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  1. In a “fine” struggle against international terrorism we are engaged, I must say! Now there, now here we hear ineffectual statements about extension of weapons smuggling and open sponsors’ help for terrorist movements. Our authorities only note (as usual), that they “are following in the tracks of dealers in contraband sophisticated weapons”. Certainly they have known, for instance, that trade in Austrian arms expands through Switzerland’s firms, openly carrying on in sales of arms to foreign states, and that they indicate such points of destination as Nederland, Romania, Italy, Botswana, in other words, countries, that don’t arouse any suspicions. And then Minister of Justice of Greek part of Cyprus, Doros Teodoru unsuccessfully tries to draw international community’s attention to the danger of deployment of terrorist training camps in the northern part of island. In fact, authorities of Turkish part of Cyprus harbour Chechen militants there, who are preparing their offensive operations to Russian targets. Then why EU and USA are so indifferent to Teodoru’s statements? It’s quite clear that after Turkish entry into European alliance terrorists of various sorts will be able to visit any European country more easily than now, isn’t it? Or is it better to lend an ear to statements of Austrian Federal Chancellor V. Schuessel, speaking in defence of Turkish joining EU?!
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