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  1. I agree with what you say about Clinton. Her comments are typical. Dealing with unwanted pregnancies in Canada and around the world continues without any compromises between the two main forces of pro-life and pro-choice. Like all health issues our health-care money is being spent after the fact. Time and money is needed to increase education and awareness for responsible family planning. Prevention!! The men that father unwanted babies are not held responsible for the abortion costs. Should our money pay for abortions in some countries because the fetus is a girl?
  2. Long-Gun Registry Are you a minority? Are you afraid that being different puts your way of life in danger? If your rights as a Canadian Citizen were being violated would inform your MP in Ottawa? I think the majority of people would say yes. What if you belong to minority that has been invisible to the voting majority for the last 100yrs. 1st nation’s people, trappers, people who fish and hunt? Does it matter what color your skin is? Does it matter what language you speak? What if you own guns? What if you cut trees down? Should you be discriminated against because you are not a Vegetarian? I think the majority of people would say no! I know politicians have a history of taxing anything they do not like. An annual renewal fee for each gun you own is a tax! Canadian tax dollars that are being spent trying to manage the gun registry is an unnecessary burden for Canadians. Billions could be redirected to more worthy causes. Our Federal Authority should have funding to enforce current laws for all illegal arms that are being smuggled in or out of Canada’s Borders. Let the provinces tweak the the gun ownership laws that existed before the registry, if need be. I think these invisible minorities should be respected and left alone, even if some of them are straight white men over 40. Now is the time to remind your MP to vote against the long gun registry. Please remember: “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the citizen against the STATE and to protect minorities against parliamentary majorities.”
  3. Long-Gun Registry Are you a minority? Are you afraid that being different puts your way of life in danger? If your rights as a Canadian Citizen were being violated would inform your MP in Ottawa? I think the majority of people would say yes. What if you belong to minority that has been invisible to the voting majority for the last 100yrs. 1st nation’s people, trappers, people who fish and hunt? Does it matter what color your skin is? Does it matter what language you speak? What if you own guns? What if you cut trees down? Should you be discriminated against because you are not a Vegetarian? I think the majority of people would say no! I know politicians have a history of taxing anything they do not like. An annual renewal fee for each gun you own is a tax! Canadian tax dollars that are being spent trying to manage the gun registry is an unnecessary burden for Canadians. Billions could be redirected to more worthy causes. Our Federal Authority should have funding to enforce current laws for all illegal arms that are being smuggled in or out of Canada’s Borders. Let the provinces tweak the the gun ownership laws that existed before the registry, if need be. I think these invisible minorities should be respected and left alone, even if some of them are straight white men over 40. Now is the time to remind your MP to vote against the long gun registry. Please remember: “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the citizen against the STATE and to protect minorities against parliamentary majorities.”
  4. Long-Gun Registry Are you a minority? Are you afraid that being different puts your way of life in danger? If your rights as a Canadian Citizen were being violated would inform your MP in Ottawa? I think the majority of people would say yes. What if you belong to minority that has been invisible to the voting majority for the last 100yrs. 1st nation’s people, trappers, people who fish and hunt? Does it matter what color your skin is? Does it matter what language you speak? What if you own guns? What if you cut trees down? Should you be discriminated against because you are not a Vegetarian? I think the majority of people would say no! I know politicians have a history of taxing anything they do not like. An annual renewal fee for each gun you own is a tax! Canadian tax dollars that are being spent trying to manage the gun registry is an unnecessary burden for Canadians. Billions could be redirected to more worthy causes. Our Federal Authority should have funding to enforce current laws for all illegal arms that are being smuggled in or out of Canada’s Borders. Let the provinces tweak the the gun ownership laws that existed before the registry, if need be. I think these invisible minorities should be respected and left alone, even if some of them are straight white men over 40. Now is the time to remind your MP to vote against the long gun registry. Please remember: “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the citizen against the STATE and to protect minorities against parliamentary majorities.”
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