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Found 1 result

  1. 11 Transcending 10 Traditions, Political Philosophy for Human Future​​ By Exegesisme I hope a new civilization in human future, by transcending 10 traditions in grace of God. 1, Future Word Advent transcends all present denominations of Christianity on exegesis of Bible in truth and in spirit. 2, Future peaceful revolutionary Re-Constitution transcends historical American revolution and its seguelae. 3, Re-Organizing common-law and civil-law empirically transcends England tradition. 4, Peaceful attitude and graceful monarch transcends Canadian tradition. 5, Constitutional conscience transcends German tradition. 6, Constitutional peace transcends Japan tradition. 7, Neo-Recreating language transcends all sorts of linguistic traditions. 8, Exegesis on Bible of witnesses in grace of God transcends all sorts of meditating witnesses. 9, Essential science and technology transcends natural science and technology. 10, Top-holism transcends all up 9 transcendences and any good ingredient from any other tradition. All on contribution to the new civilization, the position will change as one not obviously referred makes more contribution than one obviously referred.
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