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White Rabbit

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  1. To all: I just read the entire thread of this FOX thing when it started from June, 5 months ago. Many things were stated, most of them in disagreement with the quality and type of station that FOX is. A thought or two it I may. I have done some travelling in Canada and the US, lived here most of my life and some in California. I have found the American people for the most part charming, intelligent and harder working than many of my own countrymen/women. That is to say, for those who work there is reward, for those who do not, life is not so good. Here in Canada, those who do not work can pretty well. For those who do work, they will do okay, but darn it all, don't we get just a little miffed at those who play the system. I have watched the CBC and liked much, but have also been appauled at some of the opinions and information minimized if it did not fit with the ruling bodies biased Leftist views. The social agenda here seems to be okay with many of this threads contributors, all in the name of free speech I suspect eventhough that phrase did not appear. What troubles me is that the version of FOX's free speech seems to bother the Left. Why is it only the Left gets to give its view. I suspect there is fear there. I have seen FOX News and frankly was refreshed to see some real commentary with teeth devoid of the Ministry of Doublespeak's intrusion. Okay, maybe it's not everyone's cup on tea ... then don't watch it. I would like to hear opposing points of view to assess and achieve my own opinion, not just what the politically correct Left tells me in the CBC ... by the way I like Mansbridge too, but he is only the vehicle of presentation, not the editor. For gosh sakes, all you southpaws who profess democracy, freedom of speech and fair play for all, get off your high horse and read a book once in a while, or at least a book that does not come from your own agenda. Only learning both sides, or many sides, to a discussion does one arrive at a credible opinion. By the way, to suggest that Gerry Springer and Howard Stern are typical of FOX News is just plain stupid. One is a huckster and the other a schlock pig. There was one writer who used the reference, 'or so I've heard'. Please make up your own mind and stop jumping on bandwagons created by fearmongerers. I am very glad that FOX is here. White Rabbit
  2. To Choke: I must say that your presumed support is valued, but I also might suggest the concept of bilingualism, as it pertains to Canada, is not 'unrealistic or backwards'. It is the flawed application of those concepts that is the problem. May I explain. The unrealistic part has only partial merit. As you probably arlready know, French is largely spoken in the majority of Que., about 40% of NB, and along the Ottawa river of Ontario and some towns of northern Ontario. There are also pockets of French, but at greatly reduced percentages in Manitoba Sask, and Alberta, but these simply are relics of pre-Riel days. That is no insult by the way. It has been and should be, the role of the federal government to provide legislation which will help foster prosperity for all its people. Natural biases, especially those of 150 years ago, high illiteracy levels, strident support for religious loyalties have marked our history since before 1867. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was perhaps the first real Canadian who could speak the Queen's English at a level far beyond the average Anglo, but maintain a reasonable pride, without being a biased fanatic, in his Quebec heritage. Very bright man really. We need more like him today. By the way, he was an avid pro-American and provincial rights proponent. I wonder how many people today would like that, ha. I digress. The unrealistic part is pretending that Canada is composed of two 'equal' parts as all language laws seem to suggest. The word 'equal' donotes sameness in number, degree, value, rank or any other form of measure. Clearly the linguistic reality of Canada is NOT equal, it is 'equitable', which relates to 'fair and just', which means to abide 'according to the rules', 'to play fair', and 'accepted in kind and degree by accepted ethical standards'. Frankly people, Bill 101, the OLA ('69 or '88), or the ones previous to this latest round of lunacy, did not hit the mark. The problem is the perception of the word 'equal'. Our nation's people usually do not understand the legalistics differing equal and equitable, but, our nation's lawyers do. In the guise of fair and equitable, which is really just fine, they offer the word 'equal', which is the root of the discriminatory process, for it does not take a genious to see that Canada is just plain, factually, not linguistically equal. Now does that mean one group should suffer over the other? No, but they do, and have, and will unless our leaders see it for what it is: wrong. The pipe dream of pan-Canada bilingualism has fractured this land more than any issue previous, but in lingering, subtle ways. A strong central federal gov't vs increased provincial authority is also a kep philosophical point here. Should any province have the right/oligaion/responsibility to 'equitable' application of language education and use in the federally employed labour departments. Probably!! In fact they do. The rub is that open discrimination is sanctioned unchecked in Quebec, again Bill 101 rooted, but allowed to exist 'for the greater good'. Well that greater good is what tears us apart now. The Chokester wishes to separate from our wonderful country. He would not be alone. There are many who ae just plain fed up. Frankly, our history has been fraught with those thoughts from various jurisdictions since our beginning. Nova Scotia almost went ballistic on hearing it would part of the new country of Canada. Pre 1867 Canada (not the two entities of Ontario and Quebec as is often and wrongly believed) had great tension were split into two provinces from the one colony to address the issue. The West has had many manifestations: CCF, Reform, CA, United Farmers, Progressives, for example all had a populist base rooted in the same problem: a feeling that Ottawa cannot or does not have the stuff to make it work. Leadership my friends is what Canada lacks today. Currently there are real separation thoughts coming from: Quebec (as usual), Alberta, BC, an Alberta/BC combo, Saskatchewan (as in Saskatchewan First Party and would Manitoba join them or stay?),rumblings from Nfld as in, why didn't we up with the US in '49?. Ontario seems to be the only one left, perhaps because it and its people do not regard themselves as Ontarians first. In Ontario, Canada is first; all else is a distant second. Now don't blow a nut on that comment. This is not a rah, rah, Ontario comment, it is just a very sincere and, I believe, correct observation after being around this land for many years. The bugaboo of regionalism has been with us since day one. As Mackenzie King once said, Canada is a land of large geopgraphy, but little history. We need to find the things that bind, not those that divide. 'Backward': well that's a very subjective term. You say tomato, I say an attempt to address a very difficult problem. I wish you stay with us Choke, because we are something worth fighting for. Remember, it was not very long ago that the West was our child which was nutured to a fine adult. Well done. Together we can do this thing. Apart, we will be swallowed piecemeal by other interests. Look south for that reality. Anway folks, time to go. This book is over for now. White Rabbit
  3. Well Ms. Syrup, it is as I have stated many times and many times my French-speaking friends have agreed. Your kind does not wish to correct the flaws, or help find a more equitable direction. Your kind only wishes to seek revenge. Granted, there were many inequities of the past, but that is where they are, in the past. I did not participate in them, nor am I to blame for anything then, BUT now I and my fellow Canadians are expected to pay for the wrong and people like you who suffered not at all will reap the benefit. Your foolish, immature selfishness, knows no bounds. Instead of making a better Canada, you wish only to destroy. Oh, yes the bombing. Very brave those FLQ guys. Cut a throat here, explode a post box there, kidnap again: yes, very brave. Maybe you and your kind should go ... just a thought. Mr. McGuinty is a politically correct, blind, fool. He should fit right in with you. By the way, 'Boo Hoo', shows little imagination as a comeback. White Rabbit
  4. I must say that JWayne625 is not alone. His/her remarks, which may seem blunt to some are the result of years of frustration with our federal government's pre-occupation with promoting discriminatory language legislation, passing them off as being good for us, have us pay for it, but then deny the majority access to high level and now mid level government jobs. Bill 101 is on recored as being declared openly in contravention of international laws on this subject by the United Nations. The UN for gosh sakes, says Canada, ney the Quebec Bill 101, is wrong, but the federal gov't says precious little about it AND declares that we must persue this Quixotic Trudeauian dream of full bilingualism. The OLA of 1969 at its core intent is really fine: to offer services in either language where numbers allow. Perfect, BUT we do not have that today. As we speak, our Liberal dominated Senate (again the Senate reform issue applies here) is hearing argument on Bill S-3 the 'Act to Amend the OLA of Canada'. Well what does that mean to us 'peons' as ndpnic puts it? It means that this Bill, if approved, and it will be because of the Lieberal majority in the Senate will grant enhanced enforcement to language legislation. That's right, all that stuff about being fair, equal etc. turns out to be even further down the road to discrimination of the majority ... only in Canada. Where else in the world would a well-meaning, decently-intended majority get rammed by the minority and then pay for the privilege. Frankly Ontario is the most to blame sending near 100% MPs to Ottawa. Thank the Big Guy for Stephen Harper who had the skill to cobble a merger btween the CA and PCs. He gave up a lot under very strenuous circumstances. Before anybody snaps a bolt here, I am not a racist, just really ticked at the years of abuse and noboday at the top wanting to say squat about it. Chretien lined his pockets for years on this stuff. I sent my children to French Immersion where they did well and today reap the rewards. I put them in there for these reasons: educationally, any extra language is great as it promotes understanding of the dynamics of one's own language (in Canada, French was the most appropo); the 'extra care' element by parents seemed to provide a safer social environment in the school (it did); I did not want to close an employment door to them in the future (I saw what the future would bring), I was right. The reference to employment was very prophetic in that 1982 decision. Today, the city of Ottawa is struggling with the possibility, if Mr. McGuinty has his way, of being 'officially bilingual'. So yet again the vast majority, and I mean vast, who speak English first will now be at a distinct disadvantage in government service due to agenda demanded by the few Francophone zealots and their blind Anglo head-in-the-clouds idealist suuporters. Mr. Trudeau, a competent man at many levels, did not forsee the damage that the OLA would do to Canada. Instead of finding a reason to bind, it found a reason to divide ... and several of you readers out there decry Stephen as an extremist. Heck, he's the only sane voice out there right now. Martin, had his chance, but has performed rather poorly. Maybe he's just not as crooked as Chretien, who knows. I can't remember if it was this site or elsewhere, but I made reference to the estimated cost of bilingualism at 600-700 billion. Our current national debt is around 500 billion. CPC MP Scott Reid former language critic estimated the cost at 37 billion for the fed gov't. The remaining cost is derived from a multitude of avenues: the private sector transitions cost (collective bargaining rules etc), duplication of effort, provincial and municipal jurisdictions, extra salaries stipends for those qualified to translate even if there is no need. A small aside here if you would allow me. My work place (Ministry of Correctional Services, Ontario) circulated a memo last year asking for volunteers to translate when required. We need translators for a growing number of languages: Asian types, Hungarian, Spanish, Portugese, but sadly no French. Two officers were hired, now several years ago, with criteria as French capable. They have yet to use it. Again, this is not a French-hating diatribe, or an anti Quebec rant, for I honour both these jurisdictions, but please when the feds dole out the equalization payments and give PQ and extra $ 4 billion, have the courtesy to say thanks instead of crying for more and then telling your impressionable youth Quebec is tired of sending their tax money to Ottawa. As far as Mr. Layton goes: a gifted media guy, great speaker, strapped to an ultra ideologued NDP that cannot think beyond 2-3 years, manic energy, near lunatic, to be careful with his meds. Okay, done now. White Rabbit.
  5. I voted NDP for 20 years because it seemed to be the only political organ devoted to helping the working person, the poor, the medically and otherwise needy, and had the courage speak from the heart about spiritual and family matters. Many of its leader were ministers; quality people with insightful attitudes and practical application of tough policies without sugar-coating the cost in dollars, or real effort. The NDP or today is not that anymore! It is now so consumed with hidden Leftist agenda, family devaluing, spiritual emptiness, and fiscal absurdity, I can no longer even ponder the thought of a vote for them. Their leadership is stacked with radical feminists who seek to destabilize the family unit ultimately requiring a whole host of new agencies ALWAYS funded by the taxpayer AND ultimately less effective than the component it replaced. Tell me, is there any spiritual figure in the NDP leadership? ... I do not know one. Furthermore, it tends to push beyond its demographic reality the programmes proposed by a small percentage of the nation. I am not an enemy of the homosexual community, but if I, or anyone, even begins, comments, or adds to a discussion which is not homosexual friendly, I/they are branded bigots. Far from the reality. Many people who support family values are not radicals at all, but decent, loving people who wish to have their family members given all opportunity, not only the ones sanctioned by the politically correct bigots themselves dictating in the guise of freedom. Finally, I have worked at many positions over the years only to have found that the most ardent NDP supporters were also, and sadly, for they really didn't care how much damage they were doing the cause, the laziest amongst the work crew. They were the ones who stomped the loudest during contract negotiations, the ones who broke their machines, the ones who manufactured down time on the job, the ones who booked-off sick more than any. That my friends is the sad state of the NDP today. I do and will always value and fight loudly for the existance of unions and the work they do. I will, however rail just as loudly against the unionISM that has overtaken the leadership of labour and it's organs. Without naming any huge unions, you know they are anyway, they have manufactured a need for their own existence and now will protect it. A self-perpetuating unit becomes selfish and self-serving. God bless the union and damn the corporate unionism that has replaced it. That goes equally for the Corporate equivalent. Thankfully, the NDP are in decline and hopefully will return to the legitimate roll they occupied as the conscience of the nation and the watchdog over the other two major parties. White Rabbit
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