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Posts posted by noelandmero

  1. My mother which of whome is dying of cancer and has only a few months to live, gets visited at our home by two nurses 5 days a week, plus medication.

    Try getting that in the U.S.

    Actually it is very easy. I ran my hand through a table saw last year and had a wound care nurse at my house twice a day to change the bandages. Comments like this are baseless and just show ignorance. These services are far easier to get in the US they just cost far more money. As I have said before no extreme health care system works the US system is on one end of the spectrum and Canada's is on the other end. Systems that attempt to balance private and public are proven to be the best. If any one is interested I have the latest study on world health care systems that shows this but I can not post it as it is a 50 page acrobat file but I would be happy to email it to you.

  2. The first four men - the poorest - would pay nothing; the fifth would pay $1; the sixth would pay $3; the seventh $7; the eighth $12; the ninth $18; the tenth man -- the richest -- would pay $59.

    Love the analogy I Miss Regan but youre rich man must be an idiot because even our vaunted PM knows to hide his money some where other than Canada. A country which seems to be full of people who will say that working hard and doing well is dirty, instead of something to proud of.

  3. I had one and got rid of it. I got rid of it because unless for two reasons, one it runs on the GSM network which means once you leave a major center it is an expensive paper wieght and two when you are in a major center you are 100% accesible to all forms of communication and it felt like the thing never quit going off.

  4. We wuz robbed!!!!! Pay back your student loan, then, deadbeat. Pay for your own education.

    Now that is funny as I paid back my student loan all 40k of it with in 6 months of graduating. As to being a deadbeat I can only assume you are comparing me to bill Gates and Ted Turner and one day I hope to rival even them.

  5. Not only am I not young as a gurantee I have seen more of this world and lived in more countries than you even know exist. I have lived in socialist countries have you? Have you ever lived in the US? Come down off youre high horse and quit insulting people open youre mind some right ideas are not bad just as some left ideas are good.

  6. "the US does not give a shit what Canada does niether do Americans infact youre lucky if they can find it on a map. The world unfortunatly does not revolve around Canada."

    Sorry to hear that Americans are so dumb. Many I met are not that ignorant. Perhaps they need to improve their schools. I presume you went to school there as you cannot spell., make or make sentences.

    Come to think of it; the Americans couldn't find all those WMD that they claimed were in Iraq and that they KNEW where they were. he he.

    Oh the government of the USA is quite aware of Canada. We do provide them with much of their power sources and we help fund their space program, too. We do have a large border and they are aware of us. They are, also, aware of our oil resources up north and are trying to lay claim. (Canada is now mapping out the boundaries between Canada and Alaska to ensure they keep their mitts off.) American companies are always right here bidding on projects whenever our governments have a large one.

    And Americans (California / Shwartzenegger) are not too happy about all the film jobs going to Canada. 

    Actually I went to school at the U of A thank you.

    Americans are not dumb they just have no need to know about Canada which is my point. What can you tell me about Andorra? Nothing I pressume, does that make you dumb no, ignorant perhaps. Do you need to know anything about Andorra no so is this ignorance a bad thing probably not.

    If you keep thinking the US gives a squirt about you, you will keep being pissed at her. The reality is she does not care about you at all which is the point Canada is a place to do buisness that is it.

    You obviously live in some dream world were Canada is the center of the universe and have no clue as to the realities of the world around and as personal attacks seem to be the order of the day I will go to bed knowing happily that no matter how horribly I spell that it can be fixed were as you are an ignorant fool with penis envy of the US.

    PS like my run on sentence it's good hun

  7. I think Democracy is a bit of a victim of its own success. If we had real pressing problems affecting the majority, then we'd be out there voting. Right now, elections seem to have taken their place among many entertainments available to us.

    You can see from many of the personalities on this board that many people vote as an expression of their personal philosophies about the world, as a way of identifying themselves. Why else would people have such strong opinions about parties that have such similar policies ?

    You may have hit the nail on the head.

  8. I think that regional alienation is a major problem, but let's face it guys, Alberta will never leave Canada because there are simply too many patriots here. They just get really angry when Quebec sep. gets too much attention. I wonder if PR may be a way to reduce alientation. Maybe Maple is right.

    You are probably correct in this assement Cartman but a triple e senate is the only way to fix it. It is also a proven concept as it is what helps keep the US together. As States like Alaska have two senators and 1 rep were as california has 2 senators and 55 reps. So Alska still has a say in government because there is both rep by region and population. No alienation problems.

  9. The US is our largest trading partner so obviously they are important to us. Economically, Canada is also important to the US. More importantly, Canada provides the US with political capital when we support their decisions to go to war. Perhaps the US media rarely reports what happens here, but I am sure their government is very aware of what we do. If you read your history books, you will find that US intelligence was quite concerned about the rise of the NDP in the 70's. And, have you ever heard the Trudeau bashing by Nixon in the Watergate tapes?

    By the way Noel, I agree that most Americans probably could not find Canada on a map but they probably could not find the US either.

    The US represents 82% of Canadian trade Canada represents 20% of US trade who is important to who. Canada is also not growing china and india are. Yes Canada comes up on the US governments radar screen but not in the way US policy dominates Canadians lives.



    This is not the seventies the US is no longer concerned with world socialism so do not kid youreself that W sits around worrying what pauly might do or say.

    Yes Canada would provide all that great political capital that countries like the UK and Australia have provided and it got the US What exactly?

    I did not mean to insinuate americans were stupid people just tend to learn very little about things that do not concern them. Most Americans know were Mexico is What the Capital is who there president is and where to go and not to go in mexico the even know the state names. Would the average candian know this of course not and why should they. Do not assume americans are stupid because there need to know anything about our country is zero so there knowledge about our country is zero.

  10. As I said: if you hate it here, you're free to move elsewhere.

    We will and we will take our ignorant, cavemen citizenry with us and our province and our capitalist swine money too. You can then sit in you’re workers paradise and call us hicks if you like; although, I would have thought do to you’re obvious intellectual superiority that might be beneath you. I mean don't all the Albertans on this board need a name tag so they can spell there own names.

  11. Basically it boils down to Albertans being a self-absorbed bunch of twits who, through no work of their own, happen to be sitting on an economic bonanaza of black gold. They see this as justification, act like whiny teenagers who sulk and threaten to run away from home when they don't get their way. It's pathetic.

    If this is an educated reply to Alberta's concerns over how her money is spent it is time for Alberta to go. This kind of comment is exactly why albertans are upset let ontario support the welfare state Canada is becoming and we Albertans will gladly go home and take our toys with us. What an ignorant statement.

  12. caesar you are just plain ignorant come live in the US then we can talk the US does not give a shit what Canada does niether do Americans infact youre lucky if they can find it on a map. The world unfortunatly does not revolve around Canada. You can bash the US all you want and think that they care but Canada is irrelavant to them much the same way Botswana would be irrelavant to the vast majority of Canadians. Once you except this fact and quit self agrandising yourself it is much easier to deal with the US.

  13. Aha. So this is about "democratic reform is needed because my party didn't win the election".

    This has nothing to do with winning the election this has to do with making Canada's government more accountable, less dictatorial and ensuring that everyone gets a fare shake.

  14. BSE has not made the news to speak of at all in the US. Free trade with regards to Canada is never mentioned in the news. The US news certainly did not blame Canada for the blackout and nor does Canada get mentioned that often with regards to terrorism. As I stated the Canadian news plays this up because what the US does affects Canadians What Canada does does not affect the US. I can count on my fingers and toes the number of times I have picked up my papers in the morning and read anything about canada since moving here 8 years ago. Plain and simple Canada is virtually irrelavant to the US. I am not saying this to be mean or horrible it is just a fact of life. California alone has more people and a larger economy than all of canada it is just a matter of geography and population. Canada as a market means nothing to the US china and India are far more important. As for our resources what resources are you talking about we have oil they still buy more from the middle east, lumbar they just want there own industry to survive and from what I have read atlantic canada also feels the west is subsidizing this industry. What other grand resources does Canada have the US does not or can not get some place else. Finally of course the US wants things from Canada cheap that is called BUISNESS it is not about being a bastard it is about money.

  15. This whole debate is based on the fact that Canadians actually think the US cares what Canada does, says or thinks. Reality check time the US could give two squirts of warm rat piss what Canada does. Our election results did not even make the news down here. The only Canadian most americans know is Wayne and why should they know or care about anyother Canadians we are not a great ally, there economy is not affected to any great extent by Canada and we do not cause trouble like mexico. What the US does greatly affects Canadians, what Canada does does not affect the US it is time for Canadians to realize this.

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