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Everything posted by ontariogal22

  1. I myself am a dog lover.. We have 3 dogs at home.. And I must say that I agree that some breeds are just naturally more vicious... I do believe it has to do with how an owner trains and raises their dog... But some dogs just have it in their nature to be beasts naturally. My family used to have a German Sheppard. It was a big baby and wouldn't hurt a fly... It used to hang out in the back yard- and the young boy next door used to take sticks and poke them through the fence and tease the dog..... One day the boy was out front on the street and the dog was let out front... the dog went after that kid and bit him. Most dogs would be too stupid or easygoing to remember that kid's scent.. but not this German Shepard.. he tore off after him. I know that dog was raised like a baby and taught to be around children since my parents had a small child at the time and never had problems. It had to be the dog's "nature" that made him do that- when remembering that kid who teased him.
  2. I really dislike how "greyhound" seems to make it seem like those who aren't against abortion are just running around having abortions and killing unborn babies and don't even care. I already said, I've NEVER had one.. nor do I hope to ever have one. But if for some reason I was raped, or something else beyond my control happened, then I would definitely sit down and think my life out as to whether I could support my child.. If not, unfortunitely I would have an abortion. It's not that humans are mean or immoral... I just think sometimes it is better to have an abortion if the child would be born into a bad lifestyle. It's not something that humans are proud of I'm sure... It's an upsetting and emotional issue for everyone. And I was not being selfish or a 'spoiled brat'... I put myself in the unborn child's shoes and I could honestly say that I would rather not be alive. Not everyone may feel the same and that's fine.
  3. I am entitled to my opinion just as much as you are. I personally have NEVER had an abortion... I've done everything in my power to be responsible and prevent it from happening. However, I see many young people today that are having children and I feel extremely horrible for those kids... They are raised poorly and I have seen them turn to alcohol, drugs, crime, etc.... all because of their poor upbringing. Do you live in CandyLand or something? Are all the children running around happy and living in gingerbread houses??? In my areas I've seen some 'Slum' that poor children live in... I have even heard children themselves say they were they were dead... It breaks my heart...
  4. Well we sort of do? Handicapped person, persons with disabilities, etc.... No one has ever said these people are any less but they are different. I just don't see anything wrong with categorizing. I'm an organized person. But I do agree marriage is marriage.. And I really am not against the idea... It wouldn't upset me... because I do feel same-sex marriages deserve to have the right that everyone does. Mind you, there is the issue of pro-creation and I personally don't feel same-sex couples should be allowed to have heterosexual children. But that's another issue on it's own that doesn't have to go with marriage.
  5. To be perfectly honest, I would be more pissed off if I had to live a horrible life filled with a broken family, poor living conditions, a parent who wasn't ready for me to enter their lives, a mother who was raped by my father, AND/OR an irresponsible parent who was far too young mentally and emotionally to give me the life I deserve. And, most importantly why would I want to be a burden on someone's life? That sure would make me feel special if I wasn't even "wanted" or I was just an "accident"... I'm sure that would be a beautiful title for my baby book.
  6. well I have alot of gay friends who are proud of being different. I really don't care if marriage includes same-sex, I just want people to be happy. I just don't see why we can't compromise and give same-sex marriage their own title.. why does it matter what title of "marriage" one has? It could be the EXACT same definition as marriage- except to differentiate that the two persons involved are the same sex.
  7. I am late here... BUT I believe in pro-choice. Bottom line, even being a mature and responsible adult, no birth control is ever 100%. And until that day, I believe in abortion. Why should you have to bring a child into this world when you have tried to do everything in your power to prevent pregnancy. (besides abstinence). I do NOT support youngsters or anyone for that matter to treat abortion as a birth control and prevention should be the main focus... But beyond that... I don't feel giving birth to a child when 1) you cannot afford it financially 2) it was unplanned due to birth control reasons 3) rape 4) not being in a steady committed marriage or relationship to give a child the support it deserves. I wish we lived in a perfect world but unfortunitly shit happens and in the long run I think it's better to abort the child rather than bring it into the world when it cannot be offered the life it deserves. And just to raise a point here... In my opinion animals cannot be compaired to human beings in this matter.. For example, when a Cat's offspring is touched too early after birth in the litter- the mother cat smells the human scent on it and will leave it to die and not nurse it. Would a human do that? I'd hope not.
  8. I would like to add my two cents... Firstly, I 100% agree that same-sex unions should be welcomed without discrimination. However, I do feel they should be categorized under a different name "civil union"... For one, aren't homosexuals proud of their "differences" and proud of their unique sexuality? If so, why wouldn't you want your own "title"? I don't see this new title as being degrading or any less sacred then normal marriage. It's just plain and simple- different. I think it shows more indepence and pride to start a new title to welcome those into this union rather than jumping into the traditional title of marriage. Plus I personally feel it would be beneficial to see the difference in divorce rate statistics of heterosexual and homosexual relationships.... If it just so happens that same-sex unions end up having a lower divorce rate than heterosexual marriage I think that would be a wonderful way to show those in doubt to be more accepting and understanding that same-sex unions are far superior in commitment over regular marriage.
  9. Hello everyone... I am new to the forum however I am not very experienced or knowledgable in Canadian Politics. I am here to learn and take as much information as I can from here. I have a quick question... In your opinion what are the current political issues for debate within Canada? *Same-sex marriage *Terrorism *Health care Anything else you can add would be greatly appreciated. After I compile my list of issues I am doing alot of research online to educate myself as much as possible. Thank you, OntarioGal
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