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  1. I am of the opinion that Nader will have a Huge impact on Kerry without much impact on Bush. Kerry is surrounded by criticism, Nader is not. Bush supporters are quite unlikely to vote for Kerry, but the Liberal Democrats, who refuse to vote for Bush and are unimpressed, to say the least, with Kerry, have the option to support someone else.
  2. What's there to be opposed about? We've found about 90% of what we said we would, we've liberated 25 million+ Iraqi's from a despotic, opressive ruler, and we've intiated a democracy, to be shaped by the Iraqi populas. You can oppose war as much as you want, but every death here was justified and America did the right thing all the way around. Your comment about the soldiers in Iraq is not only inappropriate, but, also, completely without factual basis. It is a small minority of soldiers in Iraq that oppose the war... trust me, I talk with quite a few people in the Army, as well as many people who have close relatives there. They have seen the potential for Iraqi sovereignty. No one wants to live or is happy living in an occupied country. A year ago, a functioning Democracy in Iraq was just a distant thought, today it's a reality. Because of this, many Iraqi people have released pent up pessimism against the US, and people are seeing how much better life is now and how much better it has the potential to become.
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