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  1. 17 Pure Meaning World, Political Philosophy for Human Future by exegesisme 1xπ Pure meaning world, the only ultimate object crowning the testament of meaning, is after new testament and old testament. 2xπ According to the concept of the pure meaning world in the testament of meaning, I redefine what is ultimate crowning the new testament, which is the ideal way, or the ideal form. 3​xπ According to the concept of the pure meaning world crowning the testament of meaning, and the concept of the ideal way crowning the new testament, I redefine what is ultimate crowning in the old testament, which is the ideal influence, or the ideal power. 4xπ The pure meaning world, the ideal way, and the ideal power are trinity of mind, which means human being can make mental gains through reasoning towards the one and three. 5xπ The pure meaning world, the ideal way, and the ideal power are three and one, because the ideal meaning world emerges through the ideal way, and exerts the ideal power. 6xπ All together is the ideal mind, the ideal mind is god, and god is the pure meaning world emerges through the ideal way and exerts the ideal power. 7xπ All meatal worlds and physical worlds are created by god. All creatures are not ideal, for they are not god. 8xπ My god is essential two genders. God her own is own sufficient or own containing, which includes own sufficient sex. 9xπ The pure meaning world can be understood as the holy mother or the holy spirit, so the trinity of ideal mind is compatible to the trinity of god in Christian theology. 10xπ God arranges her creatures in a hierarchy of goodness. All creatures are share the same basic rights, but different privileges according to the goodness of each. ​
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