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Found 1 result

  1. Just listened to Harper give his farewell speech at the Conservative Convention. Assuming you are a Conservative, believe in the party, and supported the agenda over the past 10 years, then it was a very appropriate and good speech. Certainly a few things I would disagree with strongly, but then I am not a Conservative (as in big 'C'). There were however a couple of items that stuck out to me. 1. He appropriately thanked and supported the interim leader Rona Ambrose, but when he talked about her I detected a very noticeable lethargic reaction from the audience. That tells me that the rank and file are not that enthusiastic with her performance. 2. He talked about the Conservative fund, and I think there was a lot of truth to what he said. I couldn't however immediately think that it was his office that tried to get money from the fund for the Duffy pay-off. Good on them for turning him down, but not that good that they were considering it when the bill was lower. I also thought about the del Mastro (cousin) affair when he bragged about the lack of corporate donations.
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