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Posts posted by noelandmero

  1. All would have likely gotten a lighter sentence if they had been able to hire their own lawyers instead of having an over-worked, under-experienced lawyer appointed for them.

    Who cares what lawyer they had they had a lawyer and as the saying goes don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

    I don't care if you are a hard done to native youth or a rich white kid looking for thrills steal my car and I hope you are in the pen for five years and you had better hope to god I don't catch you stealing it in my drive way because then it is tresspasing as well and I would shoot you with out hesitation so 5 years is getting off light. Quit making excuses for people bad decision should have hard consequences poverty is not an excuse.

  2. As for polygamy, why not? If a man wants five wives or a woman wants five husbands or if somebody wants to enter into a polygamus same sex marriage, what the hell business is it of ours?

    I happen to agree, I just feel that before Canadians are asked to support the redefinition of marriage and have it used as a campaigne issue the consequences should be fully explained to all canadians so that they can make a decision they are comfortable with and not because they feel guilty because someone called them a bigoted homophobe.

  3. Quibble: neither Islam or Mormonism sanction polygamy.

    Only post things you know as both these religons do promote polygamy.

    Polygamy is still a canonized doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Many polygamists claim that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church.

    Many members leave The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in order to join Mormon faiths that practice polygamy. Many other LDS practice polygamy very discretely within the church.

    Many members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are descended from polygamous ancestors.


    The Qur´an says, "If you fear that you will not act justly towards the orphans, marry such women as

    seem good to you, two, three, four [at a time]; but if you fear you will not be equitable, then [marry] only

    one or what your right hands own, so it is likelier you will not be partial" (Sura al-Nisa´ 4:3). Polygamy was a widespread phenomenon in pre-Islamic times, just as it was with the Semitic peoples of the time.(1)


    Note Islam also supports polygamy so blackdog read before you post as now you just appear ignorant. And this would certainly qualify unjust discrimination.

  4. Doctors run a buisness they do not have jobs with salaries in the US or Canada. Would you ever open a buisness risk youre capital if I told you there was no gurantee you would make 150k but the most you could ever make was 150K. Why invest time and money into something that is capped I could potentially make more money collecting cans. If I showed up at CIBC tomorrow and asked for a 500K loan to setup this kind of buisness they would say get bent. This argument is all about potential would you go to work and work hard if you were going to get the same no matter what.

  5. How can you say that. If we say that not allowing gay marriage is against the charter of rights and freedoms in Canada then banning polgamy would also be against the charter of rights in freedom. As we would be violating not only that persons human rights by discrimanating against him we would also be violating his/her right to freedom of religon as both the islamic and mormon faith advocate polygamy. Thus if we as a society can not dictate who can and can not get married we can not ban polygammy amongst consenting adults. If we alow gay marriage and then somebody decides to take to court there right to have more than one wife I guarantee he will win as the same legal arguments apply.

    As I have previously stated I could care less if we ban it or do not ban it what 2 or 4 consenting adults want to do is none of my concern. However you can not say we can discrimanate agaisnt one group and not another. I feel people should be informed about this before making a decision. I would hope the left wing also feels informed decisions should be made on an issue such as this.

    PS. It is Jack layton who says this is a human rights issue and that it is not upto canadians to chose if they like it or not.

  6. I left Canada almost entierly because I wanted to run my buisness my way and if it worked be rewarded for it. In Canada this is very difficult as the government tells you how you are going to do things and what you are going to get paid. Then of course Alberta although a wonderful place has shit weather. The best thing canada could do to help keep healthcare professionals I feel is to alow some privatization of non-essential services and add co-pays. An example would be an orthopedist doing knee replacement surgery he must do 80% for the public system and is then allowed to charge 20% of people who want to jump the line. Ie. for every 8 done in the public system he can do to privately. Also I would send out quarterly reports to everyone letting them know how much of there tax money went to healthcare. Health care in Canada is not free and Canadians need to understand that. Overall the Canadian system is better for society than the US system but people do not become doctors only to benifit society. I am willing to admit there is also a huge finacial component that induce people to become doctors. The government needs to recognize this and allow some entrepenurial spirit into the field otherwise more and more doctors will leave. After all if I wanted to be a wage slave there are much easier paths than this one.

  7. QUOTE 

    Michael Moore is of one extreme, but so too is the current right-wing US Govt. and its mass manipulation of the mainstream American media.

    You have GOT to be kidding me, the only news source in USA that is right-wing biased is Fox News and that gets so much flak its amazing


    It's at times like these one is grateful for the CBC.

    HAHAHAAA!! The CBC? Talk about a biased media outlet, you say the US government manipulates the media and yet you support the most blatantly left-leaning Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Yet again, more Liberal naivety


    Stephen Harper will walk in goose-step tandem with the Americans, same as Mulroney did, if given the opportunity.

    I bet you dont know the first thing about Harper, you simply are spouting off what you have heard your media sources say. If you knew anything about conservatives it is that we are right-wing, but we are Canadian. Therefore, while some policies might seem American, that is because the USA is currently furthur to the right than Canada. So when we get a right-wing government in that is Canadian OF COURSE there are going to be similarities, does that means we will become the 51st state? Heck no, over our dead bodies =p


    As for the film itself, it will be viewed widely in Canada as was his previous flick Bowling For Columbine (Moore's films are usually funded by a number of Canadian sources). I doubt it will have the same impact in right wing Alberta that it will in the rest of Canada.

    His films are a debauchery of truth, they intentionally decieve the public and fuel controversy.. If you are willing to believe such an outright liar such as Michael Moore then you have no business declaring judgement on the conservatives


    While most Torontonians I know are fed up with the Liberals, they aren't naive enough to fall for the bible-thumpin', homophobic, potenial Rights infringing Conservative Party. 

    Bible thumping? Nah. Homophobic? Are you crazy? potenial Rights infringing? Bill c-250 anyone? Liberal majority?


    My hope is Canada won't give the PMO to Harper (or to anyone with a majority govt.). Like him or hate him, and though I'm not voting Liberal, Paul Martin could be our best bet for a PM of a minority govt.

    Paul Martin, the guy responsible for the waste of untold billions of taxpayer dollars, for a legacy of corruption and the destruction of the Canadian society that made this country the best on earth...

    As Alexis de Tocqueville once said:


    "I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors, in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic Congress and matchless Constitution. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is Good, and if America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great."

    You are supporting the downfall of North America InTO

    Spot on.

  8. If you can sell polygamy to 50% of the population of Canada I have a job for you and will gladly pay you a million dollars a year get you an h1b visa and give you stock options. Also note if you read my post I said I could care less if gays get married or people have more than one wife. But accepting one is not accepting the other and if you allow one you you have to alow the other and I think if you told alot of canadians who say ok same sex marriage is fine that the same law would ensure legalisation of polygamy they woulsay hell no then we are not having same sex marriage.

  9. I could care less if we have same sex marriages but consider this; currently our marriage laws are based on the judeo-christain faith. If we decide to scrap this, which I am fine with, what are we going to say to the next minority group that represents more than 2% of the population. If marriage laws are based on the charter of rights an freedoms Canadians had better also be ready to support poligamy. As when an upstanding, taxpaying muslim Canadian says that his religon says that if can afford three wives he should have them and he and his wife have found a second wife who they want to part of thier family how will the Canadian laws now say no to them. Freedom of religion and anti descrimantory laws would kick in, the argument that no one is getting hurt and they just want to be treated equally and be happy would apply. So to all people who support this issue think long and hard before you do as gay marriage is not all you will have to support.

  10. am getting a little tired of the baby boomers aging and overloading the system nonsense. The younger people today go running to the doctor every time they sneeze. I am 62; In the last 20 years; I have probably gone to the doctor 3 times and then walked out once for being ignored and left to rot. Prescriptions; last one was around 1980. Most of you younger ones have probably visited a doctor more in the last year than I have in 20 years.

    If it were not for all of these people running in every time there temp. was up by one degree or they have a cold or there legs were cramping I would be hard pressed to make any money and not only that I would have to work for my money too. God I love the new generation of hypocondriacs. But I agree with this statement 100% 60% of the people in my office have no good reason to be there. Good for me not so good if the tax payer is paying rhe bill.

  11. All these disscusion are assuming jail and prison are the same thing and they are not. You have always been able to vote if you were in jail. As jail is for sentences under 365 days and for people who can't pay fines. Jail is were the two farmers previously disscused go. Prison on the other hand is for true criminals with sentences over a year, multiple offenses, murder, rape ect. These people have with out a doubt given up there right to vote.

  12. Prisoners should not be allowed to vote, they gave up their rights when they broke the laws of this nation. Why should they have the same electoral rights as law abidding citizens especially when it comes to voting for a party that would instate lower punishments for crimes

    First off I agree with htis totally. Here is something intersting to think about. What does everybody feel about the US system were prisoners do not only not get to vote if you have been convicted of a felony you never get to vote again. One part of me says that's fair another part of me says some people do get out of prison and become productive taxpayers should they not have a say in hoe there money is spent. What does everybody else think.

  13. By the way Playful; claims that Saddam gassed his own people is NOT a proven fact. In fact, according to the USA War College; the Kurds were likely gassed by accident as both the Iranians and the Iraqi military were using gas on each other. The Kurds just came in between. PLUS; according to their experts the gas poisoning they were showing symptoms of were indicative of the gas being used bu Iran. Of course, we must remember that at that time; Saddam was a close ally of the USA in their dispute with Iran; perhaps it IS just more American changing propaganda??????

    My god what a load of crap . Please try reading one of the following books Saddam Hussein by Said Aburish( note it is by an Arab), The Kurds of Iraq: Tragedy and Hope by Michael M. Gunter or Saddam: King of Terror

    by Con Coughlin. All of these books include either eyewitness acounts of the gas attacks or admissions by Iraqi officilas ocurred. You probably think hitler killed a few jews by mistake as well how ignorant.

  14. Yes oil is so cheap here in the US do to the invasion of Iraq. That is why gas here is at an all time high I paid 2.34 a gallon this afternoon. so don't talk about things you so obviously know nothing about.

    Do you ever listen to the news. Stoker. If you still believe that Bush and co had just cause to risk young Americans lives and to kill thousands of innocent Iraqis; you are beyond hope. You must live in your own little world of denial. How old are you?

    Maybe what you should do is broden youre horizons and quit watching CBC and pick up a book and do some real reading on this war that is costing billions of dollars not making money. Saying the US should not have gone is the dumbmest thing I have ever heard maybe we should not have stepped in agaisnt Hitler either.

    The reasons for going can be debated but doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is still doing the right thing. Twenty years from now when Iraq is a beacon of democracy in the gulf Bush will be hailed as a visionary. And then you can kiss his ass just like all the liberals politicians had to do to President Regan lastweek when they realized how much everyone but the ultra left wing loved him.

  15. Argus....you can pump it all you want. Most Canadians one issue with the gun registry is the cost overrun. Julian is one police chief amongst thousands. The association of police chiefs is supportive of the gun registry.

    Your guns are not being taken away.

    You are correct but no country in the twetieth centry that has had a gun registry in the end has not taken them away. IE britain, Austrailia and germany.

  16. So then you would agree that a second abortion would be totally the individuals responsiblity I am too assume?

    or would there be mitigating circumstances such as:

    1.) they do not make enough money to afford birth control 

    2.) they are not educated enough to know how to use it 

    3.) its their preference and rights to do as they please

    4.) etc.

    An idea that is logical, fair and brilliant probably why we will never see it adopted.

  17. they inherited a $42-billion deficit from Brian Mulroney

    not to defend lying brian but he iherited 20 billion of it from youre man trudeau.

    Now Martin wants to take us FORWARD into the 21st century

    PM could give a shit about his country he is not really a liberal anyway he just knew it was the party that through graft and corruption he could get into power. If he was such a wonderful guy maybe he should not steal. Even his company is not based in Canada as he knows Canadas tax structure is horrid. If he does not trust his gov't with his money why should I.

  18. Since when did personal responsabilty become a swear word in the real world it was makes people successful. I don't give my dog a strip of bacon for shitting in the living room I yell no at her and throw her outside. People are not hat much different.

    Helping someone who has made a mistake once is honorable to keep doing it over and over is stupidity. There comes a time when you need to let people wallow in the disasters they have created or they will never learn. It is actually amazing how many of them decide living in poverty sucks and make trully wonderful success stories out of themselves.

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