'm not arguing. There's no doubt in my mind that the gun registry(s) will eventually be used to confiscate firearms, which will have zero impact on gun crime but will make liberal ninnies feel like they're doing something positive.

I'm told that there is meeting being planned at the cesspool of corruption (the UN), with goal to ban civilian ownership of firearms.

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Its nice to know that whatever changes, I can always count on Argus searching for ever new ways to justify his racist and bigoted views.


Hands up those surprised that our favourite knee-jerk, politically correct tongue trooper reacts in his usual fashion, throwing out the usual epithets in a determined effort to silence anyone who disagrees with him.

What is racist about saying what is a fact; that firearms violence in Toronto is largely Black on Black, and has been for years? Are you denying the truth of that? What is racist about pointing out that the native reserves which straddle the US/Canadian border are sieves of smuggling weapons, cigarettes, people and drugs which the politicians are too terrified (of politically correct morons and the so-called "Warriors)) to go near?

What we can always count on is people of lower intelligence braying out idiot words when they have nothing of substance to add to a topic.

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[Fault Argus for being impolite, perhaps, but not for being wrong.

Argus has been asked to provide evidence for his claims. He has failed to do so.

What kind of evidence do you want, given that you and your kind have insisted that no crime statistics on race be kept? I recall the Superintendant in charge of 52 Division once said that Blacks make up 5% of the population of his district but were responsible for over 90% of violent crime. No one disputed the accuracy, but the media, politicians and special interest groups howled blue murder and before too long he was replaced. The head of the Asian gang squad -Chinese, btw, lamented the heavy level of crime being perpetrated by Asians which gave Asians a bad name, when virtually all of it, he said, was being commited by Vietnamese. Again, there was no disputing the guy knew what he was talking about, but howls of outrage that he'd said it, and that it had gotten into the media, howls from your type, no doubt. Do you think the Black city councillor of Toronto who proposed stopping young black men because of the shootings going on there was racist towards Blacks? Do you not wonder at all those black, brown and yellow faces which appear in the papers day after day, week after week, month after month, murder victims and murderers?

Finding actual internet links to such things is of course, difficult. The news media shy away from even mentioning the race of criminals, even where relevent. The politicians certianly go well out of their way to avoid mentioning race. And of course, few private blogs or references on the internet are going to talk about it unless they're motivated by hate, in which case they'd be discredited sources.

Mostly, just as in life, you pick up bits here, pieces there. I recall a column once in the Globe where the reporter went to Toronto's special drug court and watched a parade of people pass through all day. about 5%, at most, were White. I recall a Gazette article on the Montreal murder squad, offhandedly mentioning the rows of wanted posters along their wall, virtually all of them non-white. And like others who follow the news, I regularly watch the non-white faces go by in the news or newspapers.

Race of victims in Toronto murders

Bitching about too many white cops when the criminals aren't

black victims and violence

Black on Black violence in Toronto

As for native reserves:

"Intelligence continues to point to aboriginal reserves, in particular Akwesasne, as conduits for illegal firearms entering Canada. They also have served as storage and distribution centres for illegal firearms. In September 1997, the RCMP seized numerous firearms, including assault rifles, in a raid on the Kahnawake Reserve. This operation confirmed that the reserve was being used as a cache for illegal firearms smuggled from the United States and sold to various crime groups in Ontario and Quebec. "

Criminal Intelligence Service - firearm smuggling

"On a recent fact-finding trip accompanying native smugglers on the Akwesasne Mohawk reserve, which straddles the Ontario, Quebec, and U.S. borders, Sher said his hosts boasted about "the huge amount of guns" they had brought into Canada. "


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Argus has been asked to provide evidence for his claims. He has failed to do so.

Out of curiousity, were you asking for evidence because you doubted what he said, or just that you didn't think he'd be able to back it up?

This article from the Toronto Star explains the history of why Toronto police no longer keep racial statistics regarding crime there. I believe our own E-town police, as well as most news outlets, also have a policy of not specifying race unless it would be helpful in describing at-large suspects. I suspect that's probably a standard policy from coast to coast. The belief is that allowing the police to compile ethnic statistics would contribute to racial profiling, therefore it is frowned upon. If you want to perform analysis, as the Toronto Star did a few years ago, you can still go through arrest-records by hand to compile statistics, but the Star was also very choosy about which statistics they published.

Just to add to what Argus presented for you, I'll offer you this:

CBC News: A Deadly Silence (from Google's cache)


Between 1996 and 2002,

125 black youths have been killed in Toronto at the hands of other black youths.

...one third of the city's homicides during that time.

Paul Kafele, a community worker says the killing has become almost routine. "Almost on a weekly basis one black youth is killing another black youth. It no longer has any meaning for us in terms of the implications for community life, for community self esteem, for community self respect and so on. We just go on and we try to survive."

And this article from MacLean's magazine says that BC's Indo-Canadian gangs are arguably the most murderous in Canada, and says:

More than 80 Indo-Canadian men have been murdered in the past 10 years, many due to gang and drug violence.

The article also clearly indicates that the problem is well-known and widely acknowledged among BC's Indo-Canadian community...

Umendra Singh, editor of the Asian Star and one of Puar's opponents for the NDP nomination, recalls "a very nice lady." He can't remember if she spoke out about gangs and drugs, but it's a hard issue to avoid. "Any Indo-Canadian who has sought some kind of leadership role has spoken about this," he says. "It seems that somehow or other this thing has gone to all parts of our community."

...so it's not like this is just coming from white racists, either. Toronto's black community and Vancouver's East Indian community are aware of the problems in their midst. It is us white folk, and our mainstream media, that are uncomfortable talking about it.


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I'm told that there is meeting being planned at the cesspool of corruption (the UN), with goal to ban civilian ownership of firearms.

In New York or Geneva? Doesn't matter really, it's funny either way - discussing a global ban on private gun ownership in the two first world countries least likely to comply with the ban.

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KIMMY and ARGUS: With all due respect, I was the one who first asked ARGUS to support his claims.

But here is the sentence I asked to be backed up......

The problem is that you can't address gun violence in Canada because it's not politically correct to point out the sad fact that most of it is being committed by Blacks against Blacks. What's left is mostly being commited by Asians against Asians.

You have clearly shown that Black-on-Black violence is quite high in Toronto, but that was not the initial claim you made. If you had specified Toronto in your original statement, I would not have bothered asking you to suport the claim.

But if you look at the quote I provided, the claim is made about violence in Canada.

So, in context, what I was asking was for you to support your claim that most gun violence in Canada is black-black followed by asian-asian.

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KIMMY and ARGUS: With all due respect, I was the one who first asked ARGUS to support his claims.

But here is the sentence I asked to be backed up......

The problem is that you can't address gun violence in Canada because it's not politically correct to point out the sad fact that most of it is being committed by Blacks against Blacks. What's left is mostly being commited by Asians against Asians.

You have clearly shown that Black-on-Black violence is quite high in Toronto, but that was not the initial claim you made. If you had specified Toronto in your original statement, I would not have bothered asking you to suport the claim.

But if you look at the quote I provided, the claim is made about violence in Canada.

So, in context, what I was asking was for you to support your claim that most gun violence in Canada is black-black followed by asian-asian.

What I said about Toronto is pretty much the same for Montreal and Ottawa. I watch the news and regularly read the newspapers for both cities. It's a stream of non-white faces. In the West, as Kimmy pointed out, Blacks are fewer in numbers. On the Wet coast the crime is Asian in nature. In parts of the west its aborigines. The fact is that street crime involving guns is primarily coming from street and youth gangs, and these gangs are primarily ethnic in origin.

As I said, it's very difficult to find statistics on this because race crime statistics are largely forbidden, except, for some reason, when it comes to natives. We do know from stats that a greatly disproportionate number of natives are in prison, but I digress. You can occasionally get glimpses in the local media - for example, the Ottawa Citizen, in March of last year, let slip the fact that half the youths in local detention centres were Somalis. Half. The story wasn't even on crime, but on somalian youth workers. That little tidbit just slipped out. But everyone knew that whenever we read about "swarmings" on the bus or at muggings at the transitway or mass shoplifting and assaults at shopping centres by "youths" they were talking about Somalians. Even if it never made it into the media.

Finding national statistics, though, are virtually impossible, and I'm not about to spend hours googgling for it to satisfy you. I think that despite the abscence of clear statistics people generally know who is commiting the street crime in their city.

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